Would you care if a Supra or Corvette owner said your car was ugly?


Aug 17, 2001
Reaction score
Orlando FL and Seneca Lake NY
Of course not.

So those of you who are getting SRTs don't worry if other people do not like the SRT. Stop trying to convince other people.

If YOU like then let it go. If on the other hand you are trying to convince yourself the car looks good, maybe you should rethink your purchase.

Just to make sure you heard it. STOP trying to convince other people the car looks good.

Do you think RT/10 owners give a **** if the GTS owners think their car looks like crap and vice versa?

Well then don't give a crap if the RT and GTS owners think your soon to be car looks like crap.

ENJOY it because YOU like it.


Mar 29, 2002
Reaction score
Houston, TX

Craig 201 MPH

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Toronto Ontario, Canada
The thing is the hating is only going one way, no SRT owner or anyone that has one on order has said didly $hit about the current cars.

not that it hurts my feelings or anything but it's getting old.

King GTS

Nov 5, 2001
Reaction score
Houston, Tx.
I'm sorry I got here late on an excellent Post! I could care less if a Supra, Corvette, Mustang, or fellow Viper owner thought my car was ugly! It seriously wouldn't bother me in the least bit! One of the many reasons is because if I wanted a Supra or Corvette or SS or Mustang or an RT-10 even, I'd buy one. I don't EVER nor would I EVER try & make someone like my GTS that didn't like it.

Good Post.


Jul 27, 2000
Reaction score
Severna Park, Maryland
Well just for the heck of it you guys, today Road and Track said your car felt HAM-****** compared to the SRT, so do you really not care if your car is insulted? Just curious and no offence meant, check my avatar, I'm hamfisted also.

King GTS

Nov 5, 2001
Reaction score
Houston, Tx.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lee00blacksilverGTS:
Well just for the heck of it you guys, today Road and Track said your car felt HAM-****** compared to the SRT, so do you really not care if your car is insulted? Just curious and no offence meant, check my avatar, I'm hamfisted also.


I don't really know what "ham-******" means but I think I speak for everyone when I say, NO, we don't care at all. Think about it? The SRT is a stroked Viper w/ crazy HP that we didn't have stock. Sure it's gonna have a lot more power & feel a lot better. That's only natural. They've made everything about the car (except what really counts) better.

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA

Evidence suggests that YES, Viper owners get VERY upset when Camaro, Mustang, Supra, or other brand drivers say crap about how the Viper looks.

Please don't turn this around on the folks that like the SRT. This forum is for discussion about the SRT - as someoen who has one coming, I'm getting a little bit pissed constantly reading insults about my car. The folks doing it most seem to be getting a kick out of it. If they don't like the car, WHY come to this forum? Why not complain elsewhere? What is the point of constantly complaining? Obviously DC knows these guys dont like it. Obviously it won't change a thing. So what is the point? the only point I can see is to 1) rant about things to make themselves feel better. 2) insult those of us who LIKE the car and make themselves feel better. It's like the mob mentality - one person says something and everyone joins in.

Well, alot of folks are sick of it. Is it too much to ask that there be a place where we can share excitement of the car - wait for news and tidbits of information without EVERY SINGLE THREAD being infected with people who just have negative comments to make?

Don't come back with some bs about "why do you care" - why do YOU care to have to keep insulting the car? Viper owners DO care when their cars are insulted - go check the archives for proof. Oh, wait a minute... you've only been registered for 9 months, and don't appear to own a Viper... so what would you know about this situation anyways?

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by King GTS:
I don't really know what "ham-******" means but I think I speak for everyone when I say, NO, we don't care at all. Think about it? The SRT is a stroked Viper w/ crazy HP that we didn't have stock. Sure it's gonna have a lot more power & feel a lot better. That's only natural. They've made everything about the car (except what really counts) better.


I've been on the Viper boards now for 5 years. I would need MUCH MORE than both hands and feet to count the threads that were started whenever the Viper got a bad review, and the angry comments that followed. It's easy to say in the context of THIS argument that nobody cares, but evidence shows to the contrary.

I would retort... since we know that Viper owners DO CARE - and a WHOLE LOT at that, WHY OH WHY would some of us constantly harass and purposefully anger other of our members - is it fun for these guys? Do they enjoy ******* their fellow Viper owners off? Or maybe they dont' consider us Viper owners?

