Viper VS. Z06 - VIDEO!!


Mar 20, 2003
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The part that you miss is that McRat is 4-0 against Vipers, I am 12-0. How can that be, we drive such slow cars? A mystery for sure :) However I could lose tomorrow, and that would be OK too. I have lost many times to other drivers/cars, and I will lose again. I don't have a superiority complex like a (few) in here do, but this is your forum and therefore your right, but we were challenged, and the challenge is accepted.

From what you have said here (and on our forum) about walking us like a Civic, maybe you should try and attend as well?? Others like Russ suggesting we are full of $hit to believe a Z06 can hang with a Viper, we shall see what we shall see. We ARE saying AHEAD of time the videos will be available, win or lose.


Here is another email from someone who wants a piece of this. Should be interesting, he want to race from a roll, I would have thought advantage Viper, but I will leave it to you to contact Greg and set something up. His challenge follows:

"Hey Les, ask this guy if he wants to race on topside from 70 on up to whatever on some deserted highway, late at night...I will video it and post results regardless of the outcome...I am confident I will pull him on top with my 2 boltons...He can e-mail me @ [email protected] - Greg"

I assuume Pat (McRat) and his wife, as well as Greg, will be hearing from Russ soon. The videos will confirm the results, no excuses from anyone please, winner gets bragging rights, results will be what they are. And life will continue. I wish I could be there to watch, as I appreciate BOTH cars.


Russ M

Nov 1, 2000
Reaction score
LA, California
Geez, here they come seems that I am being blamed for opening up Pandora box here.


I don't know which chip you think it is was pushed of your shoulder but you can put it right back into place. I offered you a friendly testing session to try out the two machines side to side. Funny how you seem to be getting insulted by everything I say so perhaps a prozack is needed to calm your nerve. Less was an honest mistake, was not intended to be an insult. And I still don't see how you could have taken it as one.

Carlsbad is a sand pit, with cement dumped in the middle. You could not get me to drive down there even if you had fluff girls waiting at the end. If McRatt wants to make a track up to palmdale we can do some experimenting. DOT tires better not be anything other than common radials, drag radials are not OE equipment last time I checked and neither are M&H or anything of the sort.

Funny how you are looking up ZO6s with mods, what happened to stock Zo6's being as fast as Vipers? My car has a cat back exhaust system on it.

PS. I don't know who said the walk like a civic part but it was not me, so please do not put words in my mouth.


Mar 20, 2003
Reaction score

Here was your post when you called us out:

(quote from Russ)Les,

I totally agree with you on the driver part of the equation, no doubt a poor Viper driver will get spanked by even a normal c5 vette.

But 2 tenths of a second is not even close to reality.

I am tired of this pointless Internet debate, at no time has a zo6 even managed to keep up with my car past 1st gear. And I am sure at least some of the drivers had enough skill to make use of the car."

For the record SnakeBitten is the rude one who called me ********, he doesn't deserve a response, he also is the author of the "pull a Z06 like a Civic" remark, not you, I thought I was clear on that, apologies if I was not. I assume SB is a keyboard racer. If not he will find a way to join in the fun.

I take you at your word on the misspell of my name.

McRat has fewer mods than you do, no headers. I will leave to the two of you to agree on tires. Your point (above) was that you have NEVER seen a Z06 run better than a 12.5, that NO Z06 has ever been able to keep up with you past first gear. You didn;t qualify the remark, I don;t qualify the response. And I was the one out of touch with reality, but I have the attitude?? Come on man, read your posts and mine, do you really believe that?. Now you want to quibble about mods. I note you have yet to mention your track times, why is that - are they a secret?

I am truly trying to deomonstrate to you that you are flat WRONG about what our cars should do. You had the stones (at the time) to suggest a test of time and skill at a track to prove the point - I agreed to find you some qualified responses. You accepted that response. The mod issue is a red herring, you know it, I know it - anyone reading this post knows it. You "run what you brung" and may the best car/driver win. It shouldn't be hard, just read your posts. You and McRat (and don't forget the girl - his wife, she has called you out too) can work it out I am sure.

As far as the track goes, Carlisbad *****, but it does for both drivers. If you and McRat can agree a different track that is none of my business. If you don't agree to the test comparison we know who is BS and who is not.

BTW don't forget to respond to Greg on the top end challenge, that may be your redemption, I would think your would be a clear favorite in that contest :)

So Russ, McRat and Greg - do us all proud, race like men, come out swinging and shake hands at the end. I look forward to the results.



Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
LACR is slow (+.3/.5 sec), and often the left lane has sand on it, so the race might be determined by the coin toss for lane choice. I'm receptive to Irwindale, Famoso, California Speedway as well. But I like Carlsbad, it's less formal, and pretty fast. If it has to be LACR, I get lane choice. You have the advantage anyways. Any other track, we flip for lanes.

I run DOT legal race tires, ET Streets. They are not OEM tires. I get wheelhop on the OEM tires, and I'd rather not break parts. If you want to run slicks, be my guest. But I run off the street, line up, and let loose.

I'm not the quickest Z06, but I always put up a good fight. I've surprised alot of folk.

Russ M

Nov 1, 2000
Reaction score
LA, California

Palmdale is really the only other option here, unless 1/8 mile is to be tested.

If Greg wants to try it on a highway that is fine with me as well. I am more than eagar to please when it comes to racing. Although street racing and cameras do not mix well so no cameras will be involved. Been there done that, time to move on with my life if you know what I mean.

Mods are very important in this debate since we are discussing stock cars. Best car/best man would involve a whole new aspect for me since I happen to have several drag only cars that would be my preference for a car. But we are talking Viper vs. Zo6 here, so I guess those are out of the question.

My 1/4 mile times in the Viper are non exhistent since it is not my idea of a fast 1/4 mile car. My only experience with drag racing a Viper is at a light.

McRat, you are missing the point we are talking stock cars. ET streets are not and never will be stock equipment on a zo6 or Viper. So please do not plan on using them to race my 220 tread wear michelins. With ET streets there is NO reason why your car should not be capable of low 12's or 11 sec passes in stock form.

I have absolutly no plans of turning my Viper into a drag race mobile, I already have cars for that. So there is no chance of me getting drag racing rubber for it, I have too much fun in the twisties with it.


Jul 13, 2003
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I'll run you on street tires (treadwear 220), but it's ******* the car. LACR, I get lane choice.

About whether my car is "bone stock", is isn't. But the changes are very minimal, and when I AutoX, it's passes SCCA Solo2 "stock" rules, which is VERY stock for a car that is raced. No coolers, no removal of anything, no changing brakes, no engine mods, etc, etc, etc.

Trust me, I can take an average Viper driver right off the showroom floor. Not bragging, just stating facts.

If you want to race, let's race. If you don't just say it. I race for fun, money, or trophies. It's all good. Some of my friends own and race Vipers, and they respect what I can do in a manual trans car, and I respect them as well.

But if you haven't drag raced before, I'm probably going to clobber you...


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
God, is anyone else getting tired of this limitless debate? It is interesting how the definition of stock changes. My definition is the way it left production facility. If you added different tires (especially drag radials, et streets, etc.), different exhuast (that is any part of the exhaust) and intake, then your car is modified. It may only be lightly modified, but modified it is.

Why don't we just bow to the Z06 gods and agree that the vette is the quickest car ever made (especially with a JATO rocket attached, which is stock as it still has the original tail lights). No internet argument is going to be won by either side (apparently). And I already distrust any test of a so-called stock car by anyone that is so certain that his Z06 can beat any stock or close to stock Viper. So what will it all mean? Nothing, absolutely nothing.


Jul 13, 2003
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I'm not removing my Fuzzy Dice, so I guess my car has been modified ever since it had 10 miles. :rolleyes: Trust me, it's stock enough so neither the dealer or the smog [******]'s or the SCCA tech say anything. Muffler??? You REALLY consider a muffler in the same category as a JATO bottle? Removing the top of the aircleaner? Please. Adjusting the engine so it will "hot-lap" without losing HP? Yeah, it's a regular Pro Stock contender. So you are saying a Corvette with simple 10 min mods becomes faster than a Viper with more mods? HAHAHAHA!!! You're killin' me.

About Tires:

Tires do not add Horsepower. Or Torque. Do you go bowling with golf cleats on? Then why would you drag race with rain tires on your car? ;) In our neck of the woods, they don't drag in the rain. If you can spend $80K on a car, buying tires for it shouldn't break you. Anyone who races on OEM street tires is either broke or "special"...


Jul 13, 2003
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Bah! If you want to race bring it. If you don't, then don't.

But a car is only as fast as you can drive it. Refrain from saying you're faster if you don't really know.

You've got my email addy.

[Elvis has left the building!]


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
Drag radials alone are worth around 0.4 second in a Viper. And you don't consider that a modification. Please! If GM can't make a vette so it can hot lap without losing hp, then if you are stock you are left with that problem.

