Jon B on a Monday

mike & juli

Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Upstate NY
What I also stated was 'return to sender' . We used priority MAIL, so as long as you did not OPEN it, { the PO calls it 'changing the aspect') just write "REFUSED-RTS" or RETURN TO SENDER and the PO should bring it back to us at no cost to you. CIRCLE OUR RETURN ADDRESS and CROSS OUT YOURS. Just leave it in the same mailbox you received it.
You'll get a 100% prompt refund, including the shipping you paid us.

From working at the PO, when returning an item, do as Jon says above, AND BLACK out the bar code under YOUR name/address...sometimes it reads the bar code and returns it again back to YOU!!! (NOT the sender!)...just a tip!~~~~juli
WRITE IN BLACK: RTS...(Return To Sender)


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
From working at the PO, when returning an item, do as Jon says above, AND BLACK out the bar code under YOUR name/address...sometimes it reads the bar code and returns it again back to YOU!!! (NOT the sender!)...just a tip!~~~~juli
WRITE IN BLACK: RTS...(Return To Sender)

Thanks JUlie.........HEY!:

E-me your address (yur profile is anonymous) and Ill send YOU some VIPER POSTAGE STAMPS! We had several photos of kool customer Vipers made into U.S. POSTAGE! JonB

mike & juli

Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Upstate NY
Thanks JUlie.........HEY!:
E-me your address (yur profile is anonymous) and Ill send YOU some VIPER POSTAGE STAMPS! We had several photos of kool customer Vipers made into U.S. POSTAGE! JonB

THAT is very kind of you, Jon!!! (My profile is NOT anonymous, Mike's and my names and address is there!) on the way~~THX! :2tu: ~juli


Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
From working at the PO, when returning an item, do as Jon says above, AND BLACK out the bar code under YOUR name/address...sometimes it reads the bar code and returns it again back to YOU!!! (NOT the sender!)...just a tip!~~~~juli
WRITE IN BLACK: RTS...(Return To Sender)

Dang, wish I knew that. Oh well.

Here is the UPS tracking number:


Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
I just ordered a set of tires from Jon. Took a few phone calls (yah, I called on Mon.) but still best deal I could get, since I'm Canadian, and I' just happy to finally have figured out how to get the tires without spending and extra $500+ on shipping, extra taxes and brokerage.

That's got to be worth an extra phone call or two?

Thanks Jon



Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Hey, one only finds out when DOING it, right?!! No harm, no foul.....juli


I'm just releived now that everything is clear and now even in the great Jon-B's eyes I am now 100% thruthful about the situation.

It's just sad, because I had planned on doing a lot of business with him due to all the good post about his business. I guess I just have to be one of those un-luckly few that get the short end of the stick.


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
........ (My profile is NOT anonymous, Mike's and my names and address is there!)....

FYI to all those like Julie, and even a certain MODERATOR or two. When you click your own profile, you may see your full profile. When others click on your 'view public profile' all we see is:

Biography: 2005 SRT/10 Black Convertible//RED '08 Paddle-Shifting 436hp Vette Location: Upstate NY Venom ID #82 Interests: Nothing better than the BEAST! Occupation: Self-Employed Contractor

No true name, no address, even if you INTENDED it to be there! This site FORCES Anonymity.

However, when MODERATORS click your profile, they see full data. {In many circles, anonymity breeds cowardice ... I wish this site was considered safe and hi-brow enuf to admit who you are, at least if you CHOOSE TO!! In my opinion it would elevate the usefulness and cut down on the garbage if posters had to state their pedigree......}
Last edited:

mike & juli

Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Upstate NY
Jon: I have my OWN reasons NOT to add my/Mike's names/address to be released publicly. I will release that to who reasonably asks....which I did to you in the email. LOVED your email back, BTW!!!!

Russ Oasis

May 13, 2001
Reaction score
Miami, FL USA
Guys....Jon B is a great guy. If you're nice to him, he'll give you a great price, good service, and maybe even a backrub. Jon has supported my racing endeavours, with little in it for him. KIn my opinion, he is the most standup guy in our community.:drive:


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
FYI to all those like Julie, and even a certain MODERATOR or two.

