890 rwhp/840 rwtq ( LETHAL 750 + Heffner SCi )

Anthony - 98 GTS

Aug 14, 2001
Reaction score
Houston, Texas

Great numbers!! :eek:

I saw your car up on the rack late last year when I was out in Cali and stopped by Apex. I have been waiting to see your final results of your project - VERY impressive.

Congrats. :)

Paolo Castellano

Nov 1, 2000
Reaction score
Elburn, Il, USA
[/QUOTE]Mash, i think Jason did a good job on your car. i also thought you were a gentleman.

after that comment I now confirm you are an [*****]!



Max, you and some of the DLM guys are a [*****] disgrace to the name of Doug Levin Motrosports. With that last comment you could be considered the worst one of all! I hope they pull this thread! I find it hard to believe you guys don't have 550 CI motors since you all are such a bunch of STROKERS!


May 18, 2001
Reaction score
Wow.......Never thought Id see the day this forum resembled the Supraforums of old......All this over dyno queen status :rolleyes: .....The competition amoung tuners is good for the product.....But I hate the inevitable bad blood it creates between the CUSTOMERS.......

Im glad to see none of the tuners involved are replying to this thread...It shows what class acts they are....Most of the arguments is about a 10-20hp difference here and there between the packages....Who cares...Youre all experiencing power most of us will only dream about...I think you guys need to put down the key board and take a spin in your Yipers so it can put a smile back on your ugly mugs and leave this childish shyte alone..........


Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
I came in here for a quiet enjoyable coffee, but can't swallow for all the blood splattered around :confused:

Time for a group hug guys... :smirk: come on - it won't hurt

we're all friends in here.... the enemies are on other forums plotting to blow up our kids.

Half the problem with forums is when we write the other person can't sense how we feel or look when we do it - plus careless comments become the seeds for war, emotions are raised... then pretty soon good mates start swearing at each other...

if we start crapping in our own nest - sooner or later we'll all step in it....and the whole forum will stink.


All the tuners putting out 800+rwhp cars are top guns. They all have satisfied customers that are loyal to them. That's great! What a wonderful place to be - to have choices like a Viper owner has!!

Let's get back to friendly rivalry and live and let live. You've all got way too much to live for to waste any of it fighting. We've all been hurt or insulted at sometime (or think we have)- best to get over it - not try and take the other guy out. That way we make/keep a friend instead of create a mortal enemy... my 2 cents. Wish i could mop up all the blood in here :(


Mar 29, 2002
Reaction score
Houston, TX
I usually wont post here. But here goes. I just spent some time reading through this mess. First if all, stop asking for the grade school group hugs. Mr Rogers is dead, his ghost isnt going to sing that lame day in the neighborhood song and sesame street will give me 10 times more of a headache than the whining Im reading here. Anyone with a decent set could care less if one guy wants to whoop his out for a measuring contest. The BS posted here isnt smack. It doesnt even come close to any semblance of real $hit talking. Stinkin ameteurs with skin so thin it should be marketed to 3M for transparancy film. Its basically a couple jealous guys staring their recently boo-booed egos wishing for mommy to kiss their owies after falling off the top of their self funded food chain. Awwwww mommy need to bring you some neosporin? Too bad, mommy isnt allowed to play. Jason Heffner made a great product and delivered it for an extremly reasonable price in an incredible amount of time. Apex laid the groundwork and did the same. But a certain group of guys have to try to downplay it. These smackless babies are so caught up in the rash of their own soiled daupers that they have to find a hole in another tuner's perfection. Its like the little outcasted kid who wants to join the "in crowd". So he keeps on nuzzing his irritating self into the circle of real men by making mentally deficient jokes. In the end, the stupid joke is the little moronic goober who tried to insert his unwanted @$$ where it didnt belong to begin with. Some guys spent X amount of dollars and have X performance. Want more? Speed costs money how fast do you want to go? So although I usually bash on the Mash, I'll say congrats on the numbers. Now the rest of you open your wallets and shake. Time to up the ante.

96 GTS

Oct 20, 2000
Reaction score
Does this mean I have to make another trip to Baltimore? Just kidding, congratulations on a fantastic car!

King GTS

Nov 5, 2001
Reaction score
Houston, Tx.
I usually wont post here. But here goes. I just spent some time reading through this mess. First if all, stop asking for the grade school group hugs. Mr Rogers is dead, his ghost isnt going to sing that lame day in the neighborhood song and sesame street will give me 10 times more of a headache than the whining Im reading here. Anyone with a decent set could care less if one guy wants to whoop his out for a measuring contest. The BS posted here isnt smack. It doesnt even come close to any semblance of real $hit talking. Stinkin ameteurs with skin so thin it should be marketed to 3M for transparancy film. Its basically a couple jealous guys staring their recently boo-booed egos wishing for mommy to kiss their owies after falling off the top of their self funded food chain. Awwwww mommy need to bring you some neosporin? Too bad, mommy isnt allowed to play. Jason Heffner made a great product and delivered it for an extremly reasonable price in an incredible amount of time. Apex laid the groundwork and did the same. But a certain group of guys have to try to downplay it. These smackless babies are so caught up in the rash of their own soiled daupers that they have to find a hole in another tuner's perfection. Its like the little outcasted kid who wants to join the "in crowd". So he keeps on nuzzing his irritating self into the circle of real men by making mentally deficient jokes. In the end, the stupid joke is the little moronic goober who tried to insert his unwanted @$$ where it didnt belong to begin with. Some guys spent X amount of dollars and have X performance. Want more? Speed costs money how fast do you want to go? So although I usually bash on the Mash, I'll say congrats on the numbers. Now the rest of you open your wallets and shake. Time to up the ante.

