Just WAXED a Crotch Rocket!!!!!!


Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Leawood, Kansas
I was just out trying an IAS plug with a 21/64 size hole in it to see if that would help the idle hang I have since I modified my RT-10, just picked it up from the shop on Friday afternoon. (I will post under an idle hang thread on this later, but I've never had idle hang on any of my Vipers until I modified them)(Will post under that loooong tuner thread later also)

I am trying some hard runs, and some regular driving. I'm on a four lane highway headed west, and I see a C-5. 50's something guy driving and his 30's something wife, girlfriend?? They had their windows rolled down arms hanging over the door, just enjoying the day. As I came up on them, I noticed the female turn around and look. I was stuck behind them for a while looking for a way to get next to them, traffic would not allow it. I finally get an opening and as I change lanes, he rolls up his windows and hits the brakes then ducts right in behind me. I guess he wasn't up for any fun today.

I turn around and head east on the same four lane highway. Almost at the exact second I turn around, I see 3 or 4 crotch rockets bikes in traffic behind me. A couple Suzuki's and a Yammer. One was leaning over as far as he could as we came to a stoplight to get a look around the cars between us. As soon as we move forward they start slicing through cars to get up next to me. At this point I see there is three of them. These were not what I call the typical rocket bike rider. (please take no offence, I was one for years) These were not the surfer type with sandles, a tank top, shorts and no helmet. All three of these guys had serious padded matching leather jackets and helmets. (matching being, each one matched each of their bikes, color and designs)

They start egging me on right off the bat. Even though we had about 2 miles of free road (no traffic) before the next stop light (yes, stop lights on a highway, low budget city wouldn't build bridges) I refused to bite on their taunts. When I ignored them they started the 60 miles per hour wheelie stunts. Pretty cool actually when you see it up close. I was so impressed I forgot to think about what would happen if they lost control and hit the side of my car.

I'm not a big street racer. Speed kills, plain and simple. I race on race tracks and get paid to do so. I've hit a concrete wall at 155MPH and walked away. (also at 140MPH, and 125MPH head on) So I try to NEVER race on the streets, street cars will fold like a cheep card table with the slighest impact. Well, even the best of us lose our minds sometimes, plus I am in a freshly modified car, I gotta know what it will do, right? After these guys beating on me for about 3 or 4 more miles we come up to a stop light. They position themselves in the lane next to me in a triangle. One leader out front and two side by side behind him. (What is that? The missing man formation on bikes or something?)

Well, I roll off at green, not too agressivly. But at about 3,000 RPM while I'm still in first, the lead bike nails it! So, what else could I do? I nail it and run it up to about 5,000 RPM give or take 500 RPM. At this point the road is ever so slightly curving to the right. I hit second WOT. The rear tires break loose and the rear of the car starts to come around. I'm now thinking HOLY S%!7 I'm going to pile this thing up into a rocket bike, then into the curb, and at the rate I'm moving I won't stop until I hit the new Wendy's fast food joint they just built! My heart is pumping as hard as my V-10! I'm pretty sure my heart was stuck in my windpipe at about this point and I KNOW that the red leather seat insert that SnakeHydes made me is now somewhere north of my sphinkter(SP?)!

As I see the bike pulling away a bit, I ease out of the throttle although not all the way. (that is a big no-no at a time like that) I counter steer ever so slightly for what seemed like a milisecond. Then the car started to gather itself up and I felt the drivers side rear tire catch and stick. (I was no where near gathered up!) But I had only one choice left, NAIL IT and hit third gear! I am gaining ******* the bike in third. I look over at him and he's all bent over, ducked under his fairing, his arms dancing with his left foot as he's running through his gears, but even with all that, as I hit fourth I blow by him like he had just hit a brick wall! I hit fifth for just a short time and then I stuck my hand up out of the open top letting him know I'm backing off once I noticed I was five or six car lengths in front of him.

As we roll down from speed, and as I feel my chest pounding like a jackhammer, he caught up to me and I offered him a re-run, but he declined. He then just rode beside me for a bit looking at me. I'm not sure if he was looking thinking, I'm a nut bag for driving like I did, or if he was looking thinking, what the hell is in that thing. But after what seemed like 30 seconds of looking at each other he gave me the thumbs up, and I did the same in return. And all of the sudden at about 60MPH he pulls a wheelie and took off on one wheel like the rocket he was. Which was cool, because I know that no matter how hard I try in my RT-10, I can't do THAT!

I pulled over at the first exit, pulled off at the bottom of the ramp, my heart still racing and I called a couple of Viper guys to brag about smoking a crotch rocket bike! The first one I called, I had to leave a voice mail and I'd bet $1,000.00 you can tell by listening to my voice I was still on a major adreneline (SP?) high at that the time of that call.

I know there have been others to beat a crotch rocket, but I'm a naturally asperated, all motor car. Plus I just thought it was a great kill on top of not just beating him, but wasting him in front of his friends!

I would have paid money to hear what his friends said to him afterwards. Especially since I know the two behind us had to see me get all loose for a bit, catch myself, straighten up, and come back and still kick his but!

Wow, I'm still pumped up, can you tell? :D


Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Leawood, Kansas
Red, If I keep this up I will start to look like the old US war planes that had the Zero kill stickers on them. That might be cool!

Miles, I'm a circle tracker by trade here a taste, www.sandersmotorsports.com - I call myself a never was been. Just barely good enough to get there, but not good enough to make it big time. I'm on the down hill slide, fewer and fewer events every year. So far this year I've had only two NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series races, and one NASCAR Busch Series race. I need to update the site, it's been about 10 months since we've updated.

I used to pilot a 9 second bike back in my late teens, so I got a little straight line blood in me too. I think my rush was car vs. bike, plus the car getting loose to the point of almost no return.

All them rocket bikes here got mods out the wazo and they hunt for vettes and vipers to try to put them in their place. With a newly modded car, I had no idea what the out come was going to be, needles to say I was thrilled!

Now to the dyno shop and then the strip where it belongs!

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