Time for a change! NY/CT Region Board nominations.

GTS Bruce

Dec 29, 2000
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Orchard Park,NY,USA
From the Western half of the state.Many of us have dual memberships in Ontario and NY.It just makes good sense.There are some like myself that live within 20 minutes of the Canadian border.Others farther out.We're glad to meet up with old friends when they come partway this direction.We're glad to meet up with our Ontario friends when we're within an hour or two of an event.Northwest PA and NE Ohio are within 1-2 hours too.Although NYC events are too far for most maybe we have the best of all regions.Ontario,NW PA,NE Ohio.We're actualy closer to Detroit than NYC which isn't that long of a drive either.Either way Viper people are always glad to see and welcome other Viper people from wherever. Bruce


Oct 2, 2000
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Raleigh, NC, USA
While I can't comment on the truth of the accusations that are spelled out in the letter by the current VCA Pres of the NY/CT Region, I can say I am jealous. I wish we had a DEALER who went out of his way to support the VCA like Chuck does.

Elections need not be nasty. Were they like this 2 years ago when the current folks were elected? I think it's great that there are folks willing to step up to the plate and not just whine about things - but actually put their time and effort where their mouth is. It's nice the region has a choice.

We are in a similar situation with a geographically diverse region and few folks that are involved with event planning. Unfortunately, it leaves some members feeling disenfranchised - due to either geography or other interests that aren't being addressed by the current administration. (Me)

Therefore, I truly believe that term limits are GOOD THINGS for all officers. I voluntarily imposed them on myself this term - so the Carolinas WILL have a different Pres. it is important to develop new leaders and let the club evolve to reflect the (changing) tastes and interests of it's members.

Best of luck to all the candidates and if I could offer one piece of advice, I would suggest that folks stick to what they are going to do for 2005/2006 - changes, events, improvements, etc. It's a much better decision point than negative campaigning.


Jun 9, 2003
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the best thing said so far is that tator is by far the BEST asset to this area and the VCA in general. im not yet a member but i would hope tator has a place in the NY club. he cetainly deserves it.

forget about personal differences, the guy is an asset to all of us viper owners.
Mar 25, 2000
Reaction score
Quantico, VA
I find this very interesting!! I will always be a PNW VCA Member (at heart), and a New England VCA Member (at heart). :)

As an aside.....this is a good time for me to get a plug in....

If you have posted, and it des not list you as a NY/CT VCA Member (or whatever region you belong to) and it should...please drop me a note with your info (if you like, of course). I'll gladly sort out any problems. :)


Sep 18, 2001
Reaction score
Manhattan, USA
How about you stop taking photos of MarkO and YoTony in compromising positions! I'm so sick of seeing those photos floating around you perv! :D ;) :D


Jul 10, 2001
Reaction score
Valhalla, NY
AND TO GO ON THE VCA NY/CT WEB PAGE AND HE IS NOT LISTED IS BULLSH*T. there is a list of evevry other dodge dealer in ny so to that i say bad taste. 5 pages of advertisement for 1 dodge dealer. look i understand people want choices and thats fine. but to leave chuck out it wrong.
also the president should not be refering peopel to one place ot the other this is a club i understand some people pic place a because its close. other choose place.b but in my opinion i feel the club is only recomending one place. and that can be seen on the webpage in the newsletter.

Listing many Dodge dealers in NY is NOT recommending
one place.

There are 2 dealerships in the newsletter.
Lee Dodge and White Plains Dodge. Not 5 pages on one
dealer. These are paid advertisements which offset production cost.
Tator can take an ad as well but he chooses not
to. This is his choice and not a matter of
being left out. Tator’s Dodge was listed on
our web site and in the newsletter until he decided
to cancel an event that I scheduled. He called the
shop owner, told him he spoke to me, which was a lie,
and to cancel the event the food and staff that were
coming in on Sunday to help us. We were 19 cars
scheduled that day. That nonsense will not be
tolerated. It’s inexcusable mistreatment to the
other club members. It was then that we decided
to pull his dealership from the web site and newsletter.
This decision was a result of his conduct. He makes
it very difficult for us to support him when he does things
like this. He just didn’t want the members to see the
state-of–the-art speed shop.

We do not recommend one dealer over another. We provide
a list of dealers and let the members decide.

Finally got it !

