Partsrack customer service rude.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Near Tampa Bay
I wouldnt' give John an ounce of my biz. I can count 3 times he's been more than rude. Downright A*****E. Told him once I'll give him my c.c. # for a wing purchase. Couple days go by and owning my own biz (brokering machinery, just like JonB does with Viper parts) so I was pretty busy. He sent me a nasty-gram. Easy now big fella, your just brokering the part, tell autoform to hold onto their wing for a couple more days.
Second time I called up and asked him a tech question after I ordered a part from him. His reply was the usual "if you didn't buy parts from me don't bother calling". I reminded him I did and his attitude changed. I WOULD NEVER IN A MILLIONS YEARS speak to my customers like that..... 3rd time is I bought side sills from him that he brokered from Autoform... The paint chipped so badly I had to take them back off. I emailed him and said the paint qauality was a ******. He said he doesn't take back ****** side sills. (This was 3-4 days after I had them).. They were actually chipped when they arrived. He just pawned me off to Autoform who really didint' help at all.

All in all, I know I could call ANY OTHER TUNER (not in the parts biz as much as him) and they would treat me a lot better... So I'll choose to take my biz somewhere else. If I have to pay $100 more per part, who give a crap. As long as it's not in HIS pocket.

Sorry Jon, but this is how you treat people... or least treated me. So after a few times of being treated like this I didn't have a good taste about Parts Rack. I've got a couple vipers that need parts...... Going for a 3rd one now soon....... oh well :2tu: :usa:

I feel much better now.. :lol:



Jul 22, 2002
Reaction score
W. Palm Beach
I think Jon ****** off people on purpose, just to get himself and PartsRack talked about for weeks on the forums.
Know news is bad news.

He's a one man Viper encyclopedia as well as a supplier of any thing that fits in or on a viper. Cut the guy some slack.


Viper Owner
Jul 17, 2002
Reaction score
Winnipeg, MB
It's a freakin Viper! How complicated do some of you guys think they are? Infact they are one of the simplest cars out there right now. Not just technology wise but also to work on. I bought a tech manual for each of my Vipers that I owned. Great info in there guys. BTW you can find a manual for 20-30 bucks on ebay.

Again I will say, so not get confused with some, I haven't anything bad to say about Jon. But I wouldn't put up with someones crap just for some Viper info. There is a ton of info out there. This is one of the best places right here.

GTS Bruce

Dec 29, 2000
Reaction score
Orchard Park,NY,USA
Whine,whine whine.Buy something at least once in a while.Got to put a roof on this fall however I lust for a stoptech 4 wheel big brake kit and eventualy will get it through Jon B.I understand he offers a discount plus a rebate if you send back your OE brakes.Wish I could do it now but a roof comes first so I won't waste his time until I am really ready. GTS Bruce


May 31, 2003
Reaction score
I have been a customer of Jon's for over a year. I have placed orders for over 10K with him, and orders around $50. I can say that the items always came right away, and were correct. He saved me and my snake from a potential nightmare with my insurance company by speaking to the adjuster personally. He has found rare parts for me and sent them to me without charge until I decided if I reviewed their condition. Yes, we had some disagreements about a couple of things, but in the end, he made the process fair, and in my favor. He is generally my first call for anything. Think about it, most of us are in business here, I personally get to the point and don't like to chit chat or go around in circles with people that are wasting my time ...



Viper Owner
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
I wouldnt' give John an ounce of my biz. I can count 3 times he's been more than rude. Downright A*****E. Told him once I'll give him my c.c. # for a wing purchase. Couple days go by and owning my own biz (brokering machinery, just like JonB does with Viper parts) so I was pretty busy. He sent me a nasty-gram. Easy now big fella, your just brokering the part, tell autoform to hold onto their wing for a couple more days.
Second time I called up and asked him a tech question after I ordered a part from him. His reply was the usual "if you didn't buy parts from me don't bother calling". I reminded him I did and his attitude changed. I WOULD NEVER IN A MILLIONS YEARS speak to my customers like that..... 3rd time is I bought side sills from him that he brokered from Autoform... The paint chipped so badly I had to take them back off. I emailed him and said the paint qauality was a ******. He said he doesn't take back ****** side sills. (This was 3-4 days after I had them).. They were actually chipped when they arrived. He just pawned me off to Autoform who really didint' help at all.

All in all, I know I could call ANY OTHER TUNER (not in the parts biz as much as him) and they would treat me a lot better... So I'll choose to take my biz somewhere else. If I have to pay $100 more per part, who give a crap. As long as it's not in HIS pocket.

Sorry Jon, but this is how you treat people... or least treated me. So after a few times of being treated like this I didn't have a good taste about Parts Rack. I've got a couple vipers that need parts...... Going for a 3rd one now soon....... oh well :2tu: :usa:

I feel much better now.. :lol:


Damn! It took you 3 times before you stopped buying from the guy? All it took for me was one phone call.


Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
i guess theres no middle ground, either you love the guy or hate his guts

King RT10

Oct 29, 2000
Reaction score
Similar story to Gerald. I purchased gears that did not fit. jon argued for a week (holding up the installers lift) that it was my installer (30 years in business) and the fact that he (Jon) knows everything.
So I called Unitrax where he bought them from and they said sorry we sent you the wrong parts. Then overnighted the correct parts.
I should have bought straight from Unitrax

I posted then (after fix) and jon replys "your rear end was worn out thats why it did not fit".
Huh? 4500 or less miles on the car and Unitrax admitted to sending the wrong part and fixed it quickly but in Jons mind
Its the installer, its the rearend, but not jon and his sh@ty attitude.
Better off going to the part suppler.

