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    • viperBase1
      viperBase1 replied to the thread New Viper Owner.
      I've driven my Conti's on mountain roads in all manner of weather conditions on the same day (changing elevations going up and down the...
    • viperBase1
      viperBase1 reacted to BoondocSaint's post in the thread New Viper Owner with Like Like.
      The Continental Extreme Contact Sport 2's have also served me well. I'm out in the NW, so I wanted a sport tire that had a good...
    • viperBase1
      Yea get the highest boiling point rating you can find. :2tu: Something like Motul RBF 700 (or at least the RBF 600). Congrats on your...
    • viperBase1
      viperBase1 replied to the thread New Viper Owner.
      Have Nitto Invo's too. I know... not a fav in the Viper community. Only have 8,321 miles on 'em but they've "timed out". They've been a...
    • viperBase1
      viperBase1 reacted to Arnold Rod's post in the thread New Viper Owner with Like Like.
      I used Nitto Invo tires on my Copperhead. I've been very happy with them.
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