crazy it still hasn't sold!


Viper Owner
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
"I also thought about removing all the stereo stuff and selling it"
Goodluck with that used electronics are worth nothing even close to what you have invested..constantly outdated
Your better of leaving it in the car


Mar 30, 2002
Reaction score
Vernon CT USA
I find red as bring the least desirable color bull...Try yellow offense to yellow owners!! B/W aint bringing in big bucks either in this economy...striped cars are worth more cause the car costs more with that option...Check out my new thread on color...Al


Sep 23, 2006
Reaction score
Kissimmee, FL
A blanket statement that isn't univerally true, except in Florida, Nevada, Arizona and California.

Nonsense. Houses are relatively worthless these days. I had real estate in NY and luckily sold most of it a couple years ago. The same houses cannot be sold now at 33% cheaper than I sold mine for. The crash has hit far more than a few states.


Oct 14, 2007
Reaction score
the fact that electronics devalue quickly is the reason for taking it out of the car. one is better off, if they appreciate a good JL/MB Quart stereo setup to install it in his/her next car. a buyer has leverage and can say they don't care about the sound system or that it has a very clean install. while not a true parallel, this is also why fully-loaded cars usually lose a greater % of their value on the used lots.

also, i'm not sure how much car amplifier and speaker technology has changed recently, but the specs like THD and RMS power that I used to care about haven't seem to have changed that much over the years. my alpine four channel from 1996 at 0.08%, 4x60w is still banging out the hits over boston acousitc components.

the bigger question is how much time and effort it would take to yank all the goodies out and return it to a stock look.

"I also thought about removing all the stereo stuff and selling it"
Goodluck with that used electronics are worth nothing even close to what you have invested..constantly outdated
Your better of leaving it in the car


Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Nonsense. Houses are relatively worthless these days. I had real estate in NY and luckily sold most of it a couple years ago. The same houses cannot be sold now at 33% cheaper than I sold mine for. The crash has hit far more than a few states.

Pff...houses here continue to appreciate every year...4% gain on my home over last year...still not as good as a 7% the previous year, but I will take 4% over a loss of 33%...:D

Dads Toy

Feb 12, 2008
Reaction score
Kansas City, MO
good ;uck with your sale. I am more amazed at the number of cars you have had being so young. amazing. Still not sure why people consider 20,000 miles high for these cars. I know there are a lot of them out there with under 10k miles but to me a 20K car is still low milage. once you get into the 40-50k range then it might be considered high to me.


Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
good ;uck with your sale. I am more amazed at the number of cars you have had being so young. amazing. Still not sure why people consider 20,000 miles high for these cars. I know there are a lot of them out there with under 10k miles but to me a 20K car is still low milage. once you get into the 40-50k range then it might be considered high to me.

Thank you...2,600 average miles per year is nothing. I like cars...what can I say... :D
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida


Viper Owner
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
the fact that electronics devalue quickly is the reason for taking it out of the car. one is better off, if they appreciate a good JL/MB Quart stereo setup to install it in his/her next car. a buyer has leverage and can say they don't care about the sound system or that it has a very clean install. while not a true parallel, this is also why fully-loaded cars usually lose a greater % of their value on the used lots.

also, i'm not sure how much car amplifier and speaker technology has changed recently, but the specs like THD and RMS power that I used to care about haven't seem to have changed that much over the years. my alpine four channel from 1996 at 0.08%, 4x60w is still banging out the hits over boston acousitc components.

the bigger question is how much time and effort it would take to yank all the goodies out and return it to a stock look.

My point was with the time and effort spent removing the old system and installing original system and the big loss you'll take selling it isnt worth it.
Yes just like all electronics they get outdated every year and they continue to decline in price...Thats not to say your old system doesnt sound good.
Plus every car make and model is set up with different speakers/amp and head for best quality sound(if done right).So the old system is pretty much useless.
Hell take it out leave it in I really dont care:D


Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
I am celebrating my 24th wedding anniversary* and almost 25 years in the business. Which is half my entire life since I will be the big 5 0 next year.

* enjoying it with my Viper buddies
:hail::hail::hail:congrats...on the wedding anniversary, 25 years in bizness and the half century mark...awesome!

Custom Builder

Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Almost 30K miles and a repaint for 40K? Those of you that think he isn't 10K high have been living under a rock. I've been shopping MB CLS 55 AMG's for the past few months. Sold new in the low 100K range. I can now pick one up with very low miles for 42K. I won't pull the trigger because they seem to drop 2K every time I look on Ebay or Autotrader. Decent car and the fact that it doesn't have those hideous stripes will help sell it. I would not touch a car with as much paint work as your car. "The previous owner didn't like the orange peel so he repainted the nose and doors". The guys in the know here are laughing there arses off. Everyone here except the sheep know the car was in some type of accident. The roof and quarters have the same amount of orange peel, why not repaint those? Answer, because they were not damaged in the "incident". High miles and a storied car would not fare well in any enviroment especially now.


Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Almost 30K miles and a repaint for 40K? Those of you that think he isn't 10K high have been living under a rock. I've been shopping MB CLS 55 AMG's for the past few months. Sold new in the low 100K range. I can now pick one up with very low miles for 42K. I won't pull the trigger because they seem to drop 2K every time I look on Ebay or Autotrader. Decent car and the fact that it doesn't have those hideous stripes will help sell it. I would not touch a car with as much paint work as your car. "The previous owner didn't like the orange peel so he repainted the nose and doors". The guys in the know here are laughing there arses off. Everyone here except the sheep know the car was in some type of accident. The roof and quarters have the same amount of orange peel, why not repaint those? Answer, because they were not damaged in the "incident". High miles and a storied car would not fare well in any enviroment especially now. you know me, or the previous owner? I did not think so. Nose was repainted due to rock chips...nothing to do with orange peel. You can believe "the doors story" if you want or is the truth. You are in Nebraska land...not too far away from here. If you are ever in the area, you should by all means stop by and look at her.


Sep 23, 2006
Reaction score
Kissimmee, FL
Almost 30K miles and a repaint for 40K? Those of you that think he isn't 10K high have been living under a rock. I've been shopping MB CLS 55 AMG's for the past few months. Sold new in the low 100K range. I can now pick one up with very low miles for 42K. I won't pull the trigger because they seem to drop 2K every time I look on Ebay or Autotrader. Decent car and the fact that it doesn't have those hideous stripes will help sell it. I would not touch a car with as much paint work as your car. "The previous owner didn't like the orange peel so he repainted the nose and doors". The guys in the know here are laughing there arses off. Everyone here except the sheep know the car was in some type of accident. The roof and quarters have the same amount of orange peel, why not repaint those? Answer, because they were not damaged in the "incident". High miles and a storied car would not fare well in any enviroment especially now.
LOL!!, although the statement about "hideous stripes" is a bit much. Do you know what a Viper is, Custom Builder? Have you ever seen one before? Do you know how many cylinders the engine has? Did your buddy have a 1975 Viper back in the day?


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
Almost 30K miles and a repaint for 40K? Those of you that think he isn't 10K high have been living under a rock. I've been shopping MB CLS 55 AMG's for the past few months. Sold new in the low 100K range. I can now pick one up with very low miles for 42K. I won't pull the trigger because they seem to drop 2K every time I look on Ebay or Autotrader. Decent car and the fact that it doesn't have those hideous stripes will help sell it. I would not touch a car with as much paint work as your car. "The previous owner didn't like the orange peel so he repainted the nose and doors". The guys in the know here are laughing there arses off. Everyone here except the sheep know the car was in some type of accident. The roof and quarters have the same amount of orange peel, why not repaint those? Answer, because they were not damaged in the "incident". High miles and a storied car would not fare well in any enviroment especially now.
Custom Builder HOW could you possibly pass the above comments on a car that you obviously know absolutely NOTHING about.ASSUMPTION is the mother of ALL screwups.


Nov 2, 2004
Reaction score
Almost 30K miles and a repaint for 40K? Those of you that think he isn't 10K high have been living under a rock. I've been shopping MB CLS 55 AMG's for the past few months. Sold new in the low 100K range. I can now pick one up with very low miles for 42K. I won't pull the trigger because they seem to drop 2K every time I look on Ebay or Autotrader. Decent car and the fact that it doesn't have those hideous stripes will help sell it. I would not touch a car with as much paint work as your car. "The previous owner didn't like the orange peel so he repainted the nose and doors". The guys in the know here are laughing there arses off. Everyone here except the sheep know the car was in some type of accident. The roof and quarters have the same amount of orange peel, why not repaint those? Answer, because they were not damaged in the "incident". High miles and a storied car would not fare well in any enviroment especially now.

And the stupidest post of the 2008 year award goes to.....


Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
Almost 30K miles and a repaint for 40K? Those of you that think he isn't 10K high have been living under a rock. I've been shopping MB CLS 55 AMG's for the past few months. Sold new in the low 100K range. I can now pick one up with very low miles for 42K. I won't pull the trigger because they seem to drop 2K every time I look on Ebay or Autotrader. Decent car and the fact that it doesn't have those hideous stripes will help sell it. I would not touch a car with as much paint work as your car. "The previous owner didn't like the orange peel so he repainted the nose and doors". The guys in the know here are laughing there arses off. Everyone here except the sheep know the car was in some type of accident. The roof and quarters have the same amount of orange peel, why not repaint those? Answer, because they were not damaged in the "incident". High miles and a storied car would not fare well in any enviroment especially now.



Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
Lee Summit Mo.
Viper Jon you have a point although I dont blame him for being skeptical as 95% of the time his comments about an incident would be correct.Anyone who knows the car its current owner or the previous owner would have no hesitation concerning its history.
There are no comparables to this car on the market because there is very few people that maintain a car with the fanatacism that this car experienced.It is imposssible to convey the etreme TLC that the car has had.The sales price is dictated by the market and I cant speak to that, but the quality of the car is beyond reproach having seen inside, under and around it.


Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
"The previous owner didn't like the orange peel so he repainted the nose and doors". The guys in the know here are laughing there arses off. Everyone here except the sheep know the car was in some type of accident. The roof and quarters have the same amount of orange peel, why not repaint those? Answer, because they were not damaged in the "incident". High miles and a storied car would not fare well in any enviroment especially now.

I don't know what's more assanine...the fact that you gauge car prices on eBay or AutoTrader or the fact that you assume this Viper has been in an accident. Fact: Certain model year Vipers were notorious for orange peel. Fact: The Viper Owner's Manual states you can wet sand the clear coat only once if you want a smooth finish. Some Viper owners have been known to do just that and wet sand their clear coat while others go for a repaint. Some Viper owners repaint their fascia and side sills on annual basis to keep them looking new after the driving season. Heck, we even had one owner wet sand his '08 and posted a how to on the forum! It's ok to be skeptical but be smart about it.

Don't Assume, it making an Ass out of you. Perhaps if you owned a Viper and were a member of this site you wouldn't Ass*ume so much, noob.
Last edited:


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
This kind of crap annoys the Hell out of me .In this particular case we have a die hard Viper owner ,site supporter trying to sell his car only to be criticized by an individual who knows absolutely NOTHING about the individuals car and in all actuality has never owned a Viper.A few months ago the same thing happened to me only later did i find out the person criticizing my sale was 17 years old and playing on DADDYS computer.


Viper Owner
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Detroit Michigan
What I find interesting is there have been a few posts regarding his (topic creator) sale on this forum and other forums. There seems to be a lot of effort on the sale side of things in a bad economy with a FIRM price? That just doesn't make sense. Tailwag, I am definitely not trying to sound rude, but my question would be at what point does time and effort and waiting for a sale play a point in your decision on price? For me, if I want to sell something , then I want it to be sold. If I want to sell something but the economy or other mitigating factors are preventing me from getting my price, then I will NOT sell it IF I don't have to. I would definitely not be at and other sites posting info and follow ups because that takes a lot of time and that time does equate to money. It doesn't appear that you are hurting for money (i envy your car history at 34) so just take it off the market and save yourself the hassles of dealing with an economy that is pricing GOOD and CLEAN vipers in the mid 30s.

As a tidbit, I was in the viper market for about 6 months and did a lot of due diligence with posting here, watching numerous different forums and was close to buying one from here. I decided to check out a car that is mint condition, red with silver stripes, all original and no mods (bone stock) and the initial price went from 50k to 40k to 37k and I decided to wait. 3 months later, the car is still for sale. THe car will probably sell for about 33k and it will probably be sitting in my garage. I did a LOT of research and I think that if you can deal with taking off about 5k, your car will sell within 2 months. It will be very hard otherwise. There was a 97 viper GTS on autotrader for about 6 months with the following mods: Belanger headers, borla exhaust, smooth tubes, k and n filters, 2008 HIDS with 7600 miles. THe car was LISTED at 37,900. I don't know what the car sold for but it took about 6 months. I talked to the guy selling and he would take 36k. My guess is the car sold for less.

Long-winded post coming to an end but I do think you priced yourself out IF you want to sell anytime soon. If you don't want to sell, I would suggest taking it off the market to clear yourself of the "tire kickers" as all that time and posting does add up to the couple grand you could just chop off the price to sell now. TO close, wouldn't you rather have that ACR NOW? What would having an ACR in your garage now be worth to you? To some people that could be worth a few grand right there. Good luck


Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
louisville ky
I would agree that 30-33k. Early this year you would be right on! Hang in there it takes time, its the holiday season. good luck!


Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
I don't know what you consider a "lot of effort". It takes me 10 minutes to redact an ad for sale...if you copy the code, you can paste it dozens of car forums. I am a car enthusiast, and I have owned just about every car you can think of ($ 100k or less - I am a little cheap :D ) I do belong to several different car boards and have for the last 11 years.

You are quite polite on your take so don't think for a second you are being rude, quite the contrary, and I surely appreciate that.

To answer your question: "At what point does time and effort and waiting for a sale play a point in your decision on price?"
Well, it would depend on how bad I would want the "next" car. Right now, I want it...but I don't HAVE to HAVE it. That being said...I can wait several months or a year. Who knows...maybe I find an ACR that is exactly the same color, same options, etc...then I might become more flexible.

