Viper engine in SUV!

Paul Fischer

Sep 28, 2000
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Texas, USA
Hey I saw it on ABC News tonight so I know I can believe it
. They were doing their usual spin about the US not signing the Folly of Kyoto (Trivia question: What are the only two countries to have actually signed the treaty?) and used American SUV's as an example of what we are doing wrong. While the voice over talked about SUV's the video image started with a new model pickup truck (you know, the ones with catalytic converters, computerized air/fuel management systems, engines that run on unleaded gas) out driving around city streets supposedly ruining the enviornment. Then the video cut to a big red V-10 block being installed in a chassis at CAAP. It said "Viper" big as day right on the heads. So there you have it folks, Viper engines are now being installed in SUV's and as such are responsible for heating up the planet. The same engine that runs a special camshaft and pistons to compensate for cold start emmissions (somehow this was overlooked in the report). We've known these motors had enough torque to increase the earth's spin on occasion but now we're crackin' glaciers too.

Like I said, I know this is true because I just saw it on ABC and they wouldn't tell us something that wasn't true would they? Now how do I get my hands on one of these V-10 SUV's?

And the only two countries to have actually signed the Kyoto document: hose two environmental paragons from the former worker's paradise, Romania and Lithuania.

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