Stock is the way your car came. Period.

Russ M

Nov 1, 2000
Reaction score
LA, California

As I said earlier my whole intent is to really see what the differences are with a good driver. If you want to come up to LACR let me know, I am up for whatever. If you are that good of a driver then you can give me some reminder lessons on how to shift a stick fast again. And if you win no big deal, cars are meant to enjoy not argue over on the internet.

But your comments on what you consider stock are kinda lame, stock is stock. Passing SCCA does not really mean much in my book, RC use to do blue printed engines for Honda in SCCA events and NO one ever found out. As far as not being able to afford race tires, I am poor.

Sorry if a slow Viper or a slow Vette do not do much for me at the drags, but running 11s and 12s feels like you can get out and walk faster.


May 18, 2001
Reaction score
For the record SnakeBitten is the rude one who called me ********, he doesn't deserve a response, he also is the author of the "pull a Z06 like a Civic" remark, not you, I thought I was clear on that, apologies if I was not. I assume SB is a keyboard racer. If not he will find a way to join in the fun.


Les Im not the Snake Bitten that called you ********...Im SnakeBitten...BTW Vette guys call Viper guys all sorts of names too so please quit with the holier than though attitude about what Snake Bitten said.....It all just friendly ribbing...But you guys have a chip on your shoulder almost like the Supra guys...Its like you have to prove to every last Viper guy that you are worthy...No one cares...Everyone drives what they like....

I own a C5 but I also know that every concievable test between these two cars show that the Viper is the faster car by a good .5 margin...Just because you can drive your car better than someone can theres, doesnt mean that your car is equal or faster than his...

This debate it getting old with the same old nonsence being rehashed....Fact the Viper is faster than the Z06 in acceleration given equal skill drivers period.....So what else is there to discuss...Bringing Tom, Dick and Harry or Pat :smirk: with questionable stock status isnt gonna prove nothing....Lid mod is know to add as much as 15hp, plus you add exhaust, headers etc...And viola tha car aint stock no more..Its making more power that it did off the showroom floor...Than you want to race a Viper that completely stock so you can barely win or tie it and its proves that you are just as fast :rolleyes: This is borderline ricer mentallity...

Scotty B

Nov 9, 2000
Reaction score
Lake Tapps WA USA
Too funny,

Stock = headders and CAI?

Lemmy tell y'all nothin wakes up a Z06 like the above...

Hi 11's in STOCK trim? Not in this lifetime, with the above mods on Good4nuthin F1 tires? I doubt it, with slicks? All Day Long!

In a drag race stock for stock? I'll take the Viper every time!


Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score

As I said earlier my whole intent is to really see what the differences are with a good driver. If you want to come up to LACR let me know, I am up for whatever. If you are that good of a driver then you can give me some reminder lessons on how to shift a stick fast again. And if you win no big deal, cars are meant to enjoy not argue over on the internet.

But your comments on what you consider stock are kinda lame, stock is stock. Passing SCCA does not really mean much in my book, RC use to do blue printed engines for Honda in SCCA events and NO one ever found out. As far as not being able to afford race tires, I am poor.

Sorry if a slow Viper or a slow Vette do not do much for me at the drags, but running 11s and 12s feels like you can get out and walk faster.

Just to clear up what some folk are saying... The Z06 comes with 2.5" dual titanium exhaust, which flows very well stock. But it's wasn't loud enough for my wife. So we replaced the mufflers. It picked up 6 rwhp on a dyno. Not worth the money and hassle. And I also unsnap the airbox cover. I still use the stock airfilter. It's not CAI (cold air induction).

I've been completely honest about the mods. It's not as heavily modified as you guys think.

If you want to arrange a time and a date to run at LACR email me. I'm more than happy to teach you everything I know, and will ride shotgun with you if you wish. But if you are looking for a great ET in your car, you'll hate LACR. My last time there it was 100 deg in the shade, and all the cars were running about 1/2 second slower.

California Speedway is a better choice, yes it's still hot, (carlsbad is fastest), but the track prep is better and it's not 2710' altitude like Palmdale.

Irwindale is 1/8mi, and has good track prep. That might be closest to you. WHile I normally don't run 1/8th, it's a good track.

In SoCal we are not blessed with a truly fast track. HRP (Houston) and Atco (New England) are much, much faster. This is where the 11 second stock cars do their records. So in SoCal, we don't set national records, but we can compare 2 cars.