Here's some food for though... I have heard from maybe 5 people recently who said "f-it" and stopped participating in this forum because they were sick of the BS. Steve Ferguson recently said he was done with trying to talk to the whiners about the SRT. Why take it to the point of driving people off? Why not live and let live... why does every SINGLE thread HAVE to contain insults? Why are these attacks allowed to continue?


Mar 29, 2002
Reaction score
Houston, TX
The point is,that it doesnt seem like you understand discussion forums. There is only a stimulating discussion when A) There is the opposite sex around, or B) when there is disagreement. Since we dont have A) I dont mind B. I personally can take disagreement. If people cant take it,then they can leave. Thats THEIR choice. I have the same freedom to voice my opinion on a discussion forum. Why should I continue to listen to people say good things about the new SRT when I think DC made a big mistake to Viper heritage? To me, that is wrong. You have your opinions. I will have mine. Trey will have his. Cherm, Lee, Michael, all of us will have our opinions. I can deal with it. Can you?

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA

I think I've been around enough discussion forums to understand how they work.

The FACT is that this section was created for discussion of the SRT. I would argue that simple insults are NOT discussion. If a genuine post is made by someone asking about color choices, or allocation, or delivery, or whatever the topic may be, there are invariably folks (like yourself) who will chime in and say something like "who cares what color you can get, it still looks like a STRATUS HAHAHA". What does that contribute to the conversation? You can say you have the "right" to say whatever you want (you don't), or you can say "why do you care?" (we do), or you can say that if I dont like it, to leave. I want to discuss the new car I have coming. I want to get info about it. I want to hear about the tests. I would ask you what you GAIN by acting the way you are? I can tell you that you are creating an environment that is hostile to others.

Some folks like King GTS, JMcGuire, GTS Dean, BigsViper and many others DO NOT like the SRT, but they also do not insult the car. Actually Trey is probably one of the biggest SRT-dislikers out there, but he has never insulted the car or the owners, and he doesn't contribute to a hostile environment for those that like the car.

I seriously question your motives - and I don't think you have given it any thought yourself. "free speech" is not a reason you say what you say - that is only the mechanism whereby it is allowed. Why do you feel the need to harp on about it incessantly? Ok, we know you don't like it. DC knows you don't like it. Everyone knows you don't like it. So what do you gain by saying it again and again and again? And what do you add by insulting the new car? I've said it before - what you LOSE is that you create an environment that others feel uncomfortable in. Several folks have stopped posting.

One question for you - does that bother you? Do you care that other people feel this is a hostile board? Do you care that invaluable sources of information like Steve F. said they were leaving directly due to the attitudes of some on this board? Don't tell me "hey if they can't take it..." or some such - I am asking IF YOU CARE *personally* that some of the comments *YOU* made contributed to these people leaving.

Why would you do things to hurt MY enjoyment of this board because YOU feel you have the "right" to say whatever you want, even if I find it insulting?

I think you need to consider your motives for acting the way you do. I hope you're older than 18, because you sure don't act it.

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA
EDIT... Jessica, use the search button to show you a listing of postings where "Supra" appears in the subject. If you read those threads, you will see comments like "Yeah but it's still a Supra" and "But you're still driving a Supra, I'm still in a Viper", and "it's still a *** crap POS".

Point made... YES, Viper owners do care when a Supra guy says their car *****. That is the original point of this thread.


Feb 14, 2002
Reaction score
Duncan, SC USA
95% of the above is pointless.....the way to end it is to stop yourselves from typing insults to each other and simply type things relating to the CAR. Notice how short this tread is? I like the SRT-10 with only small issues with the headlights (fixable) and no factory stripes (yet) etc. I saw it in motion for the first time on Motor Trend TV and found that it looked much sweeter constantly changing angles. You start to see the aggressive side the more you look. Stripes will make the car a knockout!


Aug 17, 2001
Reaction score
Orlando FL and Seneca Lake NY
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by iDreamOfViperz:
"Oh, wait a minute... you've only been registered for 9 months, and don't appear to own a Viper... so what would you know about this situation anyways?" -Mike Brunton

ALL HAIL TO MIGHTY MIKE!!! *bowing* i'm just a poor little white girl from oklahoma who doesnt own a viper and has only been on here for a month, so i have no idea how it it would be to get my car insulted, and i cant say that i would never get mad at someone for insulting my car...JUST because i dont own a viper!

