Who are the youngest people here to own a viper

Cop Magnet

Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Kenilworth, IL
So who's the oldest Viper owner who's made it with a chick younger than the youngest Viper owner here? There's a thread we can talk about...


Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL (Port Orange)
But seriously, if you are sincere in your quest for knowledge, get creative with a poll (I think that's only been done a few times before).

So who's the oldest Viper owner who's made it with a chick younger than the youngest Viper owner here? There's a thread we can talk about...

I think we have a winner :D Remember people, :needpics: (of the girls) :D


Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
Poconos Pennsylvania
The question is....how young were you and your parents did NOT buy it for you.;)

Most times this question is asked, it seems to be by someone who is young and thinks they are the coolest for buying a Viper the youngest, but usually they are wrong about being the youngest, and they are likely not the coolest either.

I bought my first one with my own (and the bank's) money at age 29, in 2001, and have put well over 100,000 miles on Vipers thus far. Both have been purchased without assistance or consent by others.

Ok heres the deal i wanted to see how many other people where in my age group. Im 22. I work extreamly hard for what i have my parents did not buy my viper. And to be 100% honest i borrowed $2500 from my fiance to pay the tax and tags. Its been my dream to always own a viper and yes im very proud to accomplish that goal at a young age. I do not think i am the youngest or the coolest either. I gave my fiance a choice i was either going to buy a house or a viper and she didnt want a house yet until we get married. so i bought the viper :duh:

04 viper red vert

Tom F&L GoR

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
Wappingers Falls
I built mine and completed it at age 20 something back in 1980 something... can't remember now. Had to walk to the hardware store before there was Home Depot and Lowes. Carried steel before there were SUVs. Welded before there were safety glasses. Had tires before they invented Michelin. Musta been back when Carroll was still raising chickens. Before there was a Viper.

Then after the Viper came out, I traded up.
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Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
SF Bay Area
Aint gotta viper but there was someone who gotta viper GTS on there 16th Birthday....... Don't think anyones gonna be younger than that lol


Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
22 when the loan from the bank was accepted. But the bank gave loans to anyone then, lmao.


Viper Owner
Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
Cleveland Ohio
I'm 28 now on my 2nd viper, and was 23 when I bought my first. I was 20 when I bought my lamborghini diablo with my own money (mom and dad are just regular middle class people) ;)


Aug 28, 2005
Reaction score
Chandler AZ
be proud to own a viper at a young age. Its quite the accomplishment. Hope to get some responses.

What, exactly, is there to be proud of ? If you worked your butt off and saved your hard earned money, be proud of that.

Cars do have different meanings for different folks. Mine is not meant to be an exhibition of my good fortune, my spending habits, my work ethic, etc. I am not "proud" that I chose to own this car. I bought it because I am a car guy and I love the way it looks and I love the way it drives.


Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
Beter qualify that with a "& didn't pay for it" clause - otherwise we'll have people screaming BINGO all over the place :lmao:

So who's the oldest Viper owner who's made it with a chick younger than the youngest Viper owner here? There's a thread we can talk about...


Viper Owner
Jun 25, 2006
Reaction score
Wildwood, MO
The following opinion will probably not be popular among the younger crowd on here but since I'm not on anyone's Christmas card list in the Viper forums it really doesn't matter to me.

Being a young owner of a Viper is not something to be proud of, IMHO. Quite the opposite, actually. It generally shows a lack of financial maturity. I personally don't think anyone should own a Viper until they are at least age 30. Prior to that a young person should be establishing their retirement portfolio and budgeting their money toward other more sensible investments (like owning a home) than spending it on an expensive sports car like a Viper.

Now I know there are probably a few young individuals on here who had most of that when they bought their first Viper. I'm not talking about them. However, it's been my personal observation that the majority of the younger crowd would rather live in a tent from paycheck to paycheck if it meant they could own a Viper.

A classic example is a thread on another forum where a kid bought a Viper before his first house and marriage. Now, three years later, he has to sell the car and will probably lose $30-40k on what he spent on the car and mods. Just think of the nice home he could have put that money down on and eventually taken out a home equity loan for the car.

Again, all this is just IMHO, so take that for what it's worth.


Viper Owner
Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
Cleveland Ohio
Well Jeff you cant count everybody in that sterotype. I know the type. But I'm 28 and I have a 5 bedroom 6 bathroom house with a 4 car garage and 40 foot pool, and this isnt my first house or viper, and I earned it all on my own :) Trust me I save and invest more than I spend. So you cant sterotype everybody in that category...


Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
I think you'd be surprised how many "young" folks can do exactly that. However expelling that much capital is crazy unless you want to cough up your unfair share to the government in the form of tax. The important thing is who was able to buy one with tax free money and depreciate the asset, take the price for the mods off the tops, etc., etc.. Making money by using someone else's money is just good business.