Just for entertainment:

2 years ago a guy with 2000 Viper (mod'd 425rwhp) challenged me to a race. I was running a stock engined 2000 Camaro (mod'd 336rwhp). About 20 guys went to the track to watch the race...

That was at Famoso. The guy (I won't say who he is) was very cool about it, but conceded defeat.

Snake Bitten

May 8, 2002
Reaction score
Southern Kalifornia
So said Z06Less

I came in to have an intelligent discussion with fellow car guys about the Z06 since most of you (yourself included) are as ignorant about Z06's as we are about Vipers. You learn when you keep your mouth (and keyboard) quiet and listen.

Look here ******...almost all of us are ex-vette guys...We sold the gutless wonder to buy a Viper...GET IT? So don't compare yourself to us...We drove the vettes, and opted for more power...

So said Z06Less

Two weeks on a higher elevation track I ran a [email protected], so the car is very consistent.

I stand by my statements about what 01 and 02 Z06's run here,

And now you can go stand in the corner...Do you have a timeslip???

ANY OF YOU VETTE GIRLS wanna run my ********* car, I'll be at GLD Friday July 18th...bring it...or go back to your titanium exhaust plate forum over in vetteland...

Snake Bitten

May 8, 2002
Reaction score
Southern Kalifornia
So said Russ

PSS. What is it with you Vette guys, you all have Viper on the brain. Are Vipers all you think about when you are driving your zo6? If so perhaps its time to just put one in your garage and stop with the drooling. I never see viper guys trolling up posts on the vette forums. But you guys cant even get enough Viper vs. Zo6 posts over there you come over here and start them. What gives?

Deep deep down, in their "special happy" place, they all wished they owned Vipers...There are several reasons why they opted for the vette.

1. Wifey wouldn't let them spend the addtional bucks on a Viper.
2. Wifey is making the payments, and couldn't afford a Viper.
3. Wifey cannot drive a stick...had to get the auto C5 Coupe...Not even a Z06 would have been possible...
4. Viper torque scares them
5. Afraid they would look to "manly" in a Viper...and get ostricized by the *** community.
6. Their insurance agent laughed histerically when they inquired about the Viper
7. Test drove a Viper, and determined they were too obese to ride in it comfortably, since the salesman had to get the jaws of life, to pry their phatasss from the car...
8. As a Communist, the astronomic C5 production numbers make them feel part of the "collective whole"...

I thought I had offended Z06Less to the point he said he wasn't posting here anymore... Please return to hero status on your vetteforum...Killed a V-Tech... is the hot topic today...


Apr 3, 2001
Reaction score
Coconut Creek, FL
Wow. Snake Bitten you seem to be pretty insecure there fella. Can you possibly make a post that doesn't neccessitate you hiding your insecurities behind the type of car you drive? You have a Viper. Whoop-de-do. You don't need to constantly justify your car. If we hated Vipers, we wouldn't be here. We all like them. But your arguments are ridiculous. First off, a Corvette has more heritage than a Viper will ever have, and there are plenty of streetable Vettes that are much faster than the fast Vipers. I don't think anyone is turning this into a Vette vs. Viper thread, but rather Vette owners defending ignorant statements from people like yourself. Perhas if you sat back and shut your man pleaser long enough to see THE POINT you wouldn't come across like such an arrogant child.


Snake Bitten

May 8, 2002
Reaction score
Southern Kalifornia
You have a Viper. Whoop-de-do. But your arguments are ridiculous. First off, a Corvette has more heritage than a Viper will ever have, and there are plenty of streetable Vettes that are much faster than the fast Vipers. I don't think anyone is turning this into a Vette vs. Viper thread, but rather Vette owners defending ignorant statements from people like yourself. Perhas if you sat back and shut your man pleaser long enough to see THE POINT you wouldn't come across like such an arrogant child.

NeoLaser (Is this your car or your printer?)

HERE's the point...You don't come to my house and make rediculous claims that somehow, if the moon is right, and you're wearing your lucky underwear, chebbie's little V8 might eek out a high 11 second pass...meanwhile...the other 29,999 Vettes made that year are barely breaking the high 12's...Oh, and I am arrogant, a bit of a pr1ck too...with good reason...I like it that way...

So in review

1. There's always something faster...

2. I suggest you spend more time trying to figure out how to supplement your income, and less time on this forum, dreaming of owning a Viper...

