POP vs Instant On


Mar 18, 2008
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this is from the laser interceptor site

they also have a page for laws by state - from there:

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The chart shoes that there are no known laws for jamming radar in my state of NJ .I dont know anything about police protocal in other states however up here even if they can not PROVE a car is speeding (if and when they search ,find the JAMMER )the only thing it will do is *iss them off to the point of writing tickets on violations where its your word against theirs (careless driving,improper lane change ect ).As far as the right to search a car a seasoned Trooper will use the standard -Your honor as a professional trained in the art of traffic saftey I SMELLED *** IN THE VECHILE AND THE DRIVER APPEARED TO BE UNDER THE INFLUENCE ECT )When the search turns up a device known to jam laser that judge is going to side with the cop.


Jun 9, 2003
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solid info from a friend of mine who knows a little bit about radar in NJ

"apologize and admit you were wrong..." is the best advice given in that thread. He's actually "sort of" right about visual observation of the target's speed. However, that is the first factor that we use - a visual of excessive speed by the offender. This is supported by an audible pitch (doppler tone). And finally, a display of the vehicle's speed on the radar unit itself. Point is - the radar unit is simply a tool used to confirm what the officer has already observed and heard. This is what the officer will testify to in court and this is how he was trained when he received his "radar certification" issued by the Division of Criminal Justice. Ya'll need a better understanding of arrest, search and seizure law here in the good old socialist republic of Joisey...You might want to remind everyone that most Troopers and Municipal law enforcement agencies now utilize video recording systems in their patrol cars. The criteria for a lawful search in NJ now requires "reasonable and articulable suspicion" to obtain/request a consent to search (usually written.) Further, the totality of the circumstances must be substantial in order for probable cause to exist for a search. And at that point, quite frankly, I'd seek a telephonic warrant. Most likely if an officer saw a jammer in plain-view on a stop, or an attempt to conceal it etc. - He'd pen the motorist out pretty good... lol. Plenty of agencies use K and Ka band. Some NJSP cars still use the old MPH Industries units which were X Band. Most officers DO NOT leave the antenna on all the time . They use Instant-on constantly - mostly because it's infallible (if used correctly) Believe me, when I use it, I get guys with V-1's, Beltronics - you name it, I've gotten them. Again, a visual speeding observation is NOT used as a back-up.


Aug 1, 2009
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NW Jersey
Another interesting thing that I have recently learned from my neighbor who is an attorney specializing in traffic law is that in addition to the camera running prior to and during being pulled over, the officers all wear microphones and record the entire conversation... At least that's the case in Jersey.


Mar 18, 2008
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Another interesting thing that I have recently learned from my neighbor who is an attorney specializing in traffic law is that in addition to the camera running prior to and during being pulled over, the officers all wear microphones and record the entire conversation... At least that's the case in Jersey.
Guys having over 50 freiends and family members in law enforcement(NJ) i can tell you not every municipality has everything recorded and there are numerious ways around this.Just because something is stated in a TEXTBOOK (specific right to search a car ect )doesnot always down mean things go down like they should .Last year for example a friend of mines 20 year old kid had his car searched in Long Branch.The kid was stopped for no other reason than he was a white kid driving around Liberty street at 2 in the morning in a new Nissan . If the cops pass you more than once down there at that time of night they STEROTYPE know you dont belong (from there standpoint your down there trying to buy drugs )and they will stop you AND SEARCH FOR NO OTHER REASON.The same goes for Asbury Park,Neptune.They have been getting away with this for years.If anyone doubts this happens let them drive their Viper late at night in any of these towns (circling the same area )and that person will get stopped(and possibly searched ) for no other reason than they dont fit in which is by the textbook AN ILLEGIAL STOP.


Mar 18, 2008
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LOL if they woke up a Judge at two in the morning to optain a warrant for EVERY CAR SEARCHED ON THE JERSEY SHORE esp during the summer that would be something.On a Sat Night in Neptune alone the cops and jump out boys probsably search 30 cars per night.


