Thinking Out Loud...Considering Options for my 1st Viper Purchase


Viper Owner
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
Hello All,

I’ve been a lurker for quite some time and this is my first post. I have the usual story of being a long-time Viper lover and I’m finally at the point in my life where I’m ready to take the plunge. I’ve done a considerable amount of reading, especially here on the VCA forums. The purpose of this post is for me to talk out loud, especially around Viper owners with the hopes of gleaning additional information and/or confirming my thoughts. I apologize in advance for the length, but hopefully it will become a helpful thread for others in a similar position. Feel free to respond to any part of this thread, as I’m simply interested hearing others thoughts as they relate to my thought process.

Summary – Hoping to buy my first Viper in Spring 2012. No specific price range, but have a mental block to going above $59k.

Gen III vs Gen IV

Exhaust – My understanding is there is considerable benefit related to heat-reduction as well as exhaust note in the Gen IV. Although, I think this could be inexpensively resolved with a Corsa exhaust on a Gen III ($2k installed?). My understanding is also that the exhaust note on a Gen IV is really not improved by adding a Corsa exhaust.

Clutch – Improved clutch mechanics on the Gen IV makes for easier shifting? I’m all about easier. But is it really something I would notice?

ABS – ABS brakes for improved braking? Sounds like a great addition to the Gen IV.

Many other improvements – Transmission, Electrical, etc. Seems like so many other great improvements that were made to the Gen IV.

Extra 100 HP – I’m buying a performance car, shouldn’t I just go for the extra horses? But then again, I’ve never owned a car that would even compare to a Gen III Viper, so who am I kidding. I won’t know the difference.

Warranty – Finding a 2008 with an Extended Warranty (or still the ability to add one) would seem to be a great value and a huge selling point for me.

Color – I’ve not quite come around on the bold colors available to the Viper. I seem to lean towards laid-back, rather than up in your face. Although I did think about Yellow for quite some time (because they are fastest of course), but then I’ve sort of turned my attention to Silver or Black (I know they are more common, but dang they’re pretty). I think Silver is my latest love, but then realized they made none in 2008, if I consider Gen IV, I may have to go with Black. Maybe black with Red Stripes for a touch of attitude?

Mamba Package – Only for the sake of adding some color to a Silver or Black Viper. Wouldn’t be a requirement, but I think it would look pretty slick. I think this package was only available in Gen III?

Vert vs Coupe – I’ll not be tracking my Viper and I’ll obviously only be driving it on beautiful days. Although I live in Wisconsin, I think I have to go with the Vert.

Price – Nearly a $15k jump to get into the Gen IV over Gen III (2006 vs 2008). Man that’s quite the leap and puts me above my mental limit of $59k (most seem to be around $65k-$69k for 2008). Maybe I just go with a 2005 and save myself some cash and would be just as happy?

Mileage – I’m really not stuck on a low-mileage vehicle; I think I would be fine going up to 15k miles. Although I think around 8k would be a sweet spot.

Timing of Purchase – I’m really concerned about the timing of my purchase. The uncertainty on used Viper values related to the release of the Gen V has me hesitant. I believe they are unveiling the Gen V in early April, this would at least provide me more information as to whether it could have significant negative impact. But given the short summers in WI, I don’t want to wait too long.

My current thoughts – I’m thinking maybe I save some money and go with a 2005 Silver Vert with Mamba package. Add a Corsa Exhaust and call it a day. As I’ve heard others say in posts, it’s a Viper, I’ll love it every time I look in my garage. Whether it’s a 2005 Gen III or a 2008 Gen IV.

Maybe something like this:

But then again…oh how nice would all the bennies of a Gen IV be…hmmm.


Oct 5, 2011
Reaction score
vancouver, bc
own a gen 3 driven a gen 4. both ride the same. clutch engagement is much better and easier to shift in gen 4. you could however buy a spec twin clutch for the gen 3.

gen 3 are 10 grand cheaper then gen 4. and you could slap on a gen 4 hood to give it that updated look.

warranty you should get. oil cooler lines are the main problems in vipers. so are transmissions.

get a hard top. looks much better in my opinion and adds more stiffness and extra protection should anything happen.

mileage - as long as car isnt abused, crashed, has all its serviced done at the right time you should be ok.

oh and welcome in vca. im a new member and everyone here has been helpful even with the 20 questions i ask. viperalley is the other way around.