HE HE HE HE you guys see that she is defending me.


Aug 17, 2001
Reaction score
Orlando FL and Seneca Lake NY
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by King GTS:
I don't really know what "ham-******" means

Then maybe you haven't had enough 'soup'

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA
Manasas is completely right... but more like 99% of the above.

I dont see what the point of arguing this is. Let the people who like the car enjoy their forum... and let the folks who don't like it say as they will, provided they refrain from pure insult.


Aug 17, 2001
Reaction score
Orlando FL and Seneca Lake NY
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lee00blacksilverGTS:
Well just for the heck of it you guys, today Road and Track said your car felt HAM-****** compared to the SRT, so do you really not care if your car is insulted? Just curious and no offence meant, check my avatar, I'm hamfisted also.


Like I really care what other people think of me, just read my sig BWAHAHAHA

<FONT size="1">Use of a smiley in this post to indicate tno offense is meant by this post. The opinions and/or ideas expressed in this post are not neccessarily those of the VCOA, The Viper Board or its members.</FONT s>


Mar 17, 2002
Reaction score
Youngstown, Ohio
one thing ive noticed is the better something becomes or the higher the quality or development of something, the more scrutiny and criticism it will draw. bodybuilders for example; muscularity beyond norm and when acheiving this level of physique they are immediately opening themselves up for criticism and scrutiny (usually by those not anywhere near the development being critiqued) ever listen to judges and commentators in sports; half of em could not do a tenth of what the athelete they're dissing is doing yet they offer criticism. this is how it is and so will it be with people, automobiles, sports and anything else. other car owners will criticize vipers because of the vipers level of grandeur. perhaps current viper owners (some) are doing just that to the 2003, i dont know im no head doctor, just observation and years of competetive sports and business. bottom line, if you cant stand the attention, good or bad, you shouldve thought of that before you bought it, it comes with the territory


Mar 29, 2002
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Mike B,
Although you may not agree in my tactics in criticising the SRT, that does not make the tactics I use wrong or incorrect. Complaining often does get noticed. Funny how they say "its the squeaky wheel that gets the oil". Trey, McGuire, and of us who dont like the viper have our own ways of expressing our likes an dislikes. Since the car has not been released to the public, everyone here is in the same boat of commenting on something that has yet be be owned. My "stratus", "stratamaro", "S2000" comments have never been directed at you. However YOU the only one (seemingly) that takes everything as a personal insult. I dont care if a supra guy insults my car. Its fun to talk smack back and forth, but in no way do I take it personally. To sum it up, CHILL OUT!

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA

I can take friendly ribbing as much as the next guy... my comments and my frustration (not anger, frustration) with this situation is that over the years, there have been numerous very helpful posters who have left the board. A large part of the Viper community are folks who really don't like to get into the back-and-forth that some of us enjoy (I enjoy it too - believe it or not). I don't like to see these folks leaving and although many of us don't see their departure, I have gotten several emails from folks who said "I'm fed up - I'm outta here". That really is too bad.

It's easy to say "grow a thicker skin" - ok, point taken, however it's just as valid to think that perhaps the level of ribbing that takes place doesn't need to be so constant, so pointed, and so incessant.

I often wonder if some of the folks doing the ribbing have motives beyond just expressing their displeasure at the car. There are some who I honestly do feel take personal pleasure in getting a rise out of the folks that like the car. I am probably one of the few who will sit here like a stubborn goat and argue all day - most throw their hands up and give up.

My point is simply that their giving up is really too bad for all of us - and it doesn't foster great inter-club bonding when I go to an event and I think "oh yeah, that's the guy that ragged on my car for 6 months straight". knowwhatimean?

Perhaps we should all get together and pick a new target of assault.. how about posers who never DROVE their car hard for even a solid mile? And we can start with Mark Otis over there


Mar 29, 2002
Reaction score
Houston, TX
I see your point. I'll try to keep this place peaceful and refrain for too many stratus, stratamaro, S2000, camaro, ****, ugly, fugly, ugly tree, camry, corrola, and now sebring comments. I will try. This task is like giving up a a part of my soul. If I start drooling and convusing
from the need to have outlandish outbursts, you will have to understand that its your fault............:::::::SHAKING:::::::: :::::CONVUSLING::::::



Sorry force of habit......k im done


Aug 17, 2001
Reaction score
Orlando FL and Seneca Lake NY
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vipermad:
I gotta go cook dinner now! Everyone is invited...Chicken Kiev, some new potatoes and green beans. Cheers and beers!