Like I had mentioned before, I think I am ready to buy something else. I have sold every single car that I have owned previously for my asking price (which in my experience and research has always been fair) in 30 days or less (with the exception of a 911 Techart that took me 13 months to sell - and that I had to discount $ 2,000 off due to it having more miles and being one year older). So, trust myself to be patient. Keep in mind I have looked and driven dozens of Vipers before I found this one and even the "excelent", "like new", "inmaculate", "like it just came out of the showroom", did not come close to the shape/condition this one is in, so yes, I feel extremely confident about the condition of the car. If someone can afford it without a loan and has had a chance to look at other "clean" vieprs, and if they come and see this one in person, I am 99% sure they will purchase it without hesitation.

I fully agree wiht you, time is certainly money, and I have come to a point in my life where I have managed to balance both fairly well, so if I decide to spend more time on car forums lurking around and discussing cars, is because I have earned my stripes and have put the time to be able to do it today: And I enjoy it plain and simple. I am a firm believer in the numbers game...the more people see the car, the better the chance I am going to capture the RIGHT buyer and I am sure you can agree that is all it takes is: one buyer. If she sells, she is going to make a car enthusiast a very proud and happy owner. If she doesn't, well, guess what...she ALREADY has a very proud and happy owner... :)

What I find interesting is there have been a few posts regarding his (topic creator) sale on this forum and other forums. There seems to be a lot of effort on the sale side of things in a bad economy with a FIRM price? That just doesn't make sense. Tailwag, I am definitely not trying to sound rude, but my question would be at what point does time and effort and waiting for a sale play a point in your decision on price? For me, if I want to sell something , then I want it to be sold. If I want to sell something but the economy or other mitigating factors are preventing me from getting my price, then I will NOT sell it IF I don't have to. I would definitely not be at and other sites posting info and follow ups because that takes a lot of time and that time does equate to money. It doesn't appear that you are hurting for money (i envy your car history at 34) so just take it off the market and save yourself the hassles of dealing with an economy that is pricing GOOD and CLEAN vipers in the mid 30s.

As a tidbit, I was in the viper market for about 6 months and did a lot of due diligence with posting here, watching numerous different forums and was close to buying one from here. I decided to check out a car that is mint condition, red with silver stripes, all original and no mods (bone stock) and the initial price went from 50k to 40k to 37k and I decided to wait. 3 months later, the car is still for sale. THe car will probably sell for about 33k and it will probably be sitting in my garage. I did a LOT of research and I think that if you can deal with taking off about 5k, your car will sell within 2 months. It will be very hard otherwise. There was a 97 viper GTS on autotrader for about 6 months with the following mods: Belanger headers, borla exhaust, smooth tubes, k and n filters, 2008 HIDS with 7600 miles. THe car was LISTED at 37,900. I don't know what the car sold for but it took about 6 months. I talked to the guy selling and he would take 36k. My guess is the car sold for less.

Long-winded post coming to an end but I do think you priced yourself out IF you want to sell anytime soon. If you don't want to sell, I would suggest taking it off the market to clear yourself of the "tire kickers" as all that time and posting does add up to the couple grand you could just chop off the price to sell now. TO close, wouldn't you rather have that ACR NOW? What would having an ACR in your garage now be worth to you? To some people that could be worth a few grand right there. Good luck


Feb 14, 2006
Reaction score
TW, took 8 very entertaining pages, but it looks like you got the answer to your original question of why the car did not sell after two really isn't for sale. I've been there and can certainly empathize. Just because times are tough, doesn't mean you have to give stuff away if you are able to get by without the money right away. I just overpaid for a b/w 97 today at $45K, but I know the car and am the third owner. In all honesty, I think your car is worth at least $37K with the spare rims/tires & stereo equipment. The nice thing about the higher mileage cars is that you don't feel so bad about racking up miles on the thing having fun with it. Who knows, if Nardelli decides to kill off the program after this year, $40K may seem cheap for your car? :dunno:


Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
TW, took 8 very entertaining pages, but it looks like you got the answer to your original question of why the car did not sell after two really isn't for sale. I've been there and can certainly empathize. Just because times are tough, doesn't mean you have to give stuff away if you are able to get by without the money right away. I just overpaid for a b/w 97 today at $45K, but I know the car and am the third owner. In all honesty, I think your car is worth at least $37K with the spare rims/tires & stereo equipment. The nice thing about the higher mileage cars is that you don't feel so bad about racking up miles on the thing having fun with it. Who knows, if Nardelli decides to kill off the program after this year, $40K may seem cheap for your car? :dunno: read all 8 pages!!! :D This thread is now a classic.

I just got confirmation my CCWs are sold so now I can reduce the price to US$ 37,900. Time to edit the ad and delete the one for the wheels. :drive:

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