Whew! Glad I am not a "MODERATOR" (or two) - I would feel insulted! But not as insulted as "Julie", who has her real name as her User ID and in her flashy avatar - yet still gets it misspelled. :D

When you click your own profile, you may see your full profile. When others click on your 'view public profile' all we see is:

Biography: 2005 SRT/10 Black Convertible//RED '08 Paddle-Shifting 436hp Vette Location: Upstate NY Venom ID #82 Interests: Nothing better than the BEAST! Occupation: Self-Employed Contractor

No true name, no address, even if you INTENDED it to be there! This site FORCES Anonymity.

Ummm, no. This site enforces PRIVACY for our members, most of which don't need 1,000 SPAM e-mails a day (which happens as soon as your e-mail is publicly listed for all the spambots - ask anybody who has tried). It also protects them from stalkers or other "uninvited" solicitations by e-mail, phone, or snail mail.

However, when MODERATORS click your profile, they see full data. In many circles, anonymity breeds cowardice ...

Ouch. Even on Crabby Mondays (which this isn't) that is a pretty pointed statement - and totally false (the cowardice part). There are basically three types of people in the world:
  • Those that choose anonymity when surfing the web
  • Those that use their real name in everything they surf
  • Those that don't use the Internet at all
Okay, so let's discard the last category, even though it reflects roughly 80% of the population. Instead, let's take a guess at how many people are in the first group vs. the second. My educated guess is that over 95% of the people that surf or post on the internet do so anonymously. Indeed, I will extend that guess even further and state that the Net would largely collapse if people were required to declare their real name wherever they surf.

Now, lest you think this is some sort of internet anomaly, guess again. Quick: How many ordinary people have their full name, much less their e-mail and street address, on the outside of their cars? ZERO. How many people wear their full names on their clothing wherever they go? ZERO, besides maybe Ralph Lauren. How many people go to a baseball game or a party and shout out their full name, e-mail address, and street address? ZERO. And if somebody walked up to you on the street and asked for your full name, e-mail, and street address would you give it to them? Of course not - but you might call the cops. Let's face it, outside of your home and work, the vast majority of people you see and interact with every single day are anonymous. And if you had to have your full name and contact information prominently displayed on your clothes and your car you would rarely leave your house.

The simple fact is that unless you are a vendor who is trying to sell something, you generally do not want your name, e-mail, or other information out there for the world to see. Those same vendors put their names on their cars (vans, etc.) and often on their work clothes (although usually just their first name). But to ask the general population to do something that they would never do in the "real world" is just silly. It ain't "cowardice" - it's plain ol' reality just as it has been since the dawn of time.

I wish this site was considered safe and hi-brow enuf to admit who you are, at least if you CHOOSE TO!! In my opinion it would elevate the usefulness and cut down on the garbage if posters had to state their pedigree......

It's safe because you can be anonymous. If we forced everybody to use their real names and/or publish their e-mail addresses the registered users would drop by at least 95% - as would the post counts. I guess it could conceivably elevate the usefulness - amongst the 50 or so people left out of the 7000+ currently registered...

And that, my friend, is how the internet works. I'm Chris Marshall and I approved this message. :2tu:

85 of 200

Nov 28, 2003
Reaction score
Whew! Glad I am not a "MODERATOR" (or two) - I would feel insulted! But not as insulted as "Julie", who has her real name as her User ID and in her flashy avatar - yet still gets it misspelled. :D

Ummm, no. This site enforces PRIVACY for our members, most of which don't need 1,000 SPAM e-mails a day (which happens as soon as your e-mail is publicly listed for all the spambots - ask anybody who has tried). It also protects them from stalkers or other "uninvited" solicitations by e-mail, phone, or snail mail.

Ouch. Even on Crabby Mondays (which this isn't) that is a pretty pointed statement - and totally false (the cowardice part). There are basically three types of people in the world:

  • Those that choose anonymity when surfing the web
  • Those that use their real name in everything they surf
  • Those that don't use the Internet at all
Okay, so let's discard the last category, even though it reflects roughly 80% of the population. Instead, let's take a guess at how many people are in the first group vs. the second. My educated guess is that over 95% of the people that surf or post on the internet do so anonymously. Indeed, I will extend that guess even further and state that the Net would largely collapse if people were required to declare their real name wherever they surf.

