Recent content by sonik

  1. S

    Best year to get for a GTS

    are those 19s on that blue gts?? I use to have a supra so i like the shopping cart wings :)
  2. S

    Best year to get for a GTS

    im thinking ill get a 96 gts blue/white...ever since i saw this car on ebay i wanted a blue/white gts. Anything on a 96 that i should look for?
  3. S

    pics of your viper with aftermarket wheels

    I dont know if you photoshop your pics or what SW but your cars are always the cleanest!!
  4. S

    Best year to get for a GTS

    I am looking into getting a viper and from what I read the 96 GTS has forged internals from the factory. Is this true? I would do all the basic boltons and maybe a ROE SC in the future. What is the best year to get?
  5. S

    Utah Vipers

    why limit it to vipers jk nice car btw
  6. S

    How reliable is your viper?

    you broke your supra..youll break a viper <FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">This message has been edited by sonik on 07-26-2002 at 08:54 AM</font>
  7. S

    Just a question for some of you guys

    I am trying to make some money, put bluntly. I am trying to start up my own business..I currently work for cisco have a bunch of certs and am thinking of starting my own isp geared toward multi-tenant apartments, condos, student housing. What do some of you guys do.....
  8. S

    Looking to buy a 97 blue/white gts viper

    Im in the same boat as you..selling my 94 Supra TT and getting a viper..good luck
  9. S

    Supra owner thinking of going for a viper

    currently I own a supra TT 6 speed (94)bpu +...I am wanting to get a viper. What year did they up the horsepower, was it 97? I definately want an RT/10. Any of you guys had any reliability issues? It will be mostly a weekend driver so I wont be putting too many miles on it. What is...

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