Picture of black Z06, looks amazingly similar....


Viper Owner
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
New Jersey
I don't know about everyone else but I have seen the c6 and it's not that great. What everyone on the forum is not seeing is the fact that Corvette's do not have the exotic car factor that Viper's have. There is nothing else to be really said, yeah the performance will be tough. But with a few mods the Viper's will still hang easily. And with NX or a Roe charger were still ahead. Remember Folks our cars a rare and nothing can replace that.

Good God, I'm about to hurl. Look at me, look at me, I drive a Viper.

Compare stock car to stock car. What's this "But with a few mods the Viper's will still hang easily?" And the Vette owners can put on a few bolt ons that will surely cost a 1/3 of what Viper mods cost and go up a notch. "And with NX or a Roe charger were still ahead." - yeah, same holds true in the Vette world. It'll always be a catch-up game. Whoever is willing to dump more money in mods wins. End of story.

I'm sorry but I alway get myself involved in the same argument. I just don't understand the "my car is rare" argument. Great. Have you ever seen a pro driver take the same attitude? "Sure I placed 5th but I drive a much rarer car than the winner." You'd rather look good and lose than look bad and win?


Aug 12, 2003
Reaction score
I don't know about everyone else but I have seen the c6 and it's not that great. What everyone on the forum is not seeing is the fact that Corvette's do not have the exotic car factor that Viper's have. There is nothing else to be really said, yeah the performance will be tough. But with a few mods the Viper's will still hang easily. And with NX or a Roe charger were still ahead. Remember Folks our cars a rare and nothing can replace that.

Good God, I'm about to hurl. Look at me, look at me, I drive a Viper.

Compare stock car to stock car. What's this "But with a few mods the Viper's will still hang easily?" And the Vette owners can put on a few bolt ons that will surely cost a 1/3 of what Viper mods cost and go up a notch. "And with NX or a Roe charger were still ahead." - yeah, same holds true in the Vette world. It'll always be a catch-up game. Whoever is willing to dump more money in mods wins. End of story.

I'm sorry but I alway get myself involved in the same argument. I just don't understand the "my car is rare" argument. Great. Have you ever seen a pro driver take the same attitude? "Sure I placed 5th but I drive a much rarer car than the winner." You'd rather look good and lose than look bad and win?
RTPaul:You need to sell your Viper and go hang with your million(literal and counting)Vette buddies...ba-bye!!! I guess all those years of getting picked on before you bought a Viper has gotten to you. :eek:


Viper Owner
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
Good God, I'm about to hurl. Look at me, look at me, I drive a Viper.

Compare stock car to stock car. What's this "But with a few mods the Viper's will still hang easily?" And the Vette owners can put on a few bolt ons that will surely cost a 1/3 of what Viper mods cost and go up a notch.

I've got to agree with RTPaul. Compare apples to apples, not apples to modified apples. By that metric, you can justify anything, including comparing Vipers to modified Camaro's, etc.

However, I think you are all getting a little ahead of yourselves. Lets wait to see what the actual test reports show before we all give up our bench-racing. :cool:

In the end, its going to matter what you can do on the track with each anyway.


Viper Owner
Feb 14, 2004
Reaction score
Kinda reminds me of my old barber, growing up in the sixties... He had a little mustache just like that Z06. Kept it neatly trimmed and waxed down - nice and tight...

Guess the tupperware club will buy these things, even at 70 large with dealer markups - but I won't!


Viper Owner
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
New Jersey
RTPaul:You need to sell your Viper and go hang with your million(literal and counting)Vette buddies...ba-bye!!! I guess all those years of getting picked on before you bought a Viper has gotten to you. :eek:

I need to sell my Viper 'cause I have trouble hanging with drama queens and people who don't understand what a fair comparison is. YouWish, is that your user name or something you hear from women all too often? Buying the Viper didn't help, huh?

Bigot Bledsoe

May 25, 2004
Reaction score
Jax, Fl
I don't know about everyone else but I have seen the c6 and it's not that great. What everyone on the forum is not seeing is the fact that Corvette's do not have the exotic car factor that Viper's have. There is nothing else to be really said, yeah the performance will be tough. But with a few mods the Viper's will still hang easily. And with NX or a Roe charger were still ahead. Remember Folks our cars a rare and nothing can replace that.

The Z06 looks like an srt-10, and the exotic car(look)/status is shared/deminished. That is the whole point to the thread.

and I never thought I would see the day we would hear "with just a few bolt ons I could keep up with a Vette......"

DC needs to get thier [******] together.