I on the other hand am 32 and had both of mine purchased by my parents under the threat of putting them both in a nursing home in the Ukraine.:lmao:

Now if you believe me...I have some left over Enron stock for sale.

I'd be more interested to see who is the youngest Viper owner to pay cash for their Viper, without having to borrow from anyone. Then tell us what you did to accomplish that goal.

Otherwise, this thread makes me yawn :)


Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
I understand you asking this. It's been asked before, obviously. I was curious when I bought mine - searched the posts for the answer - found most were late 20's thru early 40's with a ton in the mid 30's. I'm relatively new here but long enough to notice there is every walk of life and every pay grade present with ready fingers to reply. You're 22 - enjoy it. You ARE young enough to screw up and recover, and recover very successfully! If it's cool with your lady and you won't be living off me in the form food stamps, then go for it! Just make it to 23. Since the market has dropped on these cars they are popping up in salvage yards all over - getting wrecked. Borrow $600 from your folks for NARRA or something similar and get some experience behind the wheel where if you screw up, you & your car live. They can disguise it as a present since loans are seemingly taboo on this thread ;) I'm really bummed at all the Gen 1 & 2 Vipers getting wrecked. Hate to see anyone get hurt.

Enjoy your car - they are are real treat and a great reward for working all day.

Ok heres the deal i wanted to see how many other people where in my age group. Im 22. I work extreamly hard for what i have my parents did not buy my viper. And to be 100% honest i borrowed $2500 from my fiance to pay the tax and tags. Its been my dream to always own a viper and yes im very proud to accomplish that goal at a young age. I do not think i am the youngest or the coolest either. I gave my fiance a choice i was either going to buy a house or a viper and she didnt want a house yet until we get married. so i bought the viper :duh:

04 viper red vert


Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
The following opinion will probably not be popular among the younger crowd on here but since I'm not on anyone's Christmas card list in the Viper forums it really doesn't matter to me.

Being a young owner of a Viper is not something to be proud of, IMHO. Quite the opposite, actually. It generally shows a lack of financial maturity. I personally don't think anyone should own a Viper until they are at least age 30. Prior to that a young person should be establishing their retirement portfolio and budgeting their money toward other more sensible investments (like owning a home) than spending it on an expensive sports car like a Viper.

Now I know there are probably a few young individuals on here who had most of that when they bought their first Viper. I'm not talking about them. However, it's been my personal observation that the majority of the younger crowd would rather live in a tent from paycheck to paycheck if it meant they could own a Viper.

A classic example is a thread on another forum where a kid bought a Viper before his first house and marriage. Now, three years later, he has to sell the car and will probably lose $30-40k on what he spent on the car and mods. Just think of the nice home he could have put that money down on and eventually taken out a home equity loan for the car.

Again, all this is just IMHO, so take that for what it's worth.

Yes, I see that a lot with my crowd. When I was living in an apartment(to save up for a downpayment on my house) I had other "kids" my age rocking new porches/vipers/Z06's living pay check to pay check.

I was simply amazed on how ignorant and foolish some of my acquaintances were. I saved up for house downpayment, pay cash for everything(all my other vehicles are paid for), threw money into my 401(not much into my savings though..mistake??:confused:) and after a year of owning my modest house(not a 200k+ McMansion), said screw it and got a loan my GTS. It will be paid off in another 2 years, and I should(never know with this economy) be set to have my house paid off a 5 years or so after that. At that time I would really like to look into starting my own business, but in what I'm not sure.

Have I made the smartest financial decisions? No I'm still learning, but to say that just ANYONE under 30 shouldn't own a viper to me is just not fair and ridiculous.

Besides that, I had to buy a Viper to compensate for my 1" penis:2tu:


Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
Poconos Pennsylvania
I understand you asking this. It's been asked before, obviously. I was curious when I bought mine - searched the posts for the answer - found most were late 20's thru early 40's with a ton in the mid 30's. I'm relatively new here but long enough to notice there is every walk of life and every pay grade present with ready fingers to reply. You're 22 - enjoy it. You ARE young enough to screw up and recover, and recover very successfully! If it's cool with your lady and you won't be living off me in the form food stamps, then go for it! Just make it to 23. Since the market has dropped on these cars they are popping up in salvage yards all over - getting wrecked. Borrow $600 from your folks for NARRA or something similar and get some experience behind the wheel where if you screw up, you & your car live. They can disguise it as a present since loans are seemingly taboo on this thread ;) I'm really bummed at all the Gen 1 & 2 Vipers getting wrecked. Hate to see anyone get hurt.

Enjoy your car - they are are real treat and a great reward for working all day.

