Need Help with Delvery Info


Mar 24, 2001
Reaction score
off to get a Beer
Hey Guys, Nick the new guy here and I need Help.
Before I get started I would first like to thank Jay Herbert and Steve Ferguson for helping me get this far. You guys are great.
As I indicated above I'm new to this board for posting but I have been cruising getting great info from you guys for some time.
My problem..I ordered my snake from my local DC 5 Star here in Northern Ky back in November '00.
The dealer has been great and from these boards it seems he priced my baby right and he has tried to be very helpful.
At first he said I might get lucky with a March delivery. Now that has come and gone he thinks it might come in April but probably May.
He gave me the last numbers of the VIN and said it was in status "D".
You guys probably know better than anyone when I might see my Red RT/10.

When the going gets weird, the weird turn Pro.

2000 Triple Black Corvette
1998 Silver Boxster
1997 Rollover Edition Explorer