No response from Illinois Regional Club...NONE

Mar 25, 2000
Reaction score
Quantico, VA
I'm not here to flame anyone, just tell it like it is. Like other owners I looked forward to joining the National and Regional owners club. I have made at least 5 calls to Rich and 1 to Sandy of the Illinois group. The reason I had to call Sandy is because Rich said he twice mailed me the information but I still haven't received it. I also have lived here for 25 years. Sandy's number was on the Regional contact sheet and she said she'd look into it and get back to me..We know where that went, nowhere. The web page shows 1999 membership fees..Hello? are we now looking at 2001. If you want people to participate...then lead. If you can't lead then move out of the way so others can. All I wanted is an application to join with others in participating in good times with other Viper owners. Corvette may not beat a Viper, but it does in membership...Been there..done that.


VCA Venom Member
Venom Member
Oct 2, 2000
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Zionsville,IN. USA
Hi, James-

Sorry about all of the trouble you have had... I know Rich and Sandy (ViperSpeed co-owner) have been very busy. E-mail me your phone number or call me at 317-431-1375 and I'll try to get things rolling for you.

Steve (Illinois VCA as well as IN-KY VCA)

Steve Ferguson

Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Burr Ridge, IL
James, what do you need? An application or information? Are you close to Chicago? We have a meeting tonight at
Fudruckers in Shaumburg. You can call me if you need any help.

800-448-6248 ex 172.

Steven Ferguson
National President
Viper Club of America


Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
Hawthorn Woods, IL

I understand your issue. I have had similar problems and I started a similar thread. On the bright side I have finally managed to talk to Rich and I have now actually received a local newsletter, from July... All this for a mere $90
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If you are anywhere near Schaumburg I would go to the meeting. There are real people there and you should be able to get some action...

Steve Ferguson

Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Burr Ridge, IL
You need to re-assess what you got for $90.

1- Part of 2000 and all of 2001 membership.
2- You will get 4-5 issues of Viper Magazine.
3- A million dollar Club umbrella policy that protects YOU from being sued.
4- 4-5 Regional (Color) newsletters, Viper Vision.
5- 4-8 National newsletters, VCA Notes.
6- Membership badges.
7- Over 20 planned and organized Regional events.
8- Tech sessions with team Viper.
9- CAAP Tours.
10- First right of refusal to attend VOI's.
11- Even more but I do not have the time to keep the post going.

All that is provided because you paid $90. BTW, we do this to help you enjoy your Viper. And we do it for absolutely no pay. So on behalf of all that work their *** off to provide you with all these benefits, I apologize for it not meeting your expectations for your enormous contribution of $90!

I would write even more but I have to get back to work so I can afford to spend my free time helping people like yourself who appreciate our voluntary effort.

Steven J. Ferguson
Viper Club of America Co-Founder & National President
Mar 25, 2000
Reaction score
Quantico, VA
I called Steve Ferguson this afternoon, and he was good enough to contact me immediately. I am going to Fuddruckers tonight to enroll. Again, my post was NOT to flame or antagonize anyone, but to simply get enrollment information so I can join. I could care less about the $90.00, it's the people I want to meet. Enough said, thanks to those who helped move things along, especially Steve.

James M. Cram

Marv S

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
May 25, 1998
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
Amit, Pick your region and get signed up.

Sounds like you should be in the So Cal club. A Viper owner in 2000 can get a National Membership or a regional membership. If, for example, you join the So Cal Club for $100.00 they will send the National club a $60 portion of that. On the other hand, if you are already a National member and want to join a regional club, you should only be paying the difference of $40 to the So Cal club. Contact Bill Lundeen and he'll get it straight and get on their mailing list. Numbers used for example only and may not be accurate.

Steve Ferguson

Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Burr Ridge, IL
BWoodbury, Your dues is for the 2001 year, I hope that explains why and when you will get what is listed. The stuff you are getting now is bonus coverage.

