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    • GTSnake
      Too bad your leaving. I just got into ATX. :D
    • GTSnake
      GTSnake replied to the thread Texas Emissions test.
      well my car has an AEM controller but the ECM is stock. I'm just going to wait until next year to register it.
    • GTSnake
      GTSnake replied to the thread Texas Emissions test.
      Oh, Ok, good to know. No CEL on my car. I thought I was going to need to go to one of those back alley shops....
    • GTSnake
      GTSnake replied to the thread Texas Emissions test.
      So you basically did what VW and FCA did to pass testing.:rolaugh: Change the software during the test then change it back. Only...
    • GTSnake
      GTSnake replied to the thread Texas Emissions test.
      What's involved with an OBD-2 check?
    • GTSnake
      GTSnake replied to the thread Texas Emissions test.
      I'm pretty sure it's everything. My car doesn't have an issue with a safety test but no way will it pass emissions.
    • GTSnake
      GTSnake replied to the thread Texas Emissions test.
      Yeah, I know there are ways to do it. That's why I asked people to DM me if they had a solution.
    • GTSnake
      GTSnake replied to the thread Texas Emissions test.
      The funny thing is auto test shops are complaining that there will be lots of ***** cars on the road without testing. However if you...
    • GTSnake
      GTSnake replied to the thread Texas Emissions test.
      Well I answered my own question. I just googled it...
    • GTSnake
      GTSnake replied to the thread Texas Emissions test.
      Can't register in other state. TX law requires a registration change within 90 days of residency. I've heard TX is thinking of...
    • GTSnake
      Texas Vipers. How do you pass the emissions testing required to renew your plates? There's no way in hell my car would pass. Please...
    • GTSnake
      GTSnake replied to the thread Viper Tech in Austin Texas.
      My car is in my signature. I used to have a huge Barry Grant in line pump that was pulling from the tank. They convinced me to get two...
    • GTSnake
      GTSnake replied to the thread Viper Tech in Austin Texas.
      Well I kinda need it rebuilt. The shop that convinced me to use an in tank pump put in pumps too large and now it sticks out a little...
    • GTSnake
      GTSnake replied to the thread Viper Tech in Austin Texas.
      Have they done anything Viper specific besides maintenance? I'm looking for someone to work on my fuel canister.
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