Hey Tony, I don't care what these guys say about you, one of these days you are going to make one hell of a wife.


Viper Owner
Nov 5, 2000
Reaction score
Waukee, Iowa USA

You definitely have your right to your opinions. I respect that. However, I am a Viper owner, and am axiously awaiting the SRT. I love this board. It has been very helpful in answering my numerous questions over the past 4 years or so. The attitudes here are changing, and I for one don't find it a very positive change.

I think the best thing you whiner's can do is get together and write D/C, rent a billboard outside of the plant, whatever. Tell those who can MAKE the changes you want! Please don't insult your fellow Viper owners with your opinions; all you are doing is causing an uncomfortable atmosphere for those who enjoy the same performance that you do!

Please, let's share our knowledge on the new Viper as production draws near. We are all (alot of us anyway) part of the same club. All the insults are doing is driving us apart from sharing the Viper experience; here there, or anywhere.

Enjoy your opinions, please don't insult those with a different one. We CAN all get along!

Wow, that was deep. I feel better now.


Jul 27, 2000
Reaction score
Severna Park, Maryland
Tony, do what Wing KIng said on the other thread, separate into positive and negative. This post was started by a volvo TROll? I'll happily talk about this all day long with Jon and Trey and Smokin because they are GTS OWNERS! I've not posted for some weeks due to the trolling of NON VIPER OWNERS who are gleefully coming over here starting stuff. Then some of our guys respond with "great post"?


Aug 17, 2001
Reaction score
Orlando FL and Seneca Lake NY
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lee00blacksilverGTS:
Tony, do what Wing KIng said on ther other thread, separate into positive and negative. This post was started by a volvo TROll? I'll happily talk about this all day long with Jon and Trey and Smokin because they are GTS OWNERS! I've not posted for some weeks due to the trolling of NON VIPER OWNERS who are gleefully coming over here starting stuff. Then some of our guys respond with "great post"?


HAHA Perhaps you are A-S-S--U--MING a little too much.

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA

The problem with SmokinV10 is that his intention is purely to rile up some members. He's like a nurse fish nipping at a shark. When finally confronted, he runs away and claims the moral high ground. I find this behaviour particularly annoying, as I have always believed that if you have a problem with someone, you deal with it personally, not through public means. But such is his way, I suppose....

As for MarkO, it doesn't surprise me that he was going quick - in a straight line!
I think it's just the steering wheel he's afraid of, not the gas pedal!


Mar 29, 2002
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Mike, and Tony (since tony was addressed in the last post),
I was not claiming moral high ground. I was however refusing to go to the lower ground upon which mike was already standing. Dont try to mask your "boxing" comments and message in a new guise now. EVERYONE knew what you meant. If you feel stupid about it now, too bad. Mike, I am not trying to rile things up around here. We joke around on this board. If you need tea and crackers, go to ferrarichat.com. I for one, like the humor and nature of this board. It keeps things interetsting. I am SO VERY glad that there are dissenting opinions. If you cant take some mild joking, and expressions of opinions, well that is your problem. If you cant take the fact that Viper nation is pretty dissapointed with the new mutant car, too bad. Like your positive comments about the new car, I have negative ones. What about your comments yesterday knocking the current car's braking? Yes, the Gen II cars without ABS dont stop as good as they should. But, the SRT doesnt look as good as it should either! You are not high-and mighty. IF there can be negative comments about the current car (clown shoe, crude, etc.) there can be negative comments about the new one. Just because you take everything so personally, dont change this to a "smokin is trying to cause problems crusade" Dont turn this around! Mike, chill out. I thought things were calming down between you and me. If you want to start things up again, I have plenty more stratus, sebring comments....whole, whole bunches.