People who volunteer have only a limited amount of time to provide all of what this demanding group expects. They love doing it, and considering how much fun we all have, they do a great job at it. Once someone starts putting a time clock on one of these volunteers I take it personally. We have invested Thousands of dollars and lost Thousands doing these jobs. Getting to meet this great bunch of people is the pay, and what a pay it is. If you are so competent, get in the pit and help the fight. Stroking a keyboard leaves you a short soapbox to speak from.

Again, we apologize for not responding to your needs immediacy.

Kurt 97 GTS

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
I have been monitoring this post and now feel the need to join in. I have been a volunteer for years and know that it is hard work and little recognition. However, those of us who volunteer do it for a reason, because we enjoy it, regardless of what "it" is.

That said, Steve, I am suprised at the wording of your second and third posts. Being a fairly new Viper owner, I too have had a similar experience with joining the VCA (sent my dues in 14 weeks ago and have never received ANY type of acknowledgement). I have never complained, ever (and have never mentioned it until reading this post). I am certainly more than capable of picking up the phone and finding out what is going on - this is simply not high on my list due in part to how GREAT the North Texas VCA is!!

I did NOT expect an immediate response, but I believe that when money is involved ($$ for annual dues) this raises the bar. If the VCA was totally free, then the bar may be lowered along with any expectations regarding timeliness of paperwork processing. A simple e-mail or phone call to acknowledge the receipt of the dues would go a long way in preventing this type of post.

That said, I love this car and have attended every local VCA meeting and just got back from the Fall Foliage Drive in Hot Springs.

Please understand that this is not a personal attack against anyone. I just think that as the National President of anything, the tone of ones letters sets the standards. After all, aren't the thousands of viper owners why there is a VCA?

Sorry if ANYONE takes exception to what I have said. Steve, I am sure that there may be some very good reasons for your later responses. I know that many of us have a real passion for this car and the activities that surround it. Your first response was totally professional and something that I would expect from someone in your position.

Steve, please keep up the great work and feel free to let me know how I can best contribute my time to support the VCA.


Oct 8, 2000
Reaction score
Illinois, USA
Mike, I hope that after the meeting on Weds. you have a better idea of what this club is about. Regretfully since we are at the end of the year all our regional events are done so there is not much going on for the next few months. Rest assured that in the next two weeks the calander for 2001 will be finalized and there will be a entire spring, summer and fall for you to take in next yera. As mentioned during our brief conversation your membership officially begins on January 1,2001 but I will forward copies of the 2000 newsletter to you so you get an idea of what our group is all about. I think it best descibes what you can expect in the upcoming year. It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope that you are a active member.

Rich H
VCA Illinois Region
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Oct 3, 2000
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Hawthorn Woods, IL

Easy there. I was not trying to slight those who volunteer thier time for VCA. I understand the sacrifice they make and I DO appreciate the work they do. I too was not trying to piss anyone off. All I did was state the facts, what I paid and what I got for it.

It was very encouraging to see your list, but please understand that I have NOT received ANY of these items. None, not one. And that sir, is the point I was trying to make. OK?

Steve Ferguson

Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Burr Ridge, IL

My response was exactly that, a response to Bwoodbury’s comments. No where in that response did I refer to your situation. I told of what was paid for, a 2001 dues, and what will be given for that. What I did not list were the many other benefits that come with 2001 dues. The fact that the “July newsletter” that was given (as an addition benefit) to the person I commented to, was that each of those issues take a number of people weeks to write, edit and then print, sort and then get to the post office. And o yea, they are done in COLOR. An extremely nice piece with a ton of work involved, and the person who makes the post belittles the fact that they received it. Now please keep in mind that not only did they receive an issue that they were not due, but to make sure that the person didn’t have to pay for two years of dues, the membership was held back to get them a full year and part of this year, all for the big amount of $90. Now keep in mind, this is still 2000.