Mar 11, 2002
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The (UN)Constitution State
I used to run radar detectors in my different cars a few years ago. I was traveling the east coast on assignments from month to month, as well as living in a small town in CT known for their police harassment of motorists via traffic laws. I grew up there, and had been pointedly harassed on several occasions with no cause. I was also rightfully caught a few times before I turned 17 for speeding. But having experienced the joy of both the tickets and the undue attention, radar detectors were a logical choice to avoid future headaches.

Ultimately, I decided they are a total waste of money and effort. Some of the less complex ones of a decade ago would beep and go off due to IR sensors at store entrances, etc. Or I'd sail past a trooper I know is shooting me but get no report.

They key for me is to just watch traffic up ahead. You should be scanning traffic for safety's sake anyway, so why not use your eyes to watch for brake lights or cars on the side of the road? It's also not a bad idea to slow down to legal speeds before passing a bridge or cresting a hill or turn. Using someone as a bird dog to flush the cops out ahead of you is a great tool, too. It's not hard to find those folks who like to speed up when they see a sports car. Just tuck in behind them and trail at a distance.

These easy common sense things have kept me speeding ticket free for almost a decade now. (There was that one at 4am coming home from a girlfriend's where I was speeding just to stay awake... any slower and I'd nod off... for whatever it's worth)

If these things don't work for you, you can always just keep it over 120 and accelerate if he flips on the lights and hope to get away. If you know the area well enough to evaluate your chances, then good luck. I plead the 5th to at least 3 occasions... what a terrible youth I had!

And if you're STILL riddled with tickets. Just get yourself a cheap silver Crown Vic for a daily driver. They'll never touch you again.

Steve 00RT/10

Nov 18, 2000
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I would bet a meal that ALL law enforcement people…township, city , and state use visual observation a great deal of the time. …it makes the instant on so much more effective. It takes virtually no training to see someone coming at you at excessive speed. I would guess anything more than 10 over is a no brainer for anyone to see….thus triggering the officer’s propensity to push the trigger. That’s really the bulk of who gets tagged. They typically don’t care about 5,6,7 over. I worked for years with a retired state trooper who became a safety man for our company back in the late 90s…….and that’s exactly the way they used instant on once it came out.

Instant on was also the death knell for accurately using a rabbit or bird dog in front of you. I can’t begin to count how many times I’ve been shot (in any vehicle…much less a Viper) by instant on when he had shot no one in front of me for over a mile sometimes

Another hint………..don’t drive with the big driving lights on. They are big, low, and with a big gap between them….setting you apart from the rest….and many times arousing the curiosity of the officer approaching……and setting off his trigger finger.

Today, with instant on, no matter how much you spend on ‘equipment’….if you speed most/all the time, thinking you’re protected, you will eventually get a ticket…..period. ….To say nothing of the fact that you’re endangering others…unless done in good conditions, on open road where it’s likely only you, or your passengers, are the only ones you’re going to hurt.

I drove 50-60K miles for years and learned the above lesson many years ago. Allowing a couple extra minutes to get where you're going is no big deal. I run 6-7 over for sustained speeds, occassionally having an 'exposure time' event where triple digits pop up for a bit...and then I immediately brake back down to my 6-7 over. 7-8 seconds of exposure and it's all done. It's not fool proof, but greatly reduces your chances for a ticket.

Prior to instant on, it was pretty tough to get a speeding ticket if you ran a detector unless you were doing something really stupid…or were VASCARed


Tom F&L GoR

Oct 3, 2000
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Wappingers Falls
FWIW, between Poughkeepsie and Syracuse, and between Poughkeepsie and Potsdam NY, I have had my Charger on cruise at 9.9 MPH over and driven through tens of radar spots over the last three years and never been pulled. Maybe it's the silver Charger or maybe that it's not 10 over....

Sounds like another poll question - how many miles over before you think you'd get a public certificate documenting your speed?

