Header Coating!!

Kai SRT10

Feb 4, 2004
Reaction score
Salt Lake City
Ever since I got my Billy Boat headers installed, I've had issues with heat. Melted wiring, excessive under-hood temps, etc. I took some stop-gap measures by wrapping vulnerable wires and hoses with heat reflective materials, but I was looking for a better solution.

I recently got my headers coated with the HiPerCoat Extreme coating from HPC.


Cost was $915 including the cost of shipping my headers back and forth to HPC. Time to get them coated was about 3 weeks.

After using the coated headers for several weeks, I am happy to report that the product seems to work as advertised. There is a very significant reduction in heat coming off of my headers. I haven't measured anything with a thermometer, but prior to the coating, the headers became extremely hot very quickly. Within 2-3 minutes of starting the engine, the headers were so hot they would burn your flesh if you touched them, and when the engine was running for a while, waves of heat would pour off of the headers. The headers would stay hot for a long time after engine shut down. After application of the HPC coating, the headers stay cool much longer, cool down much quicker, and the heat coming off of them is much reduced. The whole engine bay is staying cooler and is cooling down much more quickly.

I would highly recommend this coating to anyone who is considering headers and wants to avoid cooking and melting stuff under the hood.


Viper X

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
May 1, 2004
Reaction score
Hi Kai,

I had my headers coated inside and out with "Afterburn" before installation and can report the same results, these coatings work.

I would also recommend you consider the Autoform comp coupe style vented hood, with the vents cut out. It lowered my operating temperature, both coolant and oil, 15 to 20 degrees on average on warm days. You can remove it in about 5 minutes and put the stock hood back on for winter or if you're not going to track the car for a while. I leave mine on most of time, but we don't get much rain here in so Cal.

Good luck,



Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
I had mine coated at HPC also they did a great job and I can actually touch my heads after a long ride its great.

I got the extreme (in black) as well.

are SRT headers diff from gen 2? I only asked because I paid a little less thats all.