Viper Owner
Mar 18, 2001
Reaction score
He just didn’t want the members to see the
state-of–the-art speed shop./quote]

I think I speak for many when saying Chuck can work out of a cardboard box, use caveman tools and have no teeth and not a thing would change.. I don't need bling-bling around a shop. I need quality service. And Chuck has and will continue to provide that.
This whole fiasco is just sad. Fighting like kids in a playground for the last blue ball.Wake up!!! Members and owners care less about the politics of a car organization and more about the enjoyment one gets out of it.. I go to VCA events with the intention of enjoying myself not to hear bullSh!t about who hates who and what this person did. I for one had to almost step in at one event because of a altercation in front of me. People have enough stress at ones work enviroment and do not need more at what is suppose to be a FUN event.
Grow up! What is the median age of a Viper owner. 12?? Start acting your age and lets enjoy the relationships we formed from the VCA. I for one look foward to 05 :cool:


Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
Queens, New York
He just didn’t want the members to see the
state-of–the-art speed shop./quote]

I think I speak for many when saying Chuck can work out of a cardboard box, use caveman tools and have no teeth and not a thing would change.. I don't need bling-bling around a shop. I need quality service. And Chuck has and will continue to provide that.
This whole fiasco is just sad. Fighting like kids in a playground for the last blue ball.Wake up!!! Members and owners care less about the politics of a car organization and more about the enjoyment one gets out of it.. I go to VCA events with the intention of enjoying myself not to hear bullSh!t about who hates who and what this person did. I for one had to almost step in at one event because of a altercation in front of me. People have enough stress at ones work enviroment and do not need more at what is suppose to be a FUN event.
Grow up! What is the median age of a Viper owner. 12?? Start acting your age and lets enjoy the relationships we formed from the VCA. I for one look foward to 05 :cool:

i agree. lets just have fun no matter what the outcome is. rock on :headbang:


Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
New York, NY
D,Like a good friend of mine from CA. said "CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG"...Everyone have a great holiday...*** BLK

Tom F&L GoR

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
Wappingers Falls
Tator's Dodge was established long ago (oldest Dodge dealer in US?) and the area around it developed into more of a residential area. To continue business in his location, he isn't allowed to expand or change the character of the property, which is an issue he also has with Dodge (who want him to have a storefront like every other big Dodge dealer.) Therefore you won't see a state-of-the-art speed shop in South Salem, NY, but luckily it's compensated for by a good state-of-mind.


Apr 25, 2001
Reaction score
New York, where else?
I want to do what the rest of you do for a living, because I must be missing something if I don't have the time to keep up with this.

But just now I had the time and sat and skimmed through all these posts.

First off.....Letter from JOE ? What letter? I didn't get anything! Letter bashing Chuck? I'll make like I didn't hear about that.

I did get a letter that I think Chuck sent out promoting who he thought would be good for the vote, but I didn't think it was bashing of Joe or in bad taste.....just good old politics. But then, who cares? Are we all so tender that we can't say things about eachother ?

It does sound like a little bit of a conflict if Scott and Adrian have some disagreements, and they could be working together in the club? But then Adrian is voting for Joe, so how could Chuck have suggested him as VP?

I could understand all the sides to an extent. When it all boils down, my opinion leans towards a change. I'll support the list on top of this thread as Chuck spelled it out, as long as *** is on the team and he and Scott can work things out. No sence having them work together if they are at odds.

I just never liked the emphasis on the hi-priced, fancy outings that Joe put together. Dimitrios had the right thing going with the quick, drive-emphasis, events. Why can't we, the NY/CT club get anything regularly scheduled like the NJ club does at Pocono? Now the Pocono event is hooke dup tieht the Ferrari club. We have Watkins that we should take more advantage of and also Limerock. Forget meeting up with OCC, who could not give two sh*ts about us. We have a whole new Nextel Nascar series coming up. Many races in the east. Let's do something with that. I need more signitures on my car than just Mario Andretti.

Whatever we do, I want next year's 9-11 drive put into the schedule. That was great!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone,



Dec 11, 2000
Reaction score
Looong Island, NY
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned how "this" supposedly began.

Joe had merchandise made with the new viper logo and chuck had merchandise made with old logo. Joe no likey...got ******* in a knot. then Houss' ******* got tangled too.

the local viper scene is a small family and nobody has helped me more than chuck so he and "the committee" easily has my allegiance. He's tapped in with the members and will help guide the club back to prominence.

Support the Committee. The Committee is your friend. The committee will help you brother. The sun will shine again tomorrow because of the committee. Remember all the good that has been done by your friend the committee when the ballot comes around.

There is only one choice...the Committee approved candidates:
President: Scott Grayson [Citysnake]
Vice President: Adrian Byrd [*** BLK]
Secretary: Shari Morwood [Sheesnake]
Treasurer: Keith Bub

Related to Adrian's post, I propose that whoever loses the election gets a roadside LAPD style beatdown just for causing all this nonsense.