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
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tampa, fl USA
Cops trained in visual observation of speed? This cop must've missed that day of class. He thought he was doing 35 when in fact (gps records) he was doing 50 when he hit the other car. Maybe visual observation training is only for when you're outside the car and not sitting in the driver's seat with a speedometer directly in front of you.

GPS plays major role in speeding case against officer - Bay News 9

Of course the judge sided with the cop anyway.

Our justice industry. Pathetic.


Sep 18, 2001
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Manhattan, USA
FWIW, between Poughkeepsie and Syracuse, and between Poughkeepsie and Potsdam NY, I have had my Charger on cruise at 9.9 MPH over and driven through tens of radar spots over the last three years and never been pulled. Maybe it's the silver Charger or maybe that it's not 10 over....

Sounds like another poll question - how many miles over before you think you'd get a public certificate documenting your speed?

If I'm not mistaken, most speedometers are factory calibrated to show be 2-5 MPH more than the actual speed. 9.9 over is most likely 5 or 6 over.

Steve 00RT/10

Nov 18, 2000
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Cops trained in visual observation of speed? This cop must've missed that day of class. He thought he was doing 35 when in fact (gps records) he was doing 50 when he hit the other car. Maybe visual observation training is only for when you're outside the car and not sitting in the driver's seat with a speedometer directly in front of you.

GPS plays major role in speeding case against officer - Bay News 9

Of course the judge sided with the cop anyway.

Our justice industry. Pathetic.

That's pretty much a useless analogy as far as the visual observation thing goes. The cop should have been busted, but the other guy was at fault as well. If the shoe were on the other foot...meaning anyone here was involved in the same situation (meaning the cop driving too fast), they'd likely be getting a high priced lawyer and would probably get the same outcome.

What I'm saying is that visual observation of speed is far from rocket science....anybody (you, me...anyone) can pretty much tell if someone is 10-15 over just by looking at them coming at you.....and that's how instant on works the best and so far is not legally able to be defeated.


Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
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tampa, fl USA
anybody (you, me...anyone) can pretty much tell if someone is 10-15 over just by looking at them coming at you

Anybody? No way. You have too much faith in people's ability. In fact, I'd say most folks cannot accurately visually judge speed. Ask most parents how fast people drive through their neighborhood and most will say "like a bat outta hell" which roughly translates to 50mph which as we all know is an exaggeration.

I religously drive the limit in my neighborhood. Once I got the evil eye and another time got a nasty remark. Both times I was doing 25mph. Not 26mph, not 27mph, but 25mph.

People can't even judge speed to merge into traffic safely.


Jun 9, 2003
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what chuck said except for the cops.

i get nasty looks all the time going thru a local town at exactly the speed limit with low rpms (30mph) but my car is pretty loud...


Aug 1, 2009
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NW Jersey
I have a middle of the line Whistler in my daily driver and in NJ where the roads are pretty crowded. It saves me at least a dozen times a month just picking up cops tracking cars ahead of me. A lot of the cops leave the X and K band on all of the time and it keeps me alert when I know they are in the area. The only time I have been pulled over for speeding is either before 6am on empty highways on the weekend headed to the shore and after 2am coming home from a night out with nobody around. From what I can see almost nobody drives within the speed limit and the vast majority of the time cops will wait until a car is by itself to hit them with radar and pull them over.

Steve 00RT/10

Nov 18, 2000
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Anybody? No way. You have too much faith in people's ability. In fact, I'd say most folks cannot accurately visually judge speed. Ask most parents how fast people drive through their neighborhood and most will say "like a bat outta hell" which roughly translates to 50mph which as we all know is an exaggeration.

I religously drive the limit in my neighborhood. Once I got the evil eye and another time got a nasty remark. Both times I was doing 25mph. Not 26mph, not 27mph, but 25mph.

People can't even judge speed to merge into traffic safely.

