Mid-Ohio Race

Oct 2, 2000
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Ok fist off Bill "****"erton is the funniest man alive!! Good to meet you Bill. Also it was great to finally meet all of you, Joe Ellis, Chris from Snake Pit Racing, Henry & Janni Cole & all the other drivers. The weather was perfect for this effect other than the freezing temps in the mornnig hours. Viper Days put on one hell of event and all you buyers that bought everything at the auction on Saturday night did it for a GREAT cause. I think they raised almost $5,000 for the Children!! That is including Mr. Jeff Ellison's 8 day trip to Jamaica. Hell he bought it while he was in the rest room too!!
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Again thanks to Jeff Ellison and Viper Days for a great event.
P.S. I bid 20 bucks on whatever car you have on the lot now Bill!!
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