Viper Owner
Jul 10, 2010
Reaction score
Boy, where to start. First - the Gen III has ABS, so no difference there, secondly the Mamba package was only on a select few Gen III models. If I'm not mistaken the Mamba was model year 2004 and limited to black or white exteriors. The Mamba package was primarily an accent color add to the interior.

Coupe vs Conv - on just about any other car a coupe would be lighter and provide far less chassis flex than a convertible. Not so with the Viper. Make your choice based on your preference. IMO the coupe looks better, but you can't beat top down driving on a nice day.

As for Gen IV improvements over Gen III, there are several and the extra 100hp is a nice bonus, but there is definitely a gap in pricing that goes along with that. I don't think you'll go wrong either way, believe me the Gen III is no slouch and there's quite a number of aftermarket options should you want to up the power. If you don't mind the extra spend for a Gen IV, then that's where I'd suggest you start. If not, grab a Gen III, you won't be disappointed.

And yes... you'll ogle your Viper for hours on end, you'll smile so much while driving it your face will hurt, and you'll get rock star attention everywhere you go it in. Owning a Viper never gets old.


Viper Owner
Jul 10, 2010
Reaction score
Lastly, you could look at the Gen V one of two ways... 1) it will drive current Gen III and Gen IV owners to sell as they migrate to the latest generation, thereby increasing the supply of used Vipers and decreasing cost. Or 2) Renewed consumer interest in the Viper prompts those unable to purchase the Gen V to seek out more affordable earlier models thereby diminishing supply and increasing cost.

My guess is the Gen V unveiling will have current owners looking to sell or trade up.


Oct 2, 2004
Reaction score
Never heard of transmissions being an issue on any year Viper. What the GEN III's had issues with, was the rear diff. which was changed in the GEN IV. Certain year GEN III's had the front balancer bolt coming loose and causing some major destruction. You can do a search on that. I've heard nothing but great things about the GEN IV's with the exception of the drive by wire feeling different than the earlier models. I believe this was a bigger issue on '08's than newer models. I think you'll love any of the GEN's but newer is newer and the warranty is a MUST. The Max Care warranty is the only way to go, not an aftermarket deal.


Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Welland, Ont
Gen IV clutch much softer, no Popeye calfs !! I'm a bigger guy 5'10", 250, and find getting in and out easier in a vert with the top down. More important regardless of the year, check the tires. Replace if needed. Since you've been here a bit, I'm sure you have done your research about driving our beast. Spring and fall driving needs attention and a different mind set as cold whether it's the temps or the roads are not our friend. You can drive, but you don't drive hard. BUT..once you have driven a VIPER, you will have a smile you will never get rid of. ENJOY AND GOOD LUCK with the purchase. You have come to great car club, well, you can't even call it a car club cause it's more like an extended family. Ask away, and your questions will be answered here. GREAT PEOPLE !!!



Nov 2, 2004
Reaction score
Lastly, you could look at the Gen V one of two ways... 1) it will drive current Gen III and Gen IV owners to sell as they migrate to the latest generation, thereby increasing the supply of used Vipers and decreasing cost. Or 2) Renewed consumer interest in the Viper prompts those unable to purchase the Gen V to seek out more affordable earlier models thereby diminishing supply and increasing cost.

My guess is the Gen V unveiling will have current owners looking to sell or trade up.

I disagree.
I don't know any Gen 4 owners who are chomping at the bit to get a Gen 5, especially ACR owners.
A lot of guys talk the talk but let's see how many end up plunking down 100K+ in this economy for a new toy.


Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
Bentonville, Arkansas
I disagree.
I don't know any Gen 4 owners who are chomping at the bit to get a Gen 5, especially ACR owners.
A lot of guys talk the talk but let's see how many end up plunking down 100K+ in this economy for a new toy.