You're missing my point all together. ...and I continue to disagree about the speed thing...especially after working with my trooper friend for so many years. (I'm also pushing 2 million miles of windshield time so maybe that skews my opinion) I thought the idea of visual observation was crazy at first too, but I started looking for just that thing...both in front and coming behind me. I found it quite easy to distinguish excessive speed visually.....but it was never my premise to say that a cop can judge it accurately. My point was to say in order to utilize instant on radar most effectively, they keep the gun silent for sometimes long stretches at a time, by only shooting those they 'visually' think are going to fast.....thereby totally negating any usefulness from a Radar detector. If they guessed wrong on the visual....you don't get a ticket and it also sends a warning shot out to all who run a detector. In these days of budget cuts, we have seen many cop cars parked, radar running, and no one inside....definitely makes you check your speed...which is the intent.

You must live in the wrong hood Chuck ;) . We can be heard 2 blocks away on start up and over 2 miles away at WOT.....and we get nothing but compliments on the car. We have been in and out of our sub for 95,600 miles the last 10 years of 6 month seasons......amounting to many times a week and like you...only at 25 MPH. As a matter of fact ....25 MPH in 4th gear (1200 RPM) makes the Roe whistle it's tune quite nicely as we rumble along. Thumbs up is all we have seen so far :drive:



Mar 18, 2008
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Guys when my cousin was a young Trooper TWENTY FIVE TEAYS AGO i used to ride shotgun with him ALL the time IN THE TROOPER CAR.In NJ a young Troopers dream is to work the Garden State Parkway during the summer months SATURDAY MORNING as you get all the girls heading to the beach.Whether SOME CHOOSE to believe it or not they are trained in VISUAL OBSERVATION OF SPEEDERS FROM THERE THEY HIT THEM WITH THE INSTANT ON..


Mar 18, 2008
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In particular reference to this thread there appears to be a VAST DIFFERENCE between what happens in the textbook world and what happens in the real world .In the textbook world people are stopped ,searched, cited ect by the specific rule of law .There is no profiling ect.Police do not speed on or off duty there are no such things as PBA cards ,STRA stickers (because of there were that would show favoritism )in the case of an arrest great legal representaton is provided whether the defend can afford it or not ALL IN ALL KIND OF A FANTASYLAND .In the real world our police speed on or off duty (pull out their badge to get away with it if off duty )PROFILE and come up with irrevelant reasons to stop and search cars (crossed the doub;le yellow back there )provide PBA CARDS ,badge numbers ,STFA Stickers to extend prof courtesy to their family and friends and the person who can afford the best lawyer gets off.


May 28, 1998
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And you call these cheating, lying criminals your friends and family (at least 50 per your earlier post). The law is the law. In case the police create their own law and police according to it does not make it the law. What it does is make them the criminals. Rather than support that deviant behavior I would be telling my "friends and family" to become responsible human beings and follow the law. But no, you come here and preach about all the lawbreaking things your friends and family use while "enforcing" the law. And act proud of it.

You have convinced me to stay the heck out of New Jersey.


Mar 18, 2008
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And you call these cheating, lying criminals your friends and family (at least 50 per your earlier post). The law is the law. In case the police create their own law and police according to it does not make it the law. What it does is make them the criminals. Rather than support that deviant behavior I would be telling my "friends and family" to become responsible human beings and follow the law. But no, you come here and preach about all the lawbreaking things your friends and family use while "enforcing" the law. And act proud of it.

You have convinced me to stay the heck out of New Jersey.
Its not preaching its the real world in NJ WHETHER YOU OR I LIKE IT does not matter the above happens every day and that is a fact.


May 28, 1998
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People commit crimes all over the world all the time. It does not make it right. Crooked cops should be jailed. And making excuses for them is just plain bad.