Fastzilla I greatly appreciate your response. My fiance and I plan to be married less than two years and already have the majority of the money we need to put down on a desent home. The way some other people talk on this forum they seem to want to stereotype someone before they really know them. Im obiviously smart enough to make sure that im financially stable before I go and by a viper. And I dont have to live paycheck to paycheck by any means. The NARRA doesnt sound like a bad idea. I sold my 2003 SVT cobra to get the viper. I have to admit I miss the stang but it is no competition with the viper. The viper surpasses it in everyway.


Feb 18, 2009
Reaction score
The following opinion will probably not be popular among the younger crowd on here but since I'm not on anyone's Christmas card list in the Viper forums it really doesn't matter to me.

Being a young owner of a Viper is not something to be proud of, IMHO. Quite the opposite, actually. It generally shows a lack of financial maturity. I personally don't think anyone should own a Viper until they are at least age 30. Prior to that a young person should be establishing their retirement portfolio and budgeting their money toward other more sensible investments (like owning a home) than spending it on an expensive sports car like a Viper.

Now I know there are probably a few young individuals on here who had most of that when they bought their first Viper. I'm not talking about them. However, it's been my personal observation that the majority of the younger crowd would rather live in a tent from paycheck to paycheck if it meant they could own a Viper.

A classic example is a thread on another forum where a kid bought a Viper before his first house and marriage. Now, three years later, he has to sell the car and will probably lose $30-40k on what he spent on the car and mods. Just think of the nice home he could have put that money down on and eventually taken out a home equity loan for the car.

Again, all this is just IMHO, so take that for what it's worth.

Yeah but think about it, if he lost his viper its probably because he started to lose his source of income. A house is a 15-30 year commitment to pay off, unlike a car that is only 4-6 years.

What if he would of put that $30k into a down payment for a house, had a mortgage and then lost his income?. He'd probably be another american going into foreclosure.

Yes, im 21. I bought my viper at 21. But i didn't go out and buy it brand new. I purchased a used one for about $55k, put a large down on it, have a decent payment. Lets say I lose my source of income at any time I can put the car on ebay and get my money back easily. My viper will sell faster then houses in my area anyday.

Also, I dont plan on buying my first home till im 25-30. By that time my viper will be paid off. When im ready to buy a house I can sell my viper, sell it for atleast $40k and use that money towards a house and still have my daily driver little lexus.

Anyways, this was just my theory of why I purchased my viper for my 21st bday. I bought the car and never looked back, im living many peoples dream of having a supercar in college.

Viper ACR

Mar 26, 2004
Reaction score
Alberta Canada
Yeah but think about it, if he lost his viper its probably because he started to lose his source of income. A house is a 15-30 year commitment to pay off, unlike a car that is only 4-6 years.

What if he would of put that $30k into a down payment for a house, had a mortgage and then lost his income?. He'd probably be another american going into foreclosure.

Yes, im 21. I bought my viper at 21. But i didn't go out and buy it brand new. I purchased a used one for about $55k, put a large down on it, have a decent payment. Lets say I lose my source of income at any time I can put the car on ebay and get my money back easily. My viper will sell faster then houses in my area anyday.

Also, I dont plan on buying my first home till im 25-30. By that time my viper will be paid off. When im ready to buy a house I can sell my viper, sell it for atleast $40k and use that money towards a house and still have my daily driver little lexus.

Anyways, this was just my theory of why I purchased my viper for my 21st bday. I bought the car and never looked back, im living many peoples dream of having a supercar in college.

Don't worry what others think you should have done with your money . it always makes me laugh when people say you should or shouldn't be doing this or that with your money. You should own a home before you purchase this . You should have X amount of money put away before by this age .....Do what makes you happy.

I bought a Z06 when I was 21 , before I made a purchase of a house . At the time I had a daily driver paid for and didn't mind having a payment for a sports car before I purchased a home . I got the same grief from old men about my finances lol. Do I regret making the purchase at the time ? Not one bit ...

A few years ago I got in an accident shattered my hip, was in the hospital for 6 months at the time they weren't sure if I would walk again. I am very lucky to be alive let alone walking and ok. Point is if I had died or been put in a wheel chair for life . At least I would have had the memories of all the fun I have had up until the accident . The enjoyment I got out of my Z06.

Now I am on my second Viper at 28. My house is paid for and I have lost close to 40% ona few small investments since this economic dive. You could pretty much say I am unemployed at the moment . When the industry picks up I will have work but until then I am sitting on my hands . I was able to pay my house off just before this recession. I dont regret any financial decisions I have made . Maybe I would have invested less if I knew the way the market was gonna turn.

I want to have money put away for when I retire . But I want to enjoy the road before retirement . I know for a fact that I would regret later on in life not living along the way. Sacrificing all that I enjoy . To make my bank account bigger . Each to there own , Congrats on your Viper enjoy it no matter what anyone says . Just my 2 cents :2tu:

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