Dec 11, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego,CA
Look at me, Look at me, I drive a Viper- WTFEver that means.

You're comparing performance when the thread is about how it "looks" similar. I mention the bolt-ons not to begin a ******* contest but to point how easy it was to level the playing field. Because their have been many threads on Gen II , and III forums worrying about the Corvette out performing the Viper. I will be the first to say that head to head the new ZO6 will probably edge out Vipers and most everything else. With Chrysler not increasing the performance any that leaves Viper owners with no choice but to go aftermarket. THAT is why it is mentioned.

Vipers are rare cars, not so much anymore but they still are rare. Corvette's not rare with some exceptions of course. Does this matter on the race track? Of course not. Does it matter for prestige? For some like myself it does, because it is something that cannot be quantifyed or bench raced, nor really argued. It's subjective. And for that you don't need to F&*$#in hurl over it.


Viper Owner
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
New Jersey
Look at me, Look at me, I drive a Viper- WTFEver that means.

You're comparing performance when the thread is about how it "looks" similar. I mention the bolt-ons not to begin a ******* contest but to point how easy it was to level the playing field. Because their have been many threads on Gen II , and III forums worrying about the Corvette out performing the Viper. I will be the first to say that head to head the new ZO6 will probably edge out Vipers and most everything else. With Chrysler not increasing the performance any that leaves Viper owners with no choice but to go aftermarket. THAT is why it is mentioned.

Vipers are rare cars, not so much anymore but they still are rare. Corvette's not rare with some exceptions of course. Does this matter on the race track? Of course not. Does it matter for prestige? For some like myself it does, because it is something that cannot be quantifyed or bench raced, nor really argued. It's subjective. And for that you don't need to F&*$#in hurl over it.

Hey, dude, relax or you'll get an ulcer. I'm trying to prove a point not pi$$ on you. Don't take things so personally and you'll live happier and longer. This IS the internet, afterall.

*I'M* comparing performance in a "looks" thread? Are you serious? You jumped out with the mods piece in your first post. Your argument makes zero sense. You CAN'T level the playing field because there's always someone out there who'll match or exceed your mods. The ONLY reasonable comparison is stock car to stock car.

Wait until Vipers are in their 52nd year of production (if they make it that long) and we'll see how "rare" they are :rolleyes: . Hate to burst your bubble but Gen I Vipers can now be purchased for under $30,000. Yup, you really gotta be a big swinging d**k to afford a $30,000 car. Sorry, I guess we have different ideas of what a rare car is. Any Tom, Dick, or Harry can go out and purchase a Viper as easily as they can purchase a Vette. Just look at the classifieds here and at dealer lots.


Dec 11, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego,CA
Price does not equate to rarity.

Coins can be rare and cost 3 cents.

The performance again was mentioned due to the threads (one being several pages long) about the performance change of the corvette.

I don't get ulcers, and don't need to relax. It's disrespectful and condescending to tell someone you are going to throw up over their personal opinion especially when you use "good god" to provide further emphasis on that statement. No, I can take it, I just choose not to. Now if you want to say "hey I disagree" or " I don't think...." then you are creating a situation for a more articulate maybe productive interaction. But in the end you're right it's not a big deal. Internet or not.


Viper Owner
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
New Jersey
It's disrespectful and condescending to tell someone you are going to throw up over their personal opinion especially when you use "good god" to provide further emphasis on that statement.

You're talking about ME being condescending after several posts of thrashing another car because it's produced in larger numbers than a Viper? That's a joke, right? Perhaps, I am the only one reading it this way but you came off like a total snob and, therefore, my response. OK with me if it's ok with you that you come across like a *******. It's attitude like yours, however, that gives Viper (and Vette) drivers a crappy name. Sure you don't own a Porsche? A red Boxter, perhaps? 'Cause you could mod that Boxter and kick a Viper's ass too.


Dec 11, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego,CA
What car am I thrashing? I only made one post before your first comment. He$$ I don't even post much at all. I prestated "I don't know about everyone else but..." meaning I know some will not agree with me before I even made my opinion after standing next to a new one (06 Corvette). That's nowhere near condescending, it's more like excusing myself for having a contrarian opinion. I used to Shovel Elephant tish for a living and if you new me you would understand their is nothing snobby about me. A car is just a car. In fact just to completely throw you for a loop, my 88 FIERO, yes FIERO is my daily driver. And to make matters worse it has a race prepped suspension and can drive circles around my Viper or any car under 60 miles an hour. It's that internet thing again....you never know who you are really talking to.

And I actually like Corvette's, ALOT. I am happy for GM, I've had several Chevy's.

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