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  1. A

    Aftermarket exhaust, keep the PopPopPop

    I have the corsa track on my copperhead. If anything the poppoppop is more pronounced.
  2. A

    The first scratch is the deepest....

    I was so worried the first time I took it to work, I just new some one was going to get me. Turned out to be me, drove right over the curb when I pulled in. Thought I was looking into the Grand Canyon. After I calmed down and looked again, turned out to be a small scratch. Glad I got that over...
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    First post

    First I want to say what a great board this is and how much help it has already been. Now to tell you how I got here. Well a couple of weeks ago it was my wife's birthday and I decided to get here a crossfire convertible. I ran over to the local Chrysler/Dodge dealer to buy her the car. As I...

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