Finally some good Smack has been run. Now I shall contribute. Rack that SmokinV10 kid!
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Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA
What's wrong with a little smack? Can't some folks stand a little sand in their eyes? Well, stay outta the sandbox then!

I hear where Paolo is coming from 100%! There are power numbers. And there are dollar figures. And there are track times.

In terms of track times, I don't think any of the SC guys have much game there - not when it comes to being top dog anyway. "Fastest Viper Land" is OWNED by the NOS guys. Maybe it doesn't feel good, but it's reality.

In terms of ultimate power numbers, DLM seemed to always hold that crown, but it looks like Heffner is catching up quick, and has actually surpassed the others to be the undisputed supercharger horsepower king. He deserves all the credit in the world.

As for "dollars spent", Roe is running strong, Cragin is a promising new entry into the field, but, as for what's out there now, Heffner is the man. I am baffled that anyone would try to use the "money angle" on a Heffner creation. That's like using the "well my dad can beat up your dad" angle on Jesse Venturas kid. That dog won't walk.

It does sort of seem that there are some guys who feel they need to be #1, and interject into ANY dyno-result thread with their results, or their "corrections".

Now, I am very curious to see what everyone spent. We know a ballpark on what MASH spent. Heffner braved new waters (waters tested only by Tom Welch previously) by actually (gasp) posting a price. We know what Roe's kit costs and where the new Paxton kit is priced. So let's hear it - what does a DLM Level 3+/4 cost anyways? That seems to be the one missing piece of this puzzle.


Apr 5, 2003
Reaction score
mike, i agree 100%. i have yet to see what a DLM package costs, and that could solve the mystery. who has the best dollar/hp rating?


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Near Tampa Bay
I apologize in advance to some for posting this, just something I have to get off my chest...

Paolo, name calling?
It's useless to argue with you. Somehow you would find a way to argue the sky wasn't blue. It's like arguing with a 9 year old. A person can't win. Anything you don't agree with you go balistic about. I think a few lines on this thread and others were such B.S. Good tuners have a following. What do you expect when certian claims are made and allegations are made if you read between the lines? Their loyals will retort. Especially with a tuner like DLM. He's so reputable and honest and any of his customers would back him up and his hp and his work, etc.

I remember 3 years ago this crap you posted on this board about supercharging and how and what I did was so scrutinzed by you. I wish I would have saved the threads. Now your the biggest supporter of it. Heck, I remember 5 months ago you were in bed with a certain OTHER tuner...

BIggest keyboard racer I've ever seen.

Relax a little w/ the name calling. All this and you don't even have you car yet or even driven a s/c'd for any length of time.



Motor City Mad Man

Nov 11, 2000
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
I think all you guys should just put away the dyno sheets, whip your schlongs out and start comparing them. Maybe lay it out on a scanner and post the pics. I don't want to see it though so just warn everyone before you do it. :shocked:

jamie furman

Nov 15, 2000
Reaction score
woodbridge va
I think every thing boils down to dollars and sense if money is no object it doesn't matter. If money does matter, common sense is dollars per et is what matters. Horsepower is great if you can use it and on the dyno it always looks great but sometimes when you get to the track the numbers just don't back up the dyno. I have never seen anyone win a race on the dyno so for me I want to see the track numbers and what you got for your money so I know where to spend mine.


Feb 27, 2001
Reaction score
Gary, <snip> I'm certainly curious to hear how much you ended up spending for your stroker motor + SC setup.

Just to clarify, my motor is not stroked. I run about 12 lbs of boost on 93 octane pump gas.

Paolo Castellano

Nov 1, 2000
Reaction score
Elburn, Il, USA
I apologize in advance to some for posting this, just something I have to get off my chest...

Paolo, name calling?
It's useless to argue with you. Somehow you would find a way to argue the sky wasn't blue. It's like arguing with a 9 year old. A person can't win. Anything you don't agree with you go balistic about. I think a few lines on this thread and others were such B.S. Good tuners have a following. What do you expect when certian claims are made and allegations are made if you read between the lines? Their loyals will retort. Especially with a tuner like DLM. He's so reputable and honest and any of his customers would back him up and his hp and his work, etc.

I remember 3 years ago this crap you posted on this board about supercharging and how and what I did was so scrutinzed by you. I wish I would have saved the threads. Now your the biggest supporter of it. Heck, I remember 5 months ago you were in bed with a certain OTHER tuner...