Apr 25, 2001
Reaction score
New York, where else?
99t1, I like that ! Whoever looses, has to suffer some kind of humiliation. Let's see, how about they wash the winner's cars while the winners stand back, drink wine and play cards. The loosers can be Spider for the night. Yeah !



Mar 30, 2002
Reaction score
Vernon CT USA
I cant wait to join the the NY CT Viper club once the Tator & Co. take over... I know the car cruises will be more diversified than whats going on now... and talk about tech days at Tators, and dyno runs Visions of Speed, maybe even a cruise to Ct would happen. definitely would add some supercharged enthusiasm to this stagnated area of the Viper world...00PROWLER....


Viper Owner
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
dutchess county, ny
I cant wait to join the the NY CT Viper club once the Tator & Co. take over... I know the car cruises will be more diversified than whats going on now... and talk about tech days at Tators, and dyno runs Visions of Speed, maybe even a cruise to Ct would happen. definitely would add some supercharged enthusiasm to this stagnated area of the Viper world...00PROWLER....

I hope its that way regardless of who wins!!!!!

vd.. :2tu:


Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
This Chuck bashing is nothing but BS!

Chuck has contributed to us in many different ways...Chuck has gone out of his way to chat with me and also take care of thing for me also. When you're as good as Chuck is, you become a target for others...I think it's called jealousy! As far as the State of the art stuff goes, I would rather have people like Chuck around my car because he really cares about the cars and he REALLY CARES ABOUT HIS CUSTOMERS!! PERIOD! So as far as the Chuck bashing....well I have a finger for the people that do that and it's not the one I pick my nose with!

Nadine UK GTS

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
Bath, Somerset, UK
WELL SAID ADAM...(oh my...yeah...I just yelled, LOL, you've gota laugh or you'd cry, "******* in a twist" huh!?!...I should say it sure seems something's twisted)!

I have been off this site for a while (my server down) I can't believe what I'm reading! Now as a caring concerned professional (nurse) I feel compelled to post after such reading; someone somewhere needs some help or medication, and a little TLC perhaps (I think you've suspect it AB, and the truth usually hurts) so, offer a little compassion for the fairy that penned that letter, (rather than bash him back with your non-nose picking finger!)? He must have been pressured to crack such a jackinory letter, but why, I couldn't quite believe how could that be? Let me tell those reading this, Chuck has come to help me tune and sort my Beloved '97 GTS, despite me being international, I've put much business his way though RRRR...Retail value, Respect, Recommendation, Real time knowledge and second-to-none service.

Why be jealous of Chuck, he's there to help and enjoy Vipers and the VCA, from what I've experienced, I can't understand who wouldn't be proud to be a friend of his, and brother VCA member.

Long live Tators Dodge, horray!!!


Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score

Dear members of the NY/CT Viper Club,

Over the next few days you should receive a voting ballot
for the position of President and Secretary.
By now you also received a letter from Chuck Tator of
Tator’s Dodge, who is acting solely as “the committee”
regarding our elections. Let me say that this club
will not be run as a dic-TATOR-ship! This dealership
is demanding all Viper business. Demanding that all
club members use his and only his shop exclusively.
We don’t think it is fair to the members.
It is the philosophy of the club to give
our members the freedom of choice to choose a Viper
repair shop that is convenient to you the member.

He has tried to manipulate the Executive Board into eliminating all his competition
by bad-mouthing the other Viper techs. The Executive Board voted unanimously to
fire Tator as the NY/CT Technical Director for behavior
unbecoming that of a Director.
We will continue to work with the Viper training Center to provide you with a list
of Certified Viper Techs in your area. Check our web site: www.NYCTVCA.org

About our club:
We had a terrific season!!
All our events are put together with a passion and excitement that I believe our
members deserve. I would like to continue this momentum as your President into next
year. This Executive board has done a great deal to make this club what it is today.
I will continue to raise the bar of quality for all our members. Now with the
elections at hand, we need the support of our membership to vote for this
Executive Board so we can continue with these great events, our in color,
16 page NY/CT newsletter POIZENUS PAGES which is paid for by our sponsors.
The club’s apparel for Spring, Summer and Fall, embroidered with our logo
raises money for the club. This took hundreds of hours of planning and preparation
but I did it and presented it all with pride to you the membership!
As a result, our membership is the highest it’s been in the history of our region,
rapidly approaching the 300 mark!

