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  1. N


    Do they give tours of the Viper Plant ? If so How can I go on one ?
  2. N

    What did your viper cost you?

    Dad's 05 VCA was 98,000.
  3. N

    Yellow SRT(non-VCA)

    Any pics?
  4. N

    Little Story

    No Problem, he wanted a 360 modena, but his friend who had an 03 Modena had lots of problems with it , so he got the 05 VCA Viper.
  5. N

    Little Story

    Well, Today was a nice day here in Indiana, so like any nice day my dad decided to take his 05 VCA edition Viper out. He told me that he was followed by an 02 Yellow 360 Modena to his house, and the guy that was driving the Ferrari told my dad " I like this better than my Ferrari, and I think...
  6. N

    Mamba pics

    Such a big picture.
  7. N

    Long Shot

    What a long 2 days. Everything went soo smooth, until we got the car. About 20 minutes into the trip, the engine light goes on, and about 2 minutes later the car dies... The coil cracked,so we don't have the car :(
  8. N

    Long Shot

    Wish us luck, we are going out there Saturday and driving it back.. UGH!
  9. N

    Long Shot

    I hope all this hassle is worth it!
  10. N

    Long Shot

    Hi, we have an 05 Dodge Viper bought, #8/50 . We bought it in New Hampshire, but we won't get it for another week, does anyone know a transport company that can transport this car quickly? Thanks!

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