I lack another $25k and I will have the money put aside for a Gen V; however, from what everyone is saying they won't make the ACR the first year so
I have a wait to get one. And that is assuming a lot of things; 1) what it looks like, 2) whether or not they try to go for mass appeal instead of keeping it
close to the current Viper and 3) whether I really want to give up my 08 ACR.


Viper Owner
Jul 10, 2010
Reaction score
I wouldn't expect mass exodus, but certainly there could be movement from current owners looking to upgrade. I wouldn't expect all Gen V owners to either be new Viper owners or previous Viper owners that in every instance was able to kept their previous Gen Vipers. At this point I'm uncertain how much the Gen V could influences the used Viper market, however I wouldn't expect monumental shifts.

Not necessarily an apples to apples comparison, but I recall when I picked up a new C6 vette at launch. The previously lauded C5 Z06 values dropped like a stone. Many a member ditched their C5 in favor of the C6. It's anyone's guess at this point though.

I disagree.
I don't know any Gen 4 owners who are chomping at the bit to get a Gen 5, especially ACR owners.
A lot of guys talk the talk but let's see how many end up plunking down 100K+ in this economy for a new toy.


Viper Owner
Jul 10, 2010
Reaction score
I will caveat in that I personally would not give up my current Viper for a Gen V. Undoubtedly Ralph and company will have a hit when the Gen V launches, but I do not intend to give up my ride for anything. All future Viper purchases for me will be +1... and unfortunately it will be a couple years before I'm able to add, but I agree not all that talk about stepping up to the Gen V will be able to do so.


Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
I plan on keeping my 2 Vipers and getting into a Gen V ACR depending on looks. Not sure I could deal with the measly 600-700 HP they are talking about, but I will use it for road racing.


Dec 29, 2010
Reaction score
Northern Delaware
I plan on keeping my 2 Vipers and getting into a Gen V ACR depending on looks. Not sure I could deal with the measly 600-700 HP they are talking about, but I will use it for road racing.

:lmao: I love telling people my Viper is slow after they ask about horsepower and I tell them over 500. It is bad when we think 6-700 HP is nothing special, but I can appreciate a factory car that makes that power still.

I have to ask though, you show a 1.32 60' time and a 167mph trap, but a 9.3x ET. Were you just taking it easy on the shifts? With that MPH and 60' I'd imagine the car would be nearly a second faster at worst. I do know the difficulty of keeping a car together at that power level and am not critiquing, just curious.


Nov 2, 2004
Reaction score
I wouldn't expect mass exodus, but certainly there could be movement from current owners looking to upgrade. I wouldn't expect all Gen V owners to either be new Viper owners or previous Viper owners that in every instance was able to kept their previous Gen Vipers. At this point I'm uncertain how much the Gen V could influences the used Viper market, however I wouldn't expect monumental shifts.

Not necessarily an apples to apples comparison, but I recall when I picked up a new C6 vette at launch. The previously lauded C5 Z06 values dropped like a stone. Many a member ditched their C5 in favor of the C6. It's anyone's guess at this point though.

BIG difference when you are talking about (at that time) 45- 50K car than the 100+ the Viper will come in at. And the economy was quite a bit more healthy. We'll see....


Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
IMHO, the Gen V will be sold out for the first year or 2. I am sure Ralph Gilles and the SRT team will not dissapoint on the Gen V. The Gen IV Viper came out in the eye of the hurricane of the economic collapse. Demand for anything at that time was horrible. The economy has recovered somewhat since then and even though there is still plenty of uncertainty, the same qualified buyer that may have held off buying a Gen IV a few years ago are probably more comfortable buying a Gen V now. There will be lots of current owners, including myself, that still love their current Viper and plan on keeping it making a Gen V addition temporarily impractical but that will not change my prediction of a sold out 1st year Gen V. People are forgetting that there are typically only a couple thousand Vipers produced yearly compared to tens of thousands of Z06 and ZR1 Corvettes alone that do get bought. The recovery may still be leaving out the middle class with high unemployment but the upper class is starting to thrive again. Those with jobs in the middle class are able to buy almost anything with interest rates at a record low for at least the next couple years with a trade in or decent down payment.

