Anybody interested in sponsoring Team Viper in soccer tournaments?


Oct 28, 2002
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Winter Springs, FL, USA
Hi everybody. I coach my son's U-8 soccer team here in Orlando. We play in the Central Florida United league. We have a real strong team right now. Were undefeated last season, and won our first ever indoor tournament we entered. Great competition and the kids love it. We are playing in our U-8 outdoor league right now, and are one of the top teams. We usually dominate the games we play. On the urging of several key soccer organizers,we have decided to enter a few winter tournaments here in the Central Florida area to see how we place. We feel we can win them with the skills our little boys have. The team has adopted "Viper" as their team name. :headbang: We will be taking pictures and blow them up poster size for all with a couple of Vipers in the background. I will use my GTS and RT and I am sure we can round up a few if needed.

Now, we are looking for sponsors to assist us to get into these tournaments etc. We tend to play in as many as we can from now on. This team will be together for quite some time. We will participate year round - in both outdoor and indoor leagues/tournaments. The sponsorship funds will go to entry fees, jerseys etc. The sponsor's names will be on the back/front/sleeve of the jerseys/shorts etc. The jerseys and shorts will also have a viper snake logo. It should look real cool. The kids are real excited.

If anybody can provide assistance/advise as to how to get this project off and running, that would be super. I will also plan to contact the local Dodge dealerships for their assistance. Larry Macedo/Sean about it?
You would be assisting little kids achieve their dreams....first being associated with the baddest car, and then playing in some great tournaments in Orlando, Melbourne, Jacksonville, Tampa etc. and winning such. We would also put the sponsor names on bags etc. that each kid will have.

If this is the wrong place for this, mods, I apologize. Of all cars out there, I figure the Viper ranks as a dream car to many of these kids that I have been associated with, and that is all I hear daily. Viper this and Viper that. So, why not use what we already have to make their dreams materialize. Any input will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. :2tu:


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