Merging Threads - Why dont our Moderators do it?


Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
I used to post on a couple of other forums where the moderators
were capable of merging/combining threads.

For example instead of having 5 daffy duck threads, there would be only One because each time someone creates a new thread about the same topic a moderater merges(adds it on the end of the last thread and tacks [merged] to the end of the topic)

a Classic example is the the "Master Gas Mileage thread" many car forums have this since it it annoying to have a new thread about gas mileage pop up every other month. They simply merge it with the previous one and so on.
(we dont really talk much about gass mileage on the VCA, but you get the point?:))

Why have 20some threads about something as common as a powersteering pulley when there could be just one?

Why is it that our moderators do not do this? Do they not have the capability with the way this site it setup?

take a look at this forum and see how they do it.
Mazda3 (Axela)
Mazda3 Forums - Index
besdes condensing/merging multiple similar threads into one, they are also very active in moving threads to the propper section...

I like to help people that ask common questions by posting links to past threads. IMO there is no need for further discussion about something that hass already been discussed in detail several times.
For example:
This Merging would make it easier to get&give answers to questions.

Let me know if there is any way that i can be of assistance in making this happen.