If you have the means and desire for a Gen V, I recommend that you jump on the first opportunity especially if you want a particular color or option.:drive:


Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
I have to ask though, you show a 1.32 60' time and a 167mph trap, but a 9.3x ET. Were you just taking it easy on the shifts? With that MPH and 60' I'd imagine the car would be nearly a second faster at worst. I do know the difficulty of keeping a car together at that power level and am not critiquing, just curious.

I was learning to drive. when I hit the 167MPH I was running 10.3's. We then tuned the car to solely focus on the launch with no real boost on the top end. So I was hitting 1.3 60' times 7-8 times in a row and about 148-149MPH. We figure once we put it all together that we could get pump gas around 170-175 or so MPH and low to mid 8's. With Race gas we should be able to get more.


Dec 29, 2010
Reaction score
Northern Delaware
I was learning to drive. when I hit the 167MPH I was running 10.3's. We then tuned the car to solely focus on the launch with no real boost on the top end. So I was hitting 1.3 60' times 7-8 times in a row and about 148-149MPH. We figure once we put it all together that we could get pump gas around 170-175 or so MPH and low to mid 8's. With Race gas we should be able to get more.

Very cool. Best of luck to you out there, sounds like a fantastic setup.


Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
It looks like you worked it out and the silver Mamba is the way to go.

I usually sit here and say when the Gen. V comes out the Gen. IVs prices will tank. However, if they come out and the body style change is drastic, and not liked, or the price is $125K, it could actually make the Gen. IV prices stabilize, if not cause them to increase.

You should be able to get your Mamba for $40K-$45K any day of the week, but I'd roll the dice and wait until April to see what happens.


Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
Viper Lane, Arizona
Hey, how about getting back to this guy's questions/ the GEN V will affect other GEN's values is speculative...

Hello All,

I’ve been a lurker for quite some time and this is my first post. I have the usual story of being a long-time Viper lover and I’m finally at the point in my life where I’m ready to take the plunge. I’ve done a considerable amount of reading, especially here on the VCA forums. The purpose of this post is for me to talk out loud, especially around Viper owners with the hopes of gleaning additional information and/or confirming my thoughts. I apologize in advance for the length, but hopefully it will become a helpful thread for others in a similar position. Feel free to respond to any part of this thread, as I’m simply interested hearing others thoughts as they relate to my thought process.

Summary – Hoping to buy my first Viper in Spring 2012. No specific price range, but have a mental block to going above $59k.

Gen III vs Gen IV

Exhaust – My understanding is there is considerable benefit related to heat-reduction as well as exhaust note in the Gen IV. Although, I think this could be inexpensively resolved with a Corsa exhaust on a Gen III ($2k installed?). My understanding is also that the exhaust note on a Gen IV is really not improved by adding a Corsa exhaust.

Clutch – Improved clutch mechanics on the Gen IV makes for easier shifting? I’m all about easier. But is it really something I would notice?

ABS – ABS brakes for improved braking? Sounds like a great addition to the Gen IV.

Many other improvements – Transmission, Electrical, etc. Seems like so many other great improvements that were made to the Gen IV.

Extra 100 HP – I’m buying a performance car, shouldn’t I just go for the extra horses? But then again, I’ve never owned a car that would even compare to a Gen III Viper, so who am I kidding. I won’t know the difference.

Warranty – Finding a 2008 with an Extended Warranty (or still the ability to add one) would seem to be a great value and a huge selling point for me.

Color – I’ve not quite come around on the bold colors available to the Viper. I seem to lean towards laid-back, rather than up in your face. Although I did think about Yellow for quite some time (because they are fastest of course), but then I’ve sort of turned my attention to Silver or Black (I know they are more common, but dang they’re pretty). I think Silver is my latest love, but then realized they made none in 2008, if I consider Gen IV, I may have to go with Black. Maybe black with Red Stripes for a touch of attitude?

Mamba Package – Only for the sake of adding some color to a Silver or Black Viper. Wouldn’t be a requirement, but I think it would look pretty slick. I think this package was only available in Gen III?