3. The kicker...When you are sporting something with more than four cylinders/printer cartridges, then you may speak to me...Otherwise, **** and keep it moving... :eek:


Apr 3, 2001
Reaction score
Coconut Creek, FL
You continue to amuse with your childish banter, and are actually making my work day pass quicker, so for that I thank you. To address your little 'review' number 1, that is obviously something you need to familiarize yourself with, especially when you invite people to come race your '********* car' as you may find yourself quickly embarrassed.

Number 2, my financial situation is none of your concern nor do I dream of owning a Viper. A good personal friend of mine, Doug Levin resides here, and I like to follow up on this board from time to time to see how things are going. I've always been a fan of Doug's work, and I like to see his satisfied customers replying on here as I am very impressed by the way Doug does business; you just don't get good honest tuners like him anymore.

Number 3, I no longer own the Laser and didn't know it was a pre-requisite to change my sig before replying. I now own something with 8 cylinders that will also be sporting a turbocharger in the near future, however my Laser would have had no problem spanking your '********* car' if we were to race. I love your petty attempt at arrogance too. "When you have a car with more than 4 cylinders you may speak to me..." Tell you what Snake Bitten, when you can spell correctly, can form complete and concise sentences, and your IQ is more than that of a grilled cheese you may engage in a battle of wits with me. Touche. By the way, I've been here longer than you. ;)



Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
So sayeth McRat:
Anyone who races on OEM street tires is either broke or "special"...

Ouch! I think you will find that many, many Vipers AND Vettes race on street tires. Why? Many of us use our cars for a variety of different venues: Daily driving, cruises, road courses, cars shows, autocross, and drag strips. I drive my Viper to the drag strip and drive it home. No trailers, no "support vehicles" carrying spare tires, nothing. In addition, I am lazy. If I really wanted to hassle with swapping out rims and tires everytime I went drag racing, I would buy a shelled out Mustang and squish every Viper and Vette that showed up. Fortunately, I chose the easy way and can just drive my showrom stock car to the track, race it, and take it to a car show the next day. Oh yeah, and nobody has figured out how to get slicks on the SRT without taking off the parking brake caliper. Sorry, I would rather just drive there and have some fun.

As to the Vette vs. Viper debate, it is an old one that will continue until they stop producing one or both of the cars. Some folks are more animated about it than others. Others choose to attack the person rather than address the car debate itself. Too bad. As to the car debate, I don't think anybody will argue that with identical drivers the showroom stock Gen II/III Viper will beat the showroom stock Z06. There is a difference of 45-95 horsepower and the Viper SHOULD win everytime. Mods come into play and the equation is skewered. Add the driver factor and the debate can REALLY heat up. I have no doubt that some more experienced Z06 driver could stay pretty close with me driving my SRT in bone stock form - and possibly beat me (I am an average driver). Throw in mods (even filters) and all bets are off - it is NOT a stock race.

Les - Thanks for your continued comments and patience with some of these posts. If you ever come to Kansas City there are several Vipers here that would love to run some Z06's - stock or otherwise. Me included!


Snake Bitten

May 8, 2002
Reaction score
Southern Kalifornia
I now own something with 8 cylinders that will also be sporting a turbocharger in the near future, however my Laser would have had no problem spanking your '********* car' if we were to race. I love your petty attempt at arrogance too.

Congrats on your box of parts...or future box of parts...and your previous Laser...Let us know when you've got whatever running...

So I guess here in the present we won't be seeing you at the track...Precisely what I thought...


Apr 3, 2001
Reaction score
Coconut Creek, FL
My car is running, albeit largely stock. And no, you probably won't see me at a track in the near future unless you are in the West Palm Beach area, or have a rrrrreally good set of binoculars being as you are in Minnesota. If you are really that concerned, which I'm sure you aren't, I'll let you know all about my car when it's up to par.



Mar 20, 2003
Reaction score
Quote: Les - Thanks for your continued comments and patience with some of these posts. If you ever come to Kansas City there are several Vipers here that would love to run some Z06's - stock or otherwise. Me included!



Thanks for the note, life is too short to get down in the gutter and call names. I drove Bob Pommers 03 SRT in Chicago - what a SWEET ride, handled great, stopped on a dime, lots of low end torque. I believe that Viper is capable of high 11's with a very average driver, so it will kick by butt unless I put on some drag radials (just bought some BTW, hope to use them when the weather turns cooler).

People ask why we compare the Viper and Vette (Z06). My answer is because they are both awesome machines, American born and bred, and true sports cars in every sense of the word. I don't envy the Viper, I prefer my Z06 for the kind of driving and racing that I do, but I respect the Viper and always enjoy racing them.