Joseph Houss

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
Jul 19, 2000
Reaction score
Jon has been around for a LONG time (sorry Jon, let's face're an old fart!), and his knowledge of Viper info is amazing. He has ALWAYS been called "The Viper Guru". His Viper passion is what "forced" him to change careers from Travel Agency Guru, to Viper Guru... and it's probably this same passion for "getting things done" (surely something that was mandatory in the travel biz) that occassionally takes over when things get hectic.

How 'bout having TWO phonelines.... one, for ordering only.... and one for "Ask the Guru"?

...and... when on "line 1" the conversation wanders away from clearcut ordering, have a little button standing by, that takes over and says "PartsRack truly appreciates your business, and must now transfer your call over to our Ask the Guru line.... please feel free to ask your questions, and leave an e-mail address or telephone number. The Guru will answer your question as soon as his order line is free.

When you're ready to order, please call back and press 1, for PartsRack order line"

Vipera Russelli

Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Jon has been around for a LONG time (sorry Jon, let's face're an old fart!), and his knowledge of Viper info is amazing. He has ALWAYS been called "The Viper Guru". His Viper passion is what "forced" him to change careers from Travel Agency Guru, to Viper Guru... and it's probably this same passion for "getting things done" (surely something that was mandatory in the travel biz) that occassionally takes over when things get hectic.

How 'bout having TWO phonelines.... one, for ordering only.... and one for "Ask the Guru"?

...and... when on "line 1" the conversation wanders away from clearcut ordering, have a little button standing by, that takes over and says "PartsRack truly appreciates your business, and must now transfer your call over to our Ask the Guru line.... please feel free to ask your questions, and leave an e-mail address or telephone number. The Guru will answer your question as soon as his order line is free.

When you're ready to order, please call back and press 1, for PartsRack order line"
How about one line for repeat customers and one line for everyone else. That way I won't have to be "First in line, if I can hold" nearly as often. :D


Viper Owner
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
dutchess county, ny
Jon has been around for a LONG time (sorry Jon, let's face're an old fart!), and his knowledge of Viper info is amazing. He has ALWAYS been called "The Viper Guru". His Viper passion is what "forced" him to change careers from Travel Agency Guru, to Viper Guru... and it's probably this same passion for "getting things done" (surely something that was mandatory in the travel biz) that occassionally takes over when things get hectic.

How 'bout having TWO phonelines.... one, for ordering only.... and one for "Ask the Guru"?

...and... when on "line 1" the conversation wanders away from clearcut ordering, have a little button standing by, that takes over and says "PartsRack truly appreciates your business, and must now transfer your call over to our Ask the Guru line.... please feel free to ask your questions, and leave an e-mail address or telephone number. The Guru will answer your question as soon as his order line is free.

When you're ready to order, please call back and press 1, for PartsRack order line"

This is a funny post viper guru???? as far as we are all conserned the only viper guru is known as the viper wizard aka chuck tator

and chuck has one main # that i always used for good free honest advice. So why risk it just call tators dodge.

But hey what do i know I only have owned 3 vipers one with a nos/propane system and now a 700rwhp blown srt.


Viper X

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
May 1, 2004
Reaction score
JonB is a good resource that all Viper owners should value, as there are few available. He supports our events and deserves a shot at our business. My dealings with him have all been very direct. As a business owner myself, I like it that way. When I need to speak with him, I call him and he gladly takes the time necessary to help me. When I have a quick question of less importance or urgency, I email him. He always responds promptly and even gave me his cell phone number while traveling this last week without my asking.

No one in business today that wants to stay in business can waste a bunch of time on "looky loos". You know who you are.

GotAViper, it sounds like you're a bit touchy / feely, one of those politically correct guys. Men I know don't usually write sentences like, "Either way i felt the responses were rude and not helpful at all." Heaven forbid, an email that was rude and not helpful. Maybe you're not a man. That would explain it. You must have voted for John Kerry. Surprised you bought a Viper.

I have and will contiune to send people to JonB and buy products from him, even if he is slightly higher than others on some individual products, but I haven't found that to be the case yet!!!



Jan 15, 2001
Reaction score
Augusta, GA
I will echo what others have said. Jon is a "get to the point" kind of guy. However, I believe you have to look past this to really appreciate his expertise. He was a tremendous help to me when I encountered the infamous "head gasket" problem with my first Viper. I knew nothing about Viper engines at that point and he took the time to explain some key areas of concern regarding head gaskets. I made it a point never to call him for free advice. I always called him when I needed to buy something but he usually ended up providing extra information which I found very helpful. Therefore, I can understand his frustration with providing advice to people who never (or rarely buy) products from him. Bottom line... Jon is a great resource to the Viper community.


May 5, 2005
Reaction score
I will echo what others have said. Jon is a "get to the point" kind of guy. However, I believe you have to look past this to really appreciate his expertise. He was a tremendous help to me when I encountered the infamous "head gasket" problem with my first Viper. I knew nothing about Viper engines at that point and he took the time to explain some key areas of concern regarding head gaskets. I made it a point never to call him for free advice. I always called him when I needed to buy something but he usually ended up providing extra information which I found very helpful. Therefore, I can understand his frustration with providing advice to people who never (or rarely buy) products from him. Bottom line... Jon is a great resource to the Viper community.

I disagree, a great resource to the viper "community" would be a great resource for everyone. Not just the people with money. The people less forunate and/or young right out of college (like me) who need to save for the things they buy, and look up prices often to budget their expenses are part of the "community" as well.

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