Vert vs Coupe – I’ll not be tracking my Viper and I’ll obviously only be driving it on beautiful days. Although I live in Wisconsin, I think I have to go with the Vert.

Price – Nearly a $15k jump to get into the Gen IV over Gen III (2006 vs 2008). Man that’s quite the leap and puts me above my mental limit of $59k (most seem to be around $65k-$69k for 2008). Maybe I just go with a 2005 and save myself some cash and would be just as happy?

Mileage – I’m really not stuck on a low-mileage vehicle; I think I would be fine going up to 15k miles. Although I think around 8k would be a sweet spot.

Timing of Purchase – I’m really concerned about the timing of my purchase. The uncertainty on used Viper values related to the release of the Gen V has me hesitant. I believe they are unveiling the Gen V in early April, this would at least provide me more information as to whether it could have significant negative impact. But given the short summers in WI, I don’t want to wait too long.

My current thoughts – I’m thinking maybe I save some money and go with a 2005 Silver Vert with Mamba package. Add a Corsa Exhaust and call it a day. As I’ve heard others say in posts, it’s a Viper, I’ll love it every time I look in my garage. Whether it’s a 2005 Gen III or a 2008 Gen IV.

Maybe something like this:

But then again…oh how nice would all the bennies of a Gen IV be…hmmm.


Viper Owner
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for the great discussion guys...

Regarding Coupe vs Vert - I actually agree...I do like the look of the Coupe, but I've never owned a Vert, so figure this would be a great car to try it on.

ABS - Thanks for the clarification on ABS being on Gen III, for some reason I was thinking it was new to Gen IV

Gen V impact on value - Another great discussion, it's just so hard to predict. I think I will definitely wait until the Gen V is announced before I make a purchase...anyone know or predict when they are scheduled to be available to drive off the lot? I also wonder what dealers will do with the existing 2010's on the lots? I would think there would be pressure to move these vehicles.

Exhaust - Can anyone speak to the Exhaust tone on the Gen IV vs Gen III with Corsa? I had heard putting a Corsa on the Gen IV provided no improvement to Exhaust note.


Viper Owner
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
One other question, does anyone know if there is a Viper Tech near Madison, WI? If not, what happens if I have issues? Do I have to have it transported to a dealer that does have a Viper Tech?


Viper Owner
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
Having been a gen 2 and now a gen 3 owner. I can say I love my gen 3. It is always a joy and for your first time buy you would not be disappointed in a gen 3. The differences here have been noted. The horse power gain is big, but if your a first time viper owner you will have plenty in a gen 3 and won't be lacking. It's not till you really push your car to the limit that you'll need any more power. I think you would agree very few push the cars limit, or even go to tracks with the car.
Every time I get in my car and push the starter button it makes me smile.
Good luck.

2005 SRT-10

Dec 16, 2011
Reaction score
Albany, NY
This is a good post. I too am a new Viper owner... I did not know about the front balancer bolt issue and to me its the little information that is easily overlooked that makes these forums priceless.


Viper Owner
Jul 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Gen V debuts in April, I believe it will be available by late 2012 as a 2013 model. Not sure about the Corsa, but I'm sure there's sound clips if you search. If you do go with a Gen III, definitely recommend ditching the stock exhaust with the crossover.

Thanks for the great discussion guys...

Regarding Coupe vs Vert - I actually agree...I do like the look of the Coupe, but I've never owned a Vert, so figure this would be a great car to try it on.

ABS - Thanks for the clarification on ABS being on Gen III, for some reason I was thinking it was new to Gen IV

Gen V impact on value - Another great discussion, it's just so hard to predict. I think I will definitely wait until the Gen V is announced before I make a purchase...anyone know or predict when they are scheduled to be available to drive off the lot? I also wonder what dealers will do with the existing 2010's on the lots? I would think there would be pressure to move these vehicles.

Exhaust - Can anyone speak to the Exhaust tone on the Gen IV vs Gen III with Corsa? I had heard putting a Corsa on the Gen IV provided no improvement to Exhaust note.