Chris, MikesZ06 is a member, lives in KSC, you should hook up some time. Don't race him, he is WAY past stock :)


PS: Lived in KSC for 4 years, one of my favorite places in the US


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Chris, MikesZ06 is a member, lives in KSC, you should hook up some time. Don't race him, he is WAY past stock :)

If he is that black Z06 I saw with the Procharger and NOS, rest assured I will stay clear of him in a BIG way! Although it would still be kinda fun. Thankfully, we have several Florida tuners that have helped out the Kansas City snake pit, including Levin and Roe. While no Texas, we have several running 550+ HP to the rear wheels and one Gen I running 790 rwhp - no NOS. I will leave it to those guys to play with Mike!

Thanks again for the posts. I am learning a lot more about the Vettes, even after owning four of them.



Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah, my "special" comment was out-of-line. Our tracks are typically so bad that a 2.3 60' time is normal for street tires. You'll never post a good ET launching on Crisco. Heck, at Carlsbad there is so much grass growing in lanes, that they use RoundUp instead of VHT to prep the track. ;)

I'm not here to start a flame war, just to answer a challenge. I like Vipers and someday might buy one. The Z06 fits my needs and makes a good daily driver and gets great gas mileage.


Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
So said Russ

PSS. What is it with you Vette guys, you all have Viper on the brain. Are Vipers all you think about when you are driving your zo6? If so perhaps its time to just put one in your garage and stop with the drooling. I never see viper guys trolling up posts on the vette forums. But you guys cant even get enough Viper vs. Zo6 posts over there you come over here and start them. What gives?

Deep deep down, in their "special happy" place, they all wished they owned Vipers...There are several reasons why they opted for the vette.

1. Wifey wouldn't let them spend the addtional bucks on a Viper.
2. Wifey is making the payments, and couldn't afford a Viper.
3. Wifey cannot drive a stick...had to get the auto C5 Coupe...Not even a Z06 would have been possible...
4. Viper torque scares them
5. Afraid they would look to "manly" in a Viper...and get ostricized by the *** community.
6. Their insurance agent laughed histerically when they inquired about the Viper
7. Test drove a Viper, and determined they were too obese to ride in it comfortably, since the salesman had to get the jaws of life, to pry their phatasss from the car...
8. As a Communist, the astronomic C5 production numbers make them feel part of the "collective whole"...

I thought I had offended Z06Less to the point he said he wasn't posting here anymore... Please return to hero status on your vetteforum...Killed a V-Tech... is the hot topic today...

If your trying move into the entertainment industry doing stand-up, think twice before quiting your day job.

Check this out...

My wife picked out and bought the Z06. And driving identical cars, I'd place money on her against nearly any M6 driver in the West. She's that good. She's one of the few gals in the country running 11's in a stick shift Vette, and I believe the only one doing it in a stock engined, smog legal, Z06.

I'm not much quicker than her. Neither of us powershift either. Not necessary.


Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
Annapolis, MD
Alright, I haven't read this whole post. To inform EVERYONE on what BONE STOCK is- it means no AFTERMARKET intake, filters, headers, exhaust, or any tire that is not of ORIGINAL size/manufacturer/make (this means no Kumhos, drag radials, slicks). If a 19 year old knows this stuff, you all should know this as well. I don't want to hear- "I ran my _-_-_ stock with headers...". As soon as you have put something onto your car that was not there when bought new off showroom floor or lot, it's MODIFIED. This is a completely UNBIASED post. There are no references to any one person, car, or manufacturer of car. No reason to flame me, although I wouldn't mind to see you try.

It's pissed me off how someone can say I am BONE STOCK blah blah, blah blah blah.

Snake Bitten

May 8, 2002
Reaction score
Southern Kalifornia
My wife picked out and bought the Z06. And driving identical cars, I'd place money on her against nearly any M6 driver in the West. She's that good. She's one of the few gals in the country running 11's in a stick shift Vette, and I believe the only one doing it in a stock engined, smog legal, Z06.

Sounds like you gotta keeper...good genes no doubt...Does the wifey have a sister with a vette, and if so, can we get some pics of her vette?


Mar 20, 2003
Reaction score
Stay focused on the race, don't let Russ excuse his way out of it. I am leaving the thread as the topic is pretty well done until you three (you, your wife and Russ) race and post the video. I sincerely hope he shows up but I increasingly doubt it. We shall see.

To people like Chris and others who have remained civil in this debate - take care, enjoy your great cars and I hope we meet (socially or at a track) one day.


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