Club Highlights Of The 24 Events This Season:
Cruise to the Mt. Washington Hotel in New Hampshire
Cruise to Hawley, PA. to the Woodloch Pines Resort
Cruise to Hope, NJ to an Inn built in 1768
Cruise to the Finger Lakes Region in upstate NY
Track day and Autocross at Limerock Park in Ct.
Drag racing in the Viper/Vette shootout in Atco, NJ
Drag race and autocross at Englishtown, NJ
Bridge Hampton Exotic Car show
Viper/Ferrari luncheon at the winery in Long Island
A lavish Christmas party
And of course all the great lunches and dinners.

Our track record speaks for itself.

Please be a part of this very important election and support the people who
are deeply involved and care enough about this club to participate with you,
the members, at the events which we create!


I have some great ideas for the upcoming season!

Joe Oneto President
Adrian Byrd Vice President
Charlie Tedesco Secretary
Keith Bub Treasurer

Joe Oneto, President ~ VCA
NY/CT Region

This is the first time im seeing this (sorry for the late reply)

first off ARE YOU FUKKING KIDDING ME?????????????

Chuck goes well out of his way each and every time I see/talk to him, it really pains me to see a guy like Chuck get bashed,with everything he has done for me and I know im not alone,hes always there for every one of us this is bullshyt.

" Let me say that this club
will not be run as a dic-TATOR-ship" really Joe are we in 1st grade again? after this I would not be suprised if he called him a poopie head,but really come on cheap shots?

"This dealership
is demanding all Viper business. Demanding that all
club members use his and only his shop exclusively"

He is not demanding all the viper business hes just the BEST so why would anyone want to go elsewhere?? hes a really cool guy,he knows his shyt and most of all he cares about the customers like they were family and the cars like they were his what more can you ask?

You know what Joe you can kick Chuck out all you want but you know what and I think I speak for everyone in ny/ct/nj when I say to us Chuck is the heart of the VCA!!!!!

Joe its wrong what your trying to do to such a great guy and great dealership and for what?? in closing Joe Oneto I just have 1 thing to say to you and you can quote my on this GO FUKK YOURSELF!!!!!



Sep 18, 2001
Reaction score
Manhattan, USA
(Nadine UK GTS] horray!!!
"hooray"? "HOORAY"??? I was with you until this! Nadine, YOU represent the (what the heck is it called) House of Lords? What in the name of the Queen happened to "Here Here" (or is it Hear Hear)? I can get a hooray in the Bronx 7 days a week! :D

John ACR

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
I think I may have to move back to NY so I can vote even though Hillary Clinton is a Senator in NY :eek:
As far as Chuck bashing is concerned lets all leave that in the rear view mirrors like we do most cars LMAO!
The MOST important thing is Chuck Tator is a great guy with only one thing on his mind "Do The Right Thing" regardless of who you are where you are from or if you bought your car from somewhere else period!
Before I met Chuck I spent loads of time on the phone with him and I did NOT even own a Viper yet...he did so much for me and I did not even know this guy except over the phone.
And prior to my buying my Viper Chuck invited me, my wife and daughter to his famous BBQ...Thanks Chuck...you are one of the Good Guys :2tu:


Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Sorry guys I think it was my fault it was moved.

I just get a little pisst off when someone who has done so much for me and others (Chuck) is bashed like this.

if I put all the things Chuck has done for me in just the year I have known him it would be bigger then the vipair thread (and we all know how big that is).

Today I went up to Chucks just to get hood clips for my new hoodpad,could I have gotten them at my local dodge? sure but im loyal to Tators dodge because he has always been Loyal to me and my car and hes always honest.

Chuck has ALWAYS went above and beyond each and every single time I see/talk to him, he is the coolest guy you ever want to meet.

HEY [*****] who are TRYING to Chuck bash, take a look at every single "new Viper owner" post and the first piece of advice everyone (including me) gives is "get to know Chuck Tator", whats does that tell you??

[*****] [*****] Just because hes the best at what he does and everyone wants to keep going back to him is no reason to bash the man,as a matter of fact maybe you [*****] should take a few pointers until the pump ya [*****] brakes.

Chuck just keep doing what you do BEST and if people don't like it [*****] em and feed em beans, you can't help it if they wake up and drink a tall frosty glass of HATER-AID every monring with their breakfast.

Chuck we the customers still love ya so don't sweat it, Does ol' Joe put food on the table HELL NO so [*****] em and dont let it get to ya.

hey Joe want some free advice Chuck has wayyy too much street cred, everbody respects him so just squash the beef and make a public apology to Chuck and reinstate him as the director and on the site thats my advice buy hey Joe no hard feelings huh [*****} [*****].

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