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  1. C

    What would you pay to drive a SRT-10 for one day?

    Driven Image just down the street from me in Clearwater, FL is renting their SRT-10 for $550 a day and must be getting it because it and most of the rest of their cars are off the lot at the moment. Just for comparison, I rented a RT10 just over a year ago from them and it was $400 a day. I...
  2. C

    Question for yellow Viper owners

    Are there some telltale signs that the bumper or hood have been repainted. Would a body shop be able to tell? I think their is a good chance that it is just the angle or something playing tricks on me and was wondering if anyone else had noticed the same thing.
  3. C

    Question for yellow Viper owners

    Are yellow Vipers really faster? Just kidding, I know they are :D My real question is... I have looked at three yellow vipers recently and the first one looked like the front bumper and hood were a slightly different shade of yellow. This particular car had lots of problems so I assumed it...
  4. C

    Sun damage covered under Warranty?

    I just looked at a Viper that has a 1 - 1.5 ft "tear" right next to and parallel with the door window. At first it looked like someone had taken a knife or razorblade and cut into the plastic/rubber/whatever covering on the door but after looking more closely it looked like it simply stretched...
  5. C

    New to Board, have a few questions

    I would take genXgts’s advice about renting a Viper. You never know, you may not like it. Then again, my wife rented me a Viper for my birthday last year and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about owning one since.
  6. C

    Need some input! I have to make a decision this week!

    That MOSI expo sounds like fun, I will try to make it. I think I am going to put off the inspection until next week to give me time to do some more homework. I don't want to spend $200 on an inspection if I'm not sure its the car I want.
  7. C

    Need some input! I have to make a decision this week!

    I’ve been following this board for over a year and told myself I wouldn’t join until I purchased my Viper. Well, I’m not quite there but I need your help now. I am finally close to making a purchase. I found a 2001 RT/10, 5k miles, hard/soft top, for $55k. It is a second owner and while in...

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