Robert, I am sure that we could do a poll on the design, but at this point I do not know how that would help? As Joe stated above, this is a design that has come from the "visions" of Viper owners who have attended past VOI's. I sat in some of these sessions and listened (mostly in disagreement) to what was said. I shivered when I heard the "dead-pedal" discussion, I still LIKE the fact that my Viper LEAKS, and I was amazed at how the majority of the owners asked for a more civilized version of the beast? The owner body made it clear that performance was Number 1, (surprisingly) comfort Number 2, style seemed to be a distant third.
In order to fully achieve what was requested, you now get a more aerodynamic Viper, with a top that avoids leaks, more creature comforts, and a lot more power.
When I initially saw the SRT/10 I was not impressed by the looks, but very intrigued by the performance. Then an amazing thing happened. I was standing on a platform in Cobo Hall, and all of a sudden I look down and the SRT/10 is now next to a 2001 RT/10. Holy crap, what a CAR! The new Viper at that point took on a life of it's own in my eyes. All of a sudden this questionable style came into focus. The new version looked SERIOUS, not the wild almost cartoonish toy I have been lusting after for more than a decade, but rather a car that will take on the best that the world has to offer. The new version is wider, a little longer, sleeker, lower, and much MEANER looking that the original (at least from that view point).
My Viper today will be a classic because of it's raw presence. The SRT/10 will be a classic because of the overall ********** it brings to the sports car world. IMHO