Mar 18, 2008
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People commit crimes all over the world all the time. It does not make it right. Crooked cops should be jailed. And making excuses for them is just plain bad.
I dont think you understand NJ population concentration makes it have quite unique problems for our police .You have a town like DEAL with 10 million dollar beachfront homes and 1 mile away you have the gettos of Asbury Park or Neptune (the only thing dividing them is a town line .Our police must bend the law (PROFILE ECT )BECAUSE ITS JUST NOT FEASABLE to do it any other way.Last week for example my friend who is a Captain in one of the above towns told me they just picked up a doctor from nearby Monmouth Medical buying crack.One oclock in the morning driving around Jefferson Street Asbury Park in a Bentley the cops know hes not down there for a sightseeing tour.


Mar 18, 2008
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I dont think you understand NJ population concentration makes it have quite unique problems for our police .You have a town like DEAL with 10 million dollar beachfront homes and 1 mile away you have the gettos of Asbury Park or Neptune (the only thing dividing them is a town line .Our police must bend the law (PROFILE ECT )BECAUSE ITS JUST NOT FEASABLE to do it any other way.Last week for example my friend who is a Captain in one of the above towns told me they just picked up a doctor from nearby Monmouth Medical buying crack.One oclock in the morning driving around Jefferson Street Asbury Park in a Bentley the cops know hes not down there for a sightseeing tour.
PS on the same token in Deal you have the homeowner of the 10 million dollar house (1 mile from Asbury Park )paying 150 grand thats correct 150 grand a year in property taxes and do you think he gives a crap about the fact that the law is being broken because the DEAL POLICE are reverse profiling by stopping cars cars that they think dont belong in Deal at 1 in the morning (Asbury park residents ).The only thing that guy cars about is the safety of his family and home and for 150 k a year they had better be safe and if that involves the cops breaking the law so be it


May 28, 1998
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Population density is no excuse for illegal tactics by the police. And I been in places with a much higher population density than new Jersey (just waiting for you to state that cannot be true as NJ is the center of the freaking universe).

So I take it you are in favor of the rich having different laws than the poor. Seems so as you indicate acceptance of that fact of life.


Mar 18, 2008
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Population density is no excuse for illegal tactics by the police. And I been in places with a much higher population density than new Jersey (just waiting for you to state that cannot be true as NJ is the center of the freaking universe).

So I take it you are in favor of the rich having different laws than the poor. Seems so as you indicate acceptance of that fact of life.
Not in this country you have not because NJ has the greatest population density in AMERICA.Good ,bad or indifferent it does not matter what you or i think the golden rule is the golden rule -THE MAN WITH THE GOLD MAKES ALL THE RULES thats the way it is nothing we can think say or do will ever change that fact you can not fight city hall.


Mar 18, 2008
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LOL Do you think it was JUST BY CHANCE that the TV show Sopranos was about a family in NJ.


May 28, 1998
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Not in this country you have not because NJ has the greatest population density in AMERICA.Good ,bad or indifferent it does not matter what you or i think the golden rule is the golden rule -THE MAN WITH THE GOLD MAKES ALL THE RULES thats the way it is nothing we can think say or do will ever change that fact you can not fight city hall.
Only by using state political boundaries. Now again where is the highest population per square mile in the country, regardless of polical boundaries?

And by the way Mexico City and Sao Paulo are MUCH higher, as some of us have been outside the US.

here is a map of population density. Notice how many areas appear in the same range. Should they all have cops with no rules also? [media]http://www.bus.wisc.edu/realestate/images/resources/us_density.gif[/media]
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Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
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tampa, fl USA
You must live in the wrong hood Chuck ;) .

It used to be a good neighborhood. Until the minivan moms and testicleless fathers moved in and wanted speed bumps everywhere because little Johnny MIGHT run out in the road and get hit. Even though it has never happened in the 50 years of this neighborhood's existence. Of course they don't want their child to be the first. :rolleyes:

But I digress.

Tom F&L GoR

Oct 3, 2000
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Wappingers Falls
If I'm not mistaken, most speedometers are factory calibrated to show be 2-5 MPH more than the actual speed. 9.9 over is most likely 5 or 6 over.

Except it matches my GPS speed, so I'm more inclined to think it's closer to actual. Unless Boeing calibrates their airplanes to read 50 MPH lower... ;)

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