Now, lest you think this is some sort of internet anomaly, guess again. Quick: How many ordinary people have their full name, much less their e-mail and street address, on the outside of their cars? ZERO. How many people wear their full names on their clothing wherever they go? ZERO, besides maybe Ralph Lauren. How many people go to a baseball game or a party and shout out their full name, e-mail address, and street address? ZERO. And if somebody walked up to you on the street and asked for your full name, e-mail, and street address would you give it to them? Of course not - but you might call the cops. Let's face it, outside of your home and work, the vast majority of people you see and interact with every single day are anonymous. And if you had to have your full name and contact information prominently displayed on your clothes and your car you would rarely leave your house.

The simple fact is that unless you are a vendor who is trying to sell something, you generally do not want your name, e-mail, or other information out there for the world to see. Those same vendors put their names on their cars (vans, etc.) and often on their work clothes (although usually just their first name). But to ask the general population to do something that they would never do in the "real world" is just silly. It ain't "cowardice" - it's plain ol' reality just as it has been since the dawn of time.

It's safe because you can be anonymous. If we forced everybody to use their real names and/or publish their e-mail addresses the registered users would drop by at least 95% - as would the post counts. I guess it could conceivably elevate the usefulness - amongst the 50 or so people left out of the 7000+ currently registered...

And that, my friend, is how the internet works. I'm Chris Marshall and I approved this message. :2tu:

you should have been an attorney;)


Feb 17, 2008
Reaction score
Ashland, KY
Wow this was interesting. I can say I've called Jon on a Monday I think it was anyways when I ordered my belanger exhaust kit. He was nice and told me that he was very busy we had some minor problems on my end but got it all straight. That was the first time I even talked to him and he treated me just as good if not better than many other people I deal with.I have now a awsome sounding viper and actually have to call him to order some more parts next week when I get time to actually call. New baby and racecar equals very little sleep lol. Thanks Jon for the help and you'll be hearing from me again.


Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Sweet Jon just called basicly everyone on the internet cowards!

I will state my first name, I have no problem with that. Everything else I would like to keep private. Why?

I post up all my cars, parts etc. Crooks who watch these sites(and they do, trust me) look for people who give away that info pubicly. They can scan through there post and see what all they have. I don't want to make it easy for them. Do you?

So, I guess you can call me a coward.:lmao:


Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Guys....Jon B is a great guy. If you're nice to him, he'll give you a great price, good service, and maybe even a backrub. Jon has supported my racing endeavours, with little in it for him. KIn my opinion, he is the most standup guy in our community.:drive:

Sorry Russ, I HAVE to call B.S. on this post.

I have made many many orders with Jon B and let me tell you I NEVER EVER got this "backrub" now I feel slighted.

great service? YES
great shipping prices? AFFIRMATIVE (I think I spelled that right)
great prices? YUP
stands behind everything? ABSOLUTLEY
goes well out of his way for the customer (even if theres not a sale in it for him) YES SIR

BUT a back Rub I have never received, Jon my next order better include one LOL


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
Jon: I have my OWN reasons NOT to add my/Mike's names/address to be released publicly. I will release that to who reasonably asks....which I did to you in the email. LOVED your email back, BTW!!!!

Originally Posted by mike & juli
........ (My profile is NOT anonymous, Mike's and my names and address is there!)....

Julie, I misumnderstood your post then! See what U wrote above?

Fact Moderators like Chris and Kelly and Lee see DIFFERENT than what WE see. NOTHING WRONG WITH it SHOULD be. But JULIE: You said (My profile is NOT anonymous, Mike's and my names and address is there!).... It is NOT visible .....

Lastly, and NOT arguable, really: If this was a classy and safe enuf forum, with strict standards, we could all be happy to sign our true and real names.....

mike & juli

Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Upstate NY
Originally Posted by mike & juli
........ (My profile is NOT anonymous, Mike's and my names and address is there!)....
Julie, I misumnderstood your post then! See what U wrote above?
Fact Moderators like Chris and Kelly and Lee see DIFFERENT than what WE see. NOTHING WRONG WITH it SHOULD be. But JULIE: You said (My profile is NOT anonymous, Mike's and my names and address is there!)....
It is NOT visible .....

