Recent content by viper258

  1. V

    **HELP**New Certificate SRT/10 in dealer lot. What should I pay?

    Been there...the exact same circumstances. They can charge whatever their conscience dreams up. I USED to buy pickups, Jeeps, another Viper, parts etc. from them. They took 4K from the sticker and gave me a gas ticket for Hess. I wish you the best of luck.
  2. V

    SRT-10 Hood

    Just wondering how feasible it would be to have a manufacter (re: hardtop) fabricate a SVO hood to fit the SRT? It would keep things a lot cooler. Any input?
  3. V

    Side mirror puncture marks

    Just the driver's side on mine.
  4. V

    Sneak Peek: SRT/10 Soft Top Boot

    I agree...DC came up short on those two items! But I still love the car.
  5. V

    SRT Owner's Manual

    Re: The pragmatic approach Maybe this is why the manuals are on backorder. I agree with Zoomie...the shipper or the dealer...I'd put my money on the dealer. Back order to me = We are in no hurry, you have paid for the car.
  6. V

    SRT Owner's Manual

    Re: SRT Owner\'s Manual Joe, It did not come with the car. The salesman told me this when I came to pick it up. The cigarette lighter was also missing. It doesn't make sense. Tom
  7. V

    SRT Owner's Manual

    SRT Owner\'s Manual whining.........can someone out there help me get a owner's manual from D.C.? It has been four weeks since I picked up the car. The dealer says that the manual is on back order. How can this be? Aren't they still building the cars? D.C. says call the dealer which puts me...
  8. V

    Something else to watch for

    Also be careful when lowering the top as the two small mouldings on either end are held in by one screw. (make sure they are tight as one of mine came off when we lowered the top) Good Luck!
  9. V

    PVO looking for input on the "starter button" name

    Re: PVO looking for input on the \"starter button\" name I vote for Joseph Houss's design. I would not put anything on the button pertaining to start. If you don't know what it's for, you shouldn't be sitting there.
  10. V

    SRT-10 Manual

    When I picked up my car 1/22, the salesman informed me that the manual for the SRT-10 was missing and would come later. I read previously that they were making some corrections (the lubes). Is anyone else missing their manual?
  11. V

    Dealer Gouging?

    SRT-10, Give my a day or so...First, I need to buy a digital camera, I'm a little behind the times with photography! There's a bunch of them. They will be individual shots since there is snow on the ground. Thanks for asking.
  12. V

    Dealer Gouging?

    Y2K Thanks for the information. I tried to reply and it said you weren't a registered whatever? Anyway, I picked up the SRT yesterday (silver #376) for 84 on the street. They know I'm finished dealing with them and who cares...not me; the Viper was a pleasure to drive home to meet his brothers...
  13. V

    Dealer Gouging?

    Lee, It is Heritage Dodge, Westminster, Maryland. They are part of the Heritage Group with many locations. I'll probably belly up the (whatever they want) this afternoon, take my "marbles" and go home. Honestly, the few extra thousand dollars is not a biggy...I have no intention of flipping...
  14. V

    Dealer Gouging?

    I hear ya Serpent Indiana!! Best part is I buy pickup trucks from these people. I guess I thought they would give me the same markup they did on the trucks. Apparently some people DO just live for today. P.S. I didn't know of Woodhouse a year now!
  15. V

    Dealer Gouging?

    When I first saw the certificate program, there wasn't any pricing on the SRT-10. The very day I received the certificate, I went to our local Dodge dealer and placed a 5k deposit (on good faith) that neither DC or the dealer would gouge me. Well, my car is now on the dealer's showroom floor...