VEC2 Questions: How to Calibrate Sensor Input, and what does "Export Settings" mean?


Nov 1, 2002
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
First, many thanks to Sean Roe who has pretty much answered all of my questions within a few hours. I feel bad calling him on weekends, though, so I'll bother all of you instead :)

I just installed an LC-1 wideband sensor and an Autometer Boost Gauge (5776, electric gauge with analog output to data logger). I set the LC-1 to 0V=10 and 5V=18. However, I still need to calibrate the VEC2 software to interpret the voltage. Some people report having VEC2 log settings that already have a dropdown menu choice that includes the LC-1. However, my software (version 3.5) does not have it for some reason. Schulmann posted several years ago that he was able to manually change the dropdown menu choices by inserting a text string of:

A. Open the default log file: usually something like : VEC2_Log_.cbl
B. Place the following line between after tag "Log_sens_def18=" and just before the tag [end log_sens_def].

Log_Sens_Def19=WBC AFR Tab 17 10 10.26 10.5 10.75 11.01 11.25 11.5 11.74 12 12.26 12.5 12.75 13 13.25 13.5 13.74 14 14.26 14.5 14.75 15.01 15.25 15.5 15.74 16 16.26 16.5 16.75 17.01 17.25 17.5 17.74 WB AFR 2

However, I don't see how to do that on the current 3.5 VEC2 software. Is there a way to do this? Looks like it's just a linear relationship from 10 to 18.

It would be nice if someone could email me the default log file that includes the LC-1 controller, but does anyone know how to manually make one? I need to convert the Boost gauge voltage into pressure (from -15 to 30psi) so that I can log it on the VEC2.

LASTLY, there is a button that says, "Export these box settings to main program." What does this do exactly? According to the instructions, I thought it would somehow overlay my log data on top of the VEC2 adjustments, so I could see where they were made. But, when I push the button, nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong?

Many thanks in advance...
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Oct 7, 2001
Reaction score
Portland, OR, USA
Re: VEC2 Questions: How to Calibrate Sensor Input, and what does "Export Settings" me

The changes are made to the VEC2_Default_Log_Settings file which is a .cbl file. It will be in the directory with all the other VEC2 files. Edit it in a text editor like Notepad to add the settings that Shulmann mentioned. When you open the logging window, select this file in the log file to open window and you should see your changes. Been a few years since I did this, but I think it's correct.

Here is what mine looks like for the DynoJet Wideband Commander. It is setup as a linear item. Now that I look at the one you listed, it looks like it is also for the Wideband Commander (WBC). Not sure if that is the same conversion as the LC1 or not.

Log_Sens_Def19=Dynojet A/F Linear 0.03125 10 0 255 A/F 1
[end log_sens_def]

On the 'Export Box Settings' the VEC2 stores the current program with the log file. If you open a log file and then press this button, it will load the program that was used when the log file was made back into the main VEC2 program window. This is useful if you want to see what settings were used during the time of the logging or if you want to stuff that same program back into the VEC2.

--- Ken
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Nov 1, 2002
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Re: VEC2 Questions: How to Calibrate Sensor Input, and what does "Export Settings" me

You are the man! That's exactly how you edit it, thanks. I did make a minor change to Schulmann's text string, though. I deleted the first digit (17) so that the numbers start at 10, and added an 18 at the end (for a total of 33 numbers). I think he must have used 17 to represent AFR at 0v, because that's how the stock Viper AFR works. But, since I'm using the LC1 and changed the values to 0v=10 and 5v=18, I made the sensor calibration the same.

Box settings make sense, too. I didn't see the difference until I loaded a different VEC2 file. Every time I clicked the button, it would just show me what I already had onscreen :)

BTW, you CANNOT just copy the above text string. It has to have tabs in it. If anyone is reading this for help, just emulate the viper stock_afr line in your default file to figure out how to line everything up.
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