Yes, I understand that now! I saw our own names there, and figured everyone else did too....then when I learned that people did NOT see our names/address, I was I said, I have my OWN reasons for NOT releasing that publicly....but you're right, I WAS under the impression that the info was available...sorry bout that~~~! But, you got my email as you asked, correct? (As I said, I DID love that last email you sent to ME~:rolaugh:)
(BTW: Name is JULI and you asked what Viper we's in our sig! Along with our first names :cool:)

mike & juli

Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Upstate NY
Thanks JUlie.........HEY!:
E-me your address (yur profile is anonymous) and Ill send YOU some VIPER POSTAGE STAMPS! We had several photos of kool customer Vipers made into U.S. POSTAGE! JonB

Hey, Jon~~THANK YOUUUUUU...your package JUST came (6:30pm our time)!!! WOW...I even cut out the stamp you used on the priority package...the sheet of photo-stamps inside...AWESOME customer Vipers!!!! AND, the special gift as always, you amaze me, thank you kindly! :2tu::2tu::2tu::2tu: ~juli


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Lastly, and NOT arguable, really: If this was a classy and safe enuf forum, with strict standards, we could all be happy to sign our true and real names.....

Totally arguable and not just a little absurd to even imply this is not a classy and safe forum - without strict standards no less! Just because it doesn't provide a mailing list doesn't mean it is any less safe or "classy". We get constantly insulted on other message boards for being TOO safe and TOO "classy" (although there are different words for the latter :bleh:).

However, since it seems someone needs to defend the site I'll give it a whirl. Although it caused my blood sugar to go through the roof, I went ahead and searched a few other discussion forums that are about as "safe" as they come. Quick - start counting how many REAL names you see posting in them:

Who's your favorite Disney Princess? - Talk Disney Discussion Forums

Wilton Discussion Forums - Hello Kitty Pan

Foodservice Forums - The Lowly ******

Sturdy Elevated Dog Bowls - Rottweiler Discussion Forums

ProMoM Discussion Forums :: View topic - We're Back!!!!!

festivals : Safe Concerts Forum - Music Not Mayhem

The Muppets? - Talk Disney Discussion Forums

*~*Pressed Pennies Tips and Facts*~* - The DIS Discussion Forums -

Where'd You Ride Today? - Bike Forums

Okay, I could go on for months but the point is again very clear: Very, very few people use their real names (and NEVER their addresses) on public message boards. Period. Now if this were a PRIVATE message board (which it will never be), like the Brobst Family Reunion Page, then maybe folks might use their real names. Certainly you don't suggest we make this an elitist, private, members-only (and only with a background check) forum, do you?

Because in order to bring Corvette owners into the Viper world and then to bring those new Viper owners into the VCA, you absolutely MUST be a public forum. And with that comes a lot of exposure for people that post here. Even if we all hold hands and sing the Viper Song (it's not very long), we can't control who is looking in on our little love fest. So just when you think it is safe to sign your full name (and address no less), :lurker: As such, we will go to any length to protect our forum member's privacy. Period.

And finally, I would note that the moderators and admins here work tirelessly to keep these forums "safe" and held to strict standards. Take a trip over to viperalley if you would like to see a change of pace. They also have moderators and admins that work tirelessly - the standards simply aren't as strict. Not even in the Viper Vendors and Tuners forum, where you would think it was safe to tread.

So cruise over to Talk Disney Discussion Forums - Powered by vBulletin - probably the safest forums on the Net. Just don't be disappointed when they refuse to tell you their real names: As I said before it's simply the way the world works.


Feb 5, 2008
Reaction score
New Hampshire
If you need parts you should be able to cal any day as far as I am concerned, A Viper down" is a bad day.

So.... Calling on Monday... Tuesday... Wednesday... Thursday...Friday...And even Saturday. Sunday should be for entertainment only, and ALL should get the same curtious respect. :D

If nobody called on Monday, would Jon still be busy on Monday and not be able to talk to all the people NOT calling? Reminds me of the Yogi Berra quote "Nobody is coming to the games any more becasue it is too crowded".


