Bill W
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    • Bill W
      Bill W replied to the thread Engine Cooling Fan Upgrade?.
      Do you track your car or is this for general cooling? Curious. I'm thinking about getting the setup to help with AC.
    • Bill W
      Bill W replied to the thread Engine Cooling Fan Upgrade?.
      Do you need to upgrade any electrical componants or is this a drop in and done?
    • Bill W
      Bill W replied to the thread Engine Cooling Fan Upgrade?.
      Would this fan make a significant difference in cooling? Sold at The Viper Store
    • Bill W
      Had a mechanic install a new condenser that I purchased from AC Auto Solutions ( He wasn't...
    • Bill W
      Bill W replied to the thread smooth tubes.
      I have the Roe polished aluminum smooth tubes on my Viper. Here is an interesting article about them but I'm sure it applies to all...
    • Bill W
      Bill W replied to the thread MD New Viper Owner.
      Congrats on the Viper! I use Hagerty Insurance with an agreed value. You'll likely get several more recommendations on insurance...
    • Bill W
      Bill W replied to the thread Looking for A/C Condenser 4708206.
      Did you install it yet? If so, do you recommend it ? Noticed it doesn't list 2002 but that must be a mistake on their part.
    • Bill W
      You should post your question on the RT/10 section. Steve Indy has a lot of background with Vipers...
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