May 16, 2008
Reaction score
This is a good post. I too am a new Viper owner... I did not know about the front balancer bolt issue and to me its the little information that is easily overlooked that makes these forums priceless.

All gens have this problem. It is the worst on gen 3's. Just take the bolt out lock tight it and put it back in. If the balancer has moved change the balancer, the metal in the balancer is softer then the crank. Takes five mintues to do.


May 16, 2008
Reaction score

I own a gen 3 and would not trade it for a gen 4, but if I was starting fresh I would of. You can easily spend more then the cost difference just trying to get the 100 hp improvement.


Nov 9, 2007
Reaction score
Greenwood Village, CO
I've owned a Gen 2, two Gen 3s, and two Gen 4s. Big difference between Gen 1/2 and Gen 3. Gen 3s were simply better cars all the way around although several on this site prefer the looks of the Gen 1/2 cars. Me? I like the more updated looks of the newer cars. I find the differences (on the street) between the Gen 3 and Gen 4 to be relatively small. Interiors are the same. Stereos are the same quality (they ****). Ride is similar. Looks are similar although the hood on the Gen 4 is more aggressive and more effective at reducing front end lift and extracting heat from the engine bay because of the larger louvers that are more forward. Easy enough to swap though, I did this on my 06 Coupe and from the outside or inside no one could really tell the difference between it and a Gen 4 (ok the stripes were a bit wider on the Gen 3). OEM tires on the Gen 4 are waaaaay better than the Run Craps (Zero Pressure) on the Gen 3, but most Gen 3s have likely had their tires switched by now. Again easy enough to change. Exhaust on the Gen 3 puts more heat into the interior because of the stupid crossover pipe. Also easy to fix.

I found that the Gen4s were easier to stall after driving the Gen 3. Clutch was more sensitive but you get used to this and I don't have any issues with this anymore. Many people have complained about the feel of the drive by wire on the Gen 4 but I never really noticed it. Gen 3s are definitely easier to modify for more power. You can pretty much do anything to them and re-tune them without a problem. The Gen 4 computer is too sensitive and no one has cracked its programming yet, so mods are more limited unless you upgrade to the Mopar controller. The Mopar controller will not pass emissions in many states though so beware. Even with the Mopar controller you can't put on power adders like superchargers or turbos. Easy to do on the Gen 3. A Gen 3 with a Paxton will make over 650 HP to the wheels (approximately 750 at the crank) and will drive like a stock Viper on the street.

Now of course the Gen 4 comes with 600 from the factory and with some porting of the heads and intake (neither of which will upset the computer) and maybe some headers you can get this to 640+ without causing the computer to set the check engine light but that's about it. The Mopar controller can be tuned for 93 octane which will get you a little more. Either way the stock Gen 3 has more than enough power for street driving. If you are a track rat or will eventually become one, more power is always a plus but remember that the Gen 3 is easy to modify to higher power levels than a Gen 4. I don't think you can have too much HP on the track but on the street 500 is more than enough. The Gen 4 ACR is better on a road course than a Gen 3 because of the aero and suspension. ACRs would not be the perfect choice for the drag strip though because of the aero drag from the wing and splitter.

Suspension on the Gen 4 was slightly retuned for the PS2 tires but I've not really noticed the difference unless you're talking about the Gen 4 ACR in which case there is a big difference in the suspension. The ACR suspension is tunable but it does tend to ride a bit rougher on the road.

First big question is coupe or convertible. Coupe looks better than Verts with their top up but put the top down and the Vert is a looker as well. If you plan to ever go to the track you'll need a coupe or you will need to install the Autoform Roll Bar in the Vert. Although even with it some tracks might not accept you if you're too tall so that your head is above the bar. I've 5'10' and I had to slouch to get below the broomstick test with my helmet on. You might have to install a seat lowering kit to fix this. I've put a rollbar in my ACR for added safety. For doing club events or just tooling around nothing beats a Vert in good weather. Big aware though that the factory hoops in a Vert are made of thin aluminum and will not save your a$$ if you are stupid or careless. If you are going to horse around on the street (which I don't recommend) a rollbar is not a bad idea. I've seen pictures of Verts rolled and they are not pretty.

