Viperdays, Class Matrix for 2001?

Roger Morgan

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
I agree with both Henry and Janni, meeting new people and making new friends is worth a great deal among the Viper group. An example was at the Finals in Texas when I arrived late and could not find a place to park and Henry and Janni offered a place for me to park using the front of there trailer as a place to put my tools and stuff out of the weather,and then offered me a place to stow everything at night inside there trailer. And we had just met.
Thanks Guys
A day or two ago I said I thought I would stay with the Hoosiers for various reasons. I have changed my mind and want to support Skip and ViperDays because I realize without the sponsors and Skips hard work we may not be able to go out and play and have more fun than most people should be allowed to.
I have located Tires in a far away place that will fit my wheels and should have them by the end of the month.
So count me in and using the new matrix, I will still be in the Prepared class even though I thought I would be bumped up. So If you are using a matrix that is more than 1 week old you should check with Skip and get an updated one, you may be supprised, especially if you have some of the official sponsors products on your car. Example, smooth tubes with K&N filters = 0 points, Borla cat back = 0 points, and many others.
Hope to see everyone in Willow Springs, " By the way when I called today to make a room reservation for the event they only had 7 reservations as of today". Whats up with that, is everyone camping out?


VCA Venom Member
Venom Member
Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Zionsville,IN. USA
I have faithfully read ALL of the above (40) posts. Thank you ALL for the insights and info...VERY valuable indeed. NOW, let's ALL support OUR SERIES. REMEMBER the word " FUN " !!!

Skip, I hope you got my message today on applications, as Elaine and I want to lock-down Viper Days spots before it's too late ( suspect Janni, Henry and OTHERS have already done same)...we plan to bring some NEW (younger!!)Viper Pilots with us, and STUFF the entry list with Ind/Ky members!!