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
Chris, I should not have implied the VCA is not strict...We are, and THANKS. The word "IF" is in there as a limiter. IF this was even a stricter place........

........Your 5000 word replies and links aside, all I said to Juli is that her name and address as she claimed ('My profile is NOT anonymous, Mike's and my names and address is there!').... is NOT visible.

As frequent a poster as Juli, she also thot it IS visible !! Ironically, I wanted Juli's NAME so I could find her address to SEND her some stuff, not harass her! STUGOTS is another member who Id like to SEND SOMETHING to, but he is anonymous. And there are others!

One of your tireless, helpful, beloved and deeply appreciated moderators last week asked me to kindly and lovingly tell him what the 'public profile' revealed on a specific member, only seeing the full data himself. Moderator thought the member's full pedigree was showing, cause HE sees it. I cut and pasted what I saw (the limits of my skills!)

Lots of (lower-skilled folks like me?) ASSUME the profile they entered on registration is revealed. {As Julie appeared to, by her statement} They are not paranoid or desiring anonymity for celebrity reasons. They TELL me they entered it, and it it does not show. As that moderator learned. Some ARE suprised to learn they are anonymous. ITS CONFUSING.

Even WORSE for VCA treasury, almost every DAY customers ask me for a VCA discount, becasue they "are a member of the VCA" and give me their SCREEN NAME. They THINK they joined VCA becasue they joined HERE. The registration here confuses some.

Last week on PrimeTime or 20/20 or some such was a story on internet crime, internet attacks and Internet Anonymity, and a growing attititude on the net about "Anonymity = Cowardice." THIS VCA SITE should not be a place where members feel the need to hide who they are. The moderators alone get the full-meal-deal, but true names are hidden as SOP, not voluntarily. I simply suggest IF a registrant wants to be publically anonymous, make that an OPTION, not SOP. And I NEVER ASKED or SUGGESTED that email addresses be revealed. Just your true name.

My minority opinion is: Take ownership of your posts, and maybe even pride in what you say. Even a graffiti tagger signs his work. Man Up. Sign your posts, or your profile. The Viper Boogeeymen arent really gonna hurt you. The HURTFUL and hateful posts on the internet are almost always from anonymous (cowards?) who dont sign their posts.........or so Prime-Time 20/20 said anyway. Since the VCA enforces civility here (THANKS) why not own up? Some DO. Most dont, as SOP 'forced' on them here. Im the minority.

ps to NUKED: Yogi's quote was about a popular restaurant...not the stadium. And YES: I usually have enuf Emails and internet store orders on MONDAYS only, that I could work 8+ hours filling and shipping emailed orders and answering inquiries.... phone OFF! So I have to RUSH my callers on Mondays....I hate rushing people who want / need more time. If I take calls slow and relaxed, weekend orders dont go out Monday. So it's First-Come basis... I dislike it too....
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mike & juli

Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Upstate NY
Yes, I admit to being a 'frequent poster' here...and was GLAD to learn that my profile WAS anonymous, as I did MISTAKENLY believe it was I wasn't trying to contradict myself, I simply didn't know.
I believe in staying anonymous, if someone kindly asks [as Jon did], I will send my email address/info to them all in the name of STILL remaining a PRIVATE profile. I believe in that....Jon, you were VERY kind to send me the goodies~~I am grateful, thank you....also, Thank You Chris and moderators for letting us remain anonymous. Okay, I'm's about you all??? ENJOY the WEEKEND!!!~~~juli


Jul 18, 2007
Reaction score
Explaining Viper things to you
Wow this was interesting. I can say I've called Jon on a Monday I think it was anyways when I ordered my belanger exhaust kit. He was nice and told me that he was very busy we had some minor problems on my end but got it all straight. That was the first time I even talked to him and he treated me just as good if not better than many other people I deal with.I have now a awsome sounding viper and actually have to call him to order some more parts next week when I get time to actually call. New baby and racecar equals very little sleep lol. Thanks Jon for the help and you'll be hearing from me again.



Have a great Memorial weekend! Go Jr! Go Danica!


Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
I been here a few years now and this is news to me about the names not showing up, guess I always just assumed they showed


Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
na,na,na,na,naaa, jonB cant find my name in my profile.......

ooops, i forgot jon has my name and address already... :)