Sory of my 04 vette VRS Viper


Oct 27, 2007
Reaction score
I sold it and bought a 99 RT10 and now a 2003 SRT10...But 3 years ago with my 2004 C5 with mild H/C at 378/370 SAE I wrote this story of a kill..

Well I was cruising on a road Ive never really been on..Took a wrong turn or what ever and suddenly seems like Im in a total new area....

Long road without another car in Im just cruising figuring ill just check out this new spot. So as im driving I decide to take a glance in my rearview at a absolutely gorgous woman I just passed...were talking dream girl beautiful.

And Im happy I looked back because I saw her looking back at my car as Im driving away at a slow clip....So I wipe the smile off my face and direct my attention back to the road. Not even a second after looking straight as oppossed to my rear view I see a beautiful black 1996-2002 Viper pulling out onto the street.It had the blackest window tent Ive ever seen and silver stripes going over the hood/top and rear.

well the 2002 Viper is currently the car Im dying to add to my stable and I only see them once a year actually driving on the road.

I think to my self..Dang. End up somewhere Ive never been and see the hottest chick Ive ever seen and now this viper that is exactly what I hope to one day own..My lucky day or what....But then my luck gets even better...


And now were right beside eachother cruising at roughly 25-35 mph ( I was to busy looking at the car to check out my HUD)...I roll down my window to tell the person to roll theres down as well so we can talk..The windows are so dark I cant even tell if they can see me so I give a little honk of my horn to get there attention..

Still nonthing..WHY WOULD THEY SLOW DOWN NEXT TO ME ONLY TO ACT LIKE THIS????? About 5-10 seconds pass by and the Black viper gives me a rev...Probaly only to 2500 or 3 grand but it was enough to let me know that this person wasnt here to talk...

Suddenly I go into John Force mode..I dont know if Im mad that the owner wouldnt aknowledge me or if Im just that hyped up about racing a soundingly ( from the exhaust) stock viper..Eighter way I roll up the windows....Put the trannie in 3 and turn off the traction control. at my track the stock vipers are 2 tenths faster through the 1/4 mile than my C5 so i knew i needed every advantage i had to even compare to the black beaste next to me....

Once john force mode was completed I gave a healthy rev back to let the Viper know I was game...


The 3 horn blast from the Viper were so soft from this v10 monster that the car and voice of the car( horn) reminded me in some weird way of Mike Tyson....But I was paying to much attention to the horn because mike jumped out half a car before I did on his way to knock me out...

But not that easily Mike....By the time we hit it on the 3rd beep my car was between 30-40 mph and in the sweet spot for my cammed a4. I punch it and keep that 1/2 a car lentgh that he put on me till 50 mph....

Then everything just seems to go in slow motion...At 50 mph my front fender is by his door. By 60 mph it seems like ive gained a few more inches..were going so fast so quickly. yet since we are side by side every second seems like a full minute.

with both hands gripping the steering wheel and my foot feeling like it's acyually a part of my c5. My eyes venture to the horizion for a split second and notice that it seems as if the sky has suddenly gotten 3 shades darker. I just looked at the girl in my rear view less than 3 minutes ago and it was a beautiful sunny day. Maybe the 70 mph that were now doing is just having that effect on my eyes.

Never the less it seems that ive now gained a little more and his front end cant be more than a foot and a half ahead of mine.... I here Mike shift gears and it seems like he falls back for a split second while im still motoring in 2nd gear. But just as fast as he fell back and gave me a 1/4 car advantage he gets back in his next gear and comes back even with me..

Now were doing 95 mph and we are dead even...Maybe the vipers at the track were pullin better 60 fts than me? maybe Mike just cant drive. eighter way im kneck and kneck with a viper and Im loving every second of it. 100 mph comes and my car changes to 3rd gear...Mike instantly puts a whole car on me...A whole freaken car..

Id love to say that my car jumped back up after changing into 3rd gear at 100 mph...But the now even darker sky wont allow a lie to cross my lips... I stayed 1 lentgh back till 120 mph...but by 140 mph when we shut down mike had two car lengths on me....Just as soon as we shut down it starts raining. maybe since Mike got to the storm 2 car lentghs before I did he shut down seeing the rain dropps first at 140. I dont know why he stopped 180 mph would have been fine with me.But he had made the right decision. As i slowed back down to 35 mph I saw that this storm was extremely intense with rushing rain and pounding wind. But no were near as intense of the feelings I had deep inside after such a great run against my dream car...

Mike signals and then pulls over to the right shoulder...Finally he wants to talk, so I follw suit and park behind's pouring rain from this darkening sky...But at this moment I care less. Ive got to talk to this person about the amazing run that we just had. So I get out of my car and run up to the standing there in front of the driver side door of this viper in the middle of a storm with this stupid look on my face. AND MIKE WONT EVEN ROLL DOWN THE WINDOW???!!! I decide screw this bitc* and start heading back to my car when I hear Mikes little voice again.-Beep-.........

Ok this is dumb but i really want to talk about the race so I head back to mike again....This time the window rolls down and this isnt a Mike at all. this is the same woman I passed 5 minutes ago walking down the street...She's even finer up close????? She just looks at me through the window and then she opens her door and gets out of the Viper and stands there with me in the rain. She then apologizes to me about not responding to me when I honked or told her to roll down her window. she says that the way I was looking at her kind of freaked her out. I apologized and explained to het how i couldnt even see her through the tent and that I had that dumb look on my face because I love her car...She then says that it makes since now and tells me how awesome the run was and she was scared cas people told her that Z06's can beat vipers sometimes. I explained that mine wasnt a Z06 but was modded with this and that and right in the middle of my cam specs she tells me that I have nice eyes. I return the compliment and then she takes a step towards me so that were only 6 inches apart and then......................



Dec 27, 2001
Reaction score
Phila Suburbs
Sorry, black GTS's were only made in 1999 and 2000 so it really was a dream Viper. ;) :lmao:

You sure it wasn't a Sapphire one? They look black at dusk.


Oct 27, 2007
Reaction score
Hey come on man..It's a stroy I wrote 3 years ago before I owned a viper and was lusting for one...Thought some of you would remember how you once dreamed of owning these beaste

Kenneth Krieger

Viper Owner
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Metro Phoenix
Took a ride yesterday, top down, sunny and a crisp 62 degrees out. Pulled onto the freeway, and notice a C-6 behind me. I look ahead and then realize that he pulled up beside me on the right and rolls don his window......I'm thinking he want's to run, but I'm one for the strip rather than the street. But he DIDN'T want to run.....he gives me the biggest thumbs up and smile you've ever seen! I guess he heard the Belanger exhaust, and then possibly saw the "Supercharged" badge under the Viper badge on the rear of my car, and made a decision NOT to tempt me! My daughter-in-law was with me and we were both SHOCKED that a Corvette guy would give the thumbs up sign to a Viper. I guess there are some real people who drive Corvettes.......this is the first that has EVER done this around me. It was really cool.


Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
At a car show I was talking to a vette guy bugging him that I figured I'd get first, and he said, "Well, of course. You've got a Viper. All I've got is a vette." Trying to be nice I said that at least his was Black and that was probably worth some points over my red. "It doesn't matter, it's just a vette." he said.

Oh well, I got first and he got 3rd.


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