The 2012 WAVCA Autocross series has kicked-off with 5 events setup over 3 weekends. All events are held at Sanderson Field, Shelton, WA, and run from 8:00am to 5:00pm. Lunch is provided, as well as trophies for top-2 finishers in each of four divisions.
This is our third year running these events, and track setup, registration, and operations are smoother than ever. Course design has proven popular, as it has evolved to a faster, less complex setup. But there are still plenty of elements to challenge even seasoned veterans.
These events are geared for novices, especially spouses and adult children who may have limited or no experience on a track, up through "track-rats" that autocross frequently. The competition is friendly, engaging, and addicting, so please don't hesitate to come out and try it, even if you've never done it before!
July 28-29 Double-header - Saturday and Sunday are separate events. Register for either, or register for both and get a 50% discount on the second day.
August 11 Saturday - Expect to see numerous high-end Corvettes, as we've invited North West Association of Corvette Clubs (NWACC) to join us for some spirited competition. This great group of people starts their year earlier than us, and will be tuned-up and ready to go. Let's show them how the Viper Club does it!
August 12 Sunday - NWACC event at same location - and we've been invited! Stay for an extra day, and be the Snake in a field of Corvettes.
September 8-9 Double-header - Saturday and Sunday are separate events. Register for either, or register for both and get a 50% discount on the second day.
WAVCA autocross events are open to all VCA members, with a special invitation to Oregon and Western Canada VCA members, and this year, to NWACC members. We want to grow participation in this sport, and see if we can setup a natural, and friendly rivalry, with our Corvette bretheren.
More details are available here:
Please come out and join us for an event that you won't soon forget!
This is our third year running these events, and track setup, registration, and operations are smoother than ever. Course design has proven popular, as it has evolved to a faster, less complex setup. But there are still plenty of elements to challenge even seasoned veterans.
These events are geared for novices, especially spouses and adult children who may have limited or no experience on a track, up through "track-rats" that autocross frequently. The competition is friendly, engaging, and addicting, so please don't hesitate to come out and try it, even if you've never done it before!
July 28-29 Double-header - Saturday and Sunday are separate events. Register for either, or register for both and get a 50% discount on the second day.
August 11 Saturday - Expect to see numerous high-end Corvettes, as we've invited North West Association of Corvette Clubs (NWACC) to join us for some spirited competition. This great group of people starts their year earlier than us, and will be tuned-up and ready to go. Let's show them how the Viper Club does it!
August 12 Sunday - NWACC event at same location - and we've been invited! Stay for an extra day, and be the Snake in a field of Corvettes.
September 8-9 Double-header - Saturday and Sunday are separate events. Register for either, or register for both and get a 50% discount on the second day.
WAVCA autocross events are open to all VCA members, with a special invitation to Oregon and Western Canada VCA members, and this year, to NWACC members. We want to grow participation in this sport, and see if we can setup a natural, and friendly rivalry, with our Corvette bretheren.
More details are available here:
Please come out and join us for an event that you won't soon forget!