Recent content by 93vette

  1. 9

    My dream car was on the highway today (GTS)

    Re: My dream car was on the highway today! Dental boards :2tu:
  2. 9

    My dream car was on the highway today (GTS)

    Re: My dream car was on the highway today (2 pics added) Sorry guys if you cannot see the picture. It shows up on my screen but maybe I have just goofed it up too much? :confused: If you go to it should show up as the third picture down on the left. It...
  3. 9

    My dream car was on the highway today (GTS)

    Re: My dream car was on the highway today! I removed the worse of two pictures for you Chuck. The camera is the size of a Zippo lighter and I guess I have not figured out how to aim properly ;)
  4. 9

    My dream car was on the highway today (GTS)

    Sorry for the BAD picture, but yes it is a red GTS. I also found out I passed my boards today and now I can hopefully add a 99 silver GTS to the garage within a year or so. What a day :) web page P.S. If you guys go to my homepage, please don't laugh too hard at my 1/4 mile time and...
  5. 9

    Any concerns with a 96 having 1,800 miles?

    Gavin, I just finished reading a lot of your old posts. Wow, it took a few minutes to say the least. Thanks for all the great advice, it was well worth it. :2tu:
  6. 9

    Any concerns with a 96 having 1,800 miles?

    Re: Any concerns with a 96 having 1,800 miles? They are listing it for $58,995.
  7. 9

    Any concerns with a 96 having 1,800 miles?

    Re: Any concerns with a 96 having 1,800 miles? STUGOTS-I am glad to hear about the good experience you and your father had there. Len-I don't have the VIN yet, but it should be online soon once they post pics of the car. Thank you for the offer, I will let you know if they get the car online...
  8. 9

    Any concerns with a 96 having 1,800 miles?

    Naples Motorsports is listing a 1996 GTS (as "incoming inventory") with 1,800 miles. Could you provide some feedback on what may need to be replaced on this car (or any with this low of mileage) like gaskets, etc and perhaps a ballpark figure to get her up and running leak-free (if even...
  9. 9

    Cops & Radar these days...

    I actually found it: Wow, I feel a little silly. I never knew about this feature! That is the one thing I missed about the 8500 Passport, but now my V-1 has no useless X warning!
  10. 9

    Cops & Radar these days...

    jcaspar1-I was not aware the X-band could be disabled on the V-1. I would love to know how b/c this is the only complaint I have with my Valentine, so many false alarms with the X.....please explain more!
  11. 9

    Looking at getting GTS Help Please!!

    Sorry, I don't know the owner.
  12. 9

    Looking at getting GTS Help Please!!

    Have you looked into this bad boy...
  13. 9

    the new guy

    May be worth a couple of hundred miles or so to go and look at:
  14. 9

    the new guy

    Here is some stuff to get you started:
  15. 9

    looking for another GTS

    Here is all I could find, 99 with stripes, stock, but 14K miles.... scroll down on the following page: Good luck!!