Wheel/Tire sadness today


Viper Owner
Nov 30, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio
It all started in early Jan 09 when I pulled the trig on some 19/20 Iforged Revs which were in stock and I thought I got a pretty fair price on from Iforged. I was told the fronts were 19.10 rears 20.13 and this was stated on the invoice as well. I quickly ordered some ps2's from Discount Tire in 275/30/19 and 335/30/20 because I had read posts where that set up would work on those size wheels. I had also read that if 10.5 fronts the tires might look streched but figured I was ok with 19.10. Wheels get to me fast which I am happy about but on the "wheel quality insp from Iforged the fronts happen to be 10.5, so being a tad impulsive and instead of waiting longer to order a wider front I just run with it. At that point I did not see any reason to bicker/complain to Iforged b/c I like the wheels. I buy the tpms sensors from DT and pick up wheels/tires to put on car and initially not real happy with the look of the fronts(streched) but figure they will grow on me. The tpms never work and a dealer can not program them to the car and DT says they will work on a fix. Pretty quick I call the at the time mgr of DT and tell him I know I specified the size of front tires but not real happy with them and can I swap them for 285 or 295 and pay the difference and he tells me no. He is not there anymore. So I live with it for a while and run the car by months later b/c the guys wanted to take a photo. This time I mention it and they tell me they will take care of it b/c I buy alot of tires from them so Jonb suggests the 295/30/19 as he is always happy to help a client out. Thanks Jonb! Today is the big day and while dismounting the tire they break the tpms sensor and bracket clean off, DT tells me those wheels should not be running a tpms or have a bracket on them? OK. I tell them forget the tpms since they don't work anyway just put the new tires on, which they do but it leaks where the valve stem/tpms bracket broke. Tires look great btw very squared off now. They also notice a breach/tear in the outer sidwall of the new tire. They were going to temporarily rig the valve stem to come up through the inner barrel but not do the L to pop out as it is supposed to until they buy 2 new ones from Iforged. They put my 275 back on and rig the valve stem which has about 1.5 -2 mm from rubbing the caliper and had to leave the cover off or it would rub.

On the bright side they have ordered the 2 new L shaped valve stems from Iforged and 2 new 295's just incase one is damaged and they will refund me $40X4 for the tpms that did not work so I will monitor the tires closely. All this is supposed to come in next Tues but I was pumped to have them on my car today. One other bright side is I only have to pay the diff b/t the 275's and 295's and the certificates I bought for warranty. So all in all I guess I can live with it, but this was a good example of "the law of diminishing returns", take something in to get fixed or made better and wind up with a bunch of other crap to fix.

Forgot to mention that while I was standing watching my guy at DT dropped the wheel while the tire was not on all the way. I guess that lube is pretty slick. All I could hear was a loud bell ring. I told him prior to putting the 295's on I want that rim spun to check for a bend. He apologized and said if it is bent they will replace the wheel. So there it is, my sad wheel day.


Viper Specialty

Legacy/Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Feb 14, 2002
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Cape Coral, FL
new tire shop, BADLY. You certainly can mount those TPMS sensors if you know what you are doing, we have done dozens of them.


Viper Owner
Nov 30, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio
:smirk::nono: U trying to tell me raw metal hit the ground and there was no damage to the finish. At $1100 per rim they should handle them like handling a baby, you need a new tire shop badly. IMO:dunno:

I agree. Limited options in San Antonio. I think it hit on the inner side of barrel where you don't see it but will check this week when the tire comes off this week.

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