BIggest keyboard racer I've ever seen.

Relax a little w/ the name calling. All this and you don't even have you car yet or even driven a s/c'd for any length of time.



Gerald, You are clueless in your asessment of this thread thus far.

Your buddy Max is the one who called Mash an a****** after having hurt feelings. The truth is, Mash is happy about his car: Why can't you guys just go away? Someone makes a little innuendo Heffner gives more HP/$$$$$$$$$ than some other tuner and Ben who was not going to get into this anymore but could not help himself.

==> Lets face it does the name "stroker" hit home to guys like you?

You say I am the biggest keyboard racer you've seen?
==>You have to be kidding!
======>Trust me here. You can call me a lot of things, but anybody who knows me and what I can do behind behind the wheel will get a big kick out of that one!

You said, "Heck, I remember 5 months ago you were in bed with a certain OTHER tuner..." ===> You do not know **** and are playing games with the people's minds who might not necessarily have followed the supercharger saga for the last few years.

You said, "I remember 3 years ago this crap you posted on this board about supercharging and how and what I did was so scrutinzed by you."

I have 2 things to say here:

1. A few years back, I have to admit I did not know all the facts about supercharging and time has proven DLM and Heffner piggybacking the fuel system works just fine. Even if they have only sold 2 or 3 systems between them, it would be more than the other tuner who gave me my earlier information.

2. Gerald, the only thing I scrutinized was you "not putting your foot into it"==> remember that one?

I think generally you guys are probably alright, but this thread has gotten the best of everybody......

Here is an example:

Gerald, how about running me for a standing mile? You in? Isn't this ridiculous?

You said,"Relax a little w/ the name calling. All this and you don't even have you car yet or even driven a s/c'd for any length of time."

Gerald, to be honest, I have NEVER driven a supercharged car. Just a twin turbo Viper once.

I do not have any seat time in anything other than 450 RWHP. I will learn how to drive the car in my own sweet time.

Give me a little seat time and I will be able teach you a thing or two about yourself and what you are made of behind the wheel.

Like I said in an earlier post, ==> You guys are a disgrace...Period!


Apr 15, 2001
Reaction score
MaxedGTS, I on the other hand, have always known you were an A$$ hole.
Anthony - 98 GTS, Thanks
torquemonster, this is for you buddy..... ( HUG to everyone )
Smokin V10, nicely said. I miss our old bashing days :p , congrats on your car too.


Aug 11, 2001
Reaction score
mash, you have nice car. when can we go for a spin in your car in mclean?

Dr Roof

Jan 22, 2002
Reaction score
Louisville, KY usa
Forget the smack let's Just Race!

I think we all will be pleased with the end results and that is we all have fast cars! :cool:

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA
I would just like to add I don't recommend ANYONE get in a car with Paolo. He is one crazy ****! The thing about Paolo, is that however fast his car is, and I mean HOWEVER fast it is, he WILL top it out.

I can't wait until he gets the car back because I expect some awesome videos and experience pushing the envelope.


Aug 23, 2001
Reaction score
HEY GUYS put away the DYNO numbers bring out the BIG HITTERS RENT A TRACK AND SETTLE THIS. The quickest and fastest vipers out there will do the talking for the TUNERS. Step up and shut up, let your car do the talking. It is never how much you spend but where you end up on the ladder.


Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
Annapolis, MD
Mike's first post is the best one this entire [******] thread. That says a whole bunch. There were a few informative and good statements/posts, but few and far between. But because of the crap that went on between some owners (I'm not laying blame on anyone), it seems we have a war between [Viper] brothers and company customers because of some needless posts. I thought we were supposed to have some friendly competition to improve the product.

P.S. I'm not part of the whimpy group hug :rolleyes:

Chuck 97 GTS

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
The thing about Paolo, is that however fast his car is, and I mean HOWEVER fast it is, he WILL top it out.

If you believe no other statements made in this entire post, you better believe that one.

Paolo Castellano

Nov 1, 2000
Reaction score
Elburn, Il, USA

I am finished with this. This thread got the best of everybody including myself.

I apologize to all the non-supercharger people viewing this thread if they think I got out of hand. I was just defending what I know is right. It's not worth looking foolish in doing so. Peace. :usa:
Nov 6, 2000
Reaction score
I congratulate The Mash (and Heffner!) on the awesome power numbers! I knew Mash's Lethal 750 package plus Jason's blower package were going to be an awesome combination.
I also can't believe how much banter there is going on back and forth! Jeez, there's not even this much animosity between us tuners. Actually, there's really not any, as far as I'm concerned. We're very often on the phone with Sean Roe, Jason Heffner, Doug Levin, Dan Cragin, and others, bouncing ideas off each other about what works, what doesn't, buying parts from each other, etc. It's all very civil, and all done in the name of making more hp and taking Viperdom to the next level.
Of course, a little competition between you Viper owners is what keeps us in business! :D

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