Concerning the Gen 5. While I've seen the clay model at VOI I would need to see the car in person before committing to buy one. I'd also want to see the specs. My guess is at some point I may trade one of my Gen 4s for a Gen 5. Not sure which one though. I have an 08 Vert and an 09 ACR. The Vert is in Viper Bright Blue with silver stripes and it is IMO the best color combination I've ever seen on a car (and I'm talking about any car, Viper or not). So unless the Gen 5 has some equal or better color I'll keep the Vert. I might trade the 09 ACR for a Gen 5 ACR when they become available but again I would need to see it and its specs.


Viper Owner
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score

I own a gen 3 and would not trade it for a gen 4, but if I was starting fresh I would of. You can easily spend more then the cost difference just trying to get the 100 hp improvement.

Thanks Garron. I'm not the most mechanically inclined guy, so my plan is to get a stock Viper, with the exception of exhaust, and likely keep it that way. If I do go Gen III, it will be kept stock and I will just have to recognize I'm missing out on the 100 HP.


Viper Owner
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
First, thanks for the detailed post gbatejan, great info from someone with experience that's very applicable to my question...this forum is amazing for getting great information.

Big aware though that the factory hoops in a Vert are made of thin aluminum and will not save your a$$ if you are stupid or careless.

Great info, I didn't realize this. although I don't plan on horsing around, accidents aren't always in our control. Might be something worth considering. Any recommendation on brand?

I don't think you can have too much HP on the track but on the street 500 is more than enough.

This is another great point...I really don't think my vehicle will ever see the track. I can't imagine I would notice a difference on the street.

he Vert is in Viper Bright Blue with silver stripes and it is IMO the best color combination I've ever seen on a car (and I'm talking about any car, Viper or not).

I'll search your other posts, but would love to see a pic or video if you have one. If I do go '08 Vert route, I'll need to decide what color. Although Black is also pretty gorgeous, I feel like I should do something different.

Looks are similar although the hood on the Gen 4 is more aggressive...

How much did it cost you to swap the hoods?

Exhaust on the Gen 3 puts more heat into the interior because of the stupid crossover pipe. Also easy to fix.

Would you recommend Corsa with stock cats? Also, was I in the vicinity with $2k to do this?


Nov 9, 2007
Reaction score
Greenwood Village, CO
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Here's a photo of my Vert.

In terms of rollbars for convertibles I believe the Autoform is the best option. It basically is two hoops like the factory ones but the hoops have triangulated supports and a connecting bar that is hidden behind the bulkhead plastic cover. They are also made of much stronger steel and they connect to the frame. The bulkhead cover is specific to the bar and is sold with it. It is available from several site vendors. I don't remember the price but I want to say something like $800. Cost me another $750 to have it installed as I was in a hurry to get it done so I could track the Vert. This by the way was on an 03 Silver Vert that I traded for the car pictured above. The 03 is pictured below and you should be able to see the rollbar installed. You may need a pro to install one depending on your level of mechanical ability.

The Gen 4 hood cost me something like $1250. It was used off of an ACR (got it from Jon B at PartsRack) but at the time factory new ones were in very short supply. New ones were about the same price but were not available. Painting and striping was done by Chris Barone of Chris' Collision in Orange, NJ. He's a site sponsor. I had a credit with him so it didn't actually cost me anything. The price would have been between $500 and $750. I did not have the stripes cleared over since the factory didn't do this. Clearing them gives you smoother edges but it would raise price a little.

I had a Corsa track system on my 06. The car was also supercharged with a Paxton. Just sold it. Originally I put Random Tech High Flow cats on it as well. This really lowered interior temperatures. It did raise the sound level quite a bit though. In fact the car would exceed decibel limits at some tracks. Eventually I replaced the Random Techs with a single stock Cat per side, eliminating the downstream clean up cat. A few folks have told me that the High Flow cats can clog more easily and mine were in fact partially clogged when I removed them in favor of a single OEM cat.

If you PM me your email address I can send you a video clip of my 06 with the Corsa exhaust. You'll be able to hear it then.


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