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SmokinV10:
Mike, and Tony (since tony was addressed in the last post),
I was not claiming moral high ground. I was however refusing to go to the lower ground upon which mike was already standing. Dont try to mask your "boxing" comments and message in a new guise now. EVERYONE knew what you meant. If you feel stupid about it now, too bad. Mike, I am not trying to rile things up around here. We joke around on this board. If you need tea and crackers, go to ferrarichat.com. I for one, like the humor and nature of this board. It keeps things interetsting. I am SO VERY glad that there are dissenting opinions. If you cant take some mild joking, and expressions of opinions, well that is your problem. If you cant take the fact that Viper nation is pretty dissapointed with the new mutant car, too bad. Like your positive comments about the new car, I have negative ones. What about your comments yesterday knocking the current car's braking? Yes, the Gen II cars without ABS dont stop as good as they should. But, the SRT doesnt look as good as it should either! You are not high-and mighty. IF there can be negative comments about the current car (clown shoe, crude, etc.) there can be negative comments about the new one. Just because you take everything so personally, dont change this to a "smokin is trying to cause problems crusade" Dont turn this around! Mike, chill out. I thought things were calming down between you and me. If you want to start things up again, I have plenty more stratus, sebring comments....whole, whole bunches.


I'll tell you a little story. Years ago, when I was young(er) and stupid(er), there was this guy I 'got into it' with on the Internet. We went round after round after round... insulting each others families, friends, lifestyles, and more. I really truly hated this guy with a passion. I would have LOVED to have met this guy and put a boot in his face - seriously - more than anyone I ever met in my whole life. It genuinely upset me that this guy was able to really get to me the way he did - and I guess he felt likewise.

A year or so later, I was racing at E-town and I meet some guy racing his Vette... he seemed cool and we started talking.. we even raced a little and went out to eat afterwards. During the conversation, I realized who it was. IT WAS THE GUY! For a split second, I was seething, then I realized he was a pretty cool guy, and all my anger was directed at someone who had gotten me furious on an Internet site. Believe it or not, I learned alot from that. I honestly am not going to get bent out of shape about comments on this site or any other. you feel it's personal? No, it's not... but it upsets me that some of you guys drive away honest to god GOOD members by acting like jackasses.

Based on that story, thats why you need to realize that my comments to you were NOT supposed to be what you apparently think they were. If you are not interested in what I proposed - no problem. I think it would be fun since we all have the holw "whiner" and "anti whiner" thing going. I am in no way embarassed by it - so don't think or make out that it's something more than it is. I do find it strange that you backpeddled on that one yet posted it on the board - like it was some threat or scorching flame I sent you. At the same time you neglected to respond, even if just to say "no thanks" but decided to take your 'campaign' public. Sorry but that strikes me as really immature and kind of silly - like you're trying to "win" in the publics eye. Give it a rest - this ain't a political effort.

You can say whatever you want about the car. Continue to offend myself and others if that's your goal. Joe Houss (our VP) has chimed in and said it's getting real old. So have a couple of our regional presidents. Our former National President has also said that the blatant insult of the SRT is also getting kind of old.

If, after reading all these respected folks comments, you still feel the need to slam the car and the folks who like them, well, that's your perogative... but it's not going to get you very much respect from most folks around here - me included. The phrase "quit while you're ahead" comes to mind.

I think you should ease up on your "slam the SRT" campaign. There are good, decent folk here who want to learn about their new car - and they don't need to hear constant drivel from a few whiners who are just not going to be happy unless everyone else is sad.


Mar 29, 2002
Reaction score
Houston, TX
I see your point regarding the story you told about the guy in the vette. Im sorry if officers of the VCA feel that it is getting "old". I have to say that although I do respect them for their efforts and hours spent on the board, I dont think it is right to ask for a "gagging of comments". This is a complete guess, but it is possible that they are worried that continued negative exposure on the SRT is going to hurt the club. Instead of telling us to be quiet, why not fix the car? That is the ROOT problem. If DC did a good job to begin with, none of the whining would exist. If people are offended because a group of us dont like the car, they need to loosen up. I know every time I drive my Viper, I must anger some tree hugging environmentalist trying to save our natural resources. We must anger people who try to help by bying hybrid and electric cars. There are plenty out there that think the viper is obnoxious. Do I care? Nope, not one bit. If DC and others wish there was more a more positive, unanimous sentiment towards the SRT, then they shouldnt have made the mistake they did when they styled the car. If people still like it, fine buy it. That is their perogative.

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