Now I see your situation and it is vastly different. The first time this person made a post that they had a hard time getting any information I responded direct to them, then called Rich and informed him that he needed to make sure that they were taken care of. Within a week, they had the last newsletter that this region put out (they do 3-4 twenty page newsletters a year) and were being saved $90 towards this years dues. Rich did not want to ask them to pay for this year since there is nothing that they would get other than faster service.

This is why I take exception to the above post. I do not like the fact that someone went out of their way to provide more value, then in turn that same person comes under attack.

It is because of all of these reasons that I have spent the better part of a year getting a standardized operational procedures designed and approved by the VCA. They will be going into affect as of 2001. Hopefully, this will cure some of the delays. But people saying they got nothing on the VCA WEB SITE, obviously tells me that they do not understand that this site is also provided by the VCA. So, please tell me how someone using this site got nothing? Maybe I am missing something?

Kurt 97 GTS

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Dallas, TX

Thanks for your private message (I will certainly take your advice). As a Viper owner, this board is the most useful tool I have ever utilized!! Personally, I would gladly pay just to have access to the knowledge base of people who utilize this forum.

I strongly believe that we are in agreement over the above issues (obvisouly you have much more information than I, and I certainly have acknowledged that). It sounds like you have been working hard to design/re-design delivery processes, and that makes everyone in/joining the VCA a winner.

Again, thanks for all your efforts and advice. I know that there would not be a VCA if it were not for people like you (and hopefully me, someday - I have two small children and sometimes struggle with being a "good dad" and finding time to drive the snake and participate in some of the wonderful VCA events).

If you are planning on attending the Viper Days Finals at Motorsports Ranch (near Ft. Worth, TX) on 11/17 - 11/19 I would be happy to introduce myself.
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Steve Ferguson

Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Burr Ridge, IL
I am tyring to get to the finals, but real work may have another place for me to be. Make sure you talk to Tony Estes, the new 2001 National President. If you are really looking to get involved, he will be glad to help.


Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
Hawthorn Woods, IL

As far as I can tell you missed every point I was trying to make. I am sorry but I don't know how to state my points any clearer. I simply don't think that a "Welcome to the Club" form letter is too much to ask for when joining an organization.

I have tried to be polite and civil in this thread, but I have taken enough abuse. If you wish to berate me further please send me Email so the rest of this board does not have to be involved.

Steve Ferguson

Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Burr Ridge, IL
Bwoodbury, I am not trying to abuse you or anyone. I put out a list to show what you will get. You already got a Viper Vision, which was on the list. Once the National Headquarters gets your information you start to get the rest of the list. You stated you got nothing, but that was not accurate. Just trying to keep the facts straight. BTW, since we are approaching the 2001 year, you should expect to start receiving what you are due. I am simply asking that people state facts. I would think that you would be pleased that your membership was held back, since you gain a full year in doing so.

It is because of voices like yours that the whole VCA will be adopting another procedure as of 01/01/01. I was just trying to show you everything since it appeared that no one explained it to you.
Oct 2, 2000
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New members the national club may seem to be or may be slow at entering you into the data base. I suggest you find out when the next regional events/meeting is scheduled and attend. The Viper Owners I have meet all over the world are pretty special people and always seem will to help each other. Some benefits that were not listed are discounts on services and products from many suppliers. One that is a favorite of mine is Skip Barber. They discount their 1 & 2 day performance driving school by 25%. Taking a 2 day school and the discount will pay for over 2 years of membership in the regional and national club. All other Skip Barber programs are discounted 10% to VCA members. Skip Barber and Dodge will also arrange this discount if you have a confirmed order for a Viper. Helmet City (supplies; helmets, driving suits, gloves, neck collar, shoes, etc) discount their products 10% to VCA members. Check their web page
Many dealers discount product to VCA members some sell at cost + 5%. But the biggest benefit is meeting a great group of Viperholics! If you see a problem in your region offer to provide a solution; we are always looking for help!
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