Who Was in the Le Mans Edition GTS With Roe Supercharger on Woodward?

Motor City Mad Man

Nov 11, 2000
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Las Vegas, NV
My Supra buddy called me and told me there was a guy in a Le Mans edition Viper GTS with a Roe supercharger Saturday night on Woodward in Royal Oak, MI. Anyone on here? I drove out there after he told me about it and saw the car drive by once. Sweet looking car.

Motor City Mad Man

Nov 11, 2000
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Las Vegas, NV
Wow, cool Supra friend you have, very Viper-knowledgable!

Well, actually he didn't know it was a LeMans edition Viper, but from the way he described the paint job and after I saw it in person I knew right away. He is very knowledgable about Vipers as I have schooled him on the ins-and-outs. He recognized the supercharger as a Roe SC right away when the guy popped the hood because I have been telling him I am going to get one soon and showed him pics of it. But with the 600+ HP he has in his Supra he has schooled me many times on racing. :D These Supra can put down some serious power. He took me for a ride in it after he got a big single turbo and it was downright scarey to ride in.


May 16, 2003
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It was me who SPANKED your buddy in the Supra.... After he would not race me for $$$ I went out on WW and played with him...He has a fast car...Just not fast enough :usa: ..After I kicked his *** :usa: he actually had the nerve to tell me to get more boost.....Funny thing is he lost.... :usa: :usa: :usa:

Motor City Mad Man

Nov 11, 2000
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Las Vegas, NV
It was me who SPANKED your buddy in the Supra.... After he would not race me for $$$ I went out on WW and played with him...He has a fast car...Just not fast enough :usa: ..After I kicked his *** :usa: he actually had the nerve to tell me to get more boost.....Funny thing is he lost.... :usa: :usa: :usa:

Well of course I always root for the Viper to win, but from what I heard you may have beaten him but didn't exactly kill him. But then again it's hard to tell if you are just playing around and not lined up and hitting it at the same time. :D I am planning on getting the Roe supercharger too soon so he can stop kicking my butt. What mods do you have in your Viper and what kind of rwhp and torque are you putting down?

I went out to Woodward later on Saturday night about maybe 10:30 or so and saw you drive by. I was out in my '96 blue/white Viper.

Oh, by the way, I saw a Le Mans edition Viper parked in the movie theater lot at Commerce 14 up by Haggerty Rd. and 14 Mile a year or 2 ago, was that you? I only live a few miles from there. I thought to myself there is no way I'd leave my Viper unattended in a movie theater parking lot. The paint scheme on your car looks sweet.


May 16, 2003
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A win is a win....No matter by how much or by small a margin. And by the way...I was short shifting him and couldn't get out of 3rd gear (traffic) and he was still 3 cars back. You know Vipers pull hard in 3rd and 4th I wasn't even in the power range. I am a really laid back guy as the people in the VCA and MCVO will tell you. I don't talk bad about anyone..But tell your SUPRA buddy(with a BIG mouth and cocky attitude) :usa: that if he thinks he can keep up SHOW ME THE $$$$$$$ and lets get it on!!! :usa: :usa: :usa:


Aug 29, 2001
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Well..... It's not like he said all Supra owners are A-holes or something like that or "Supras ****"........

I actually kind of like his attitude, we need some Viper owners like that in AZ to have some fun racing, win or lose :cool:

OH jeezzz !! Now the FN supra board will be after us ! :rolleyes:


Aug 31, 2001
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A win is a win....No matter by how much or by small a margin. And by the way...I was short shifting him and couldn't get out of 3rd gear (traffic) and he was still 3 cars back. You know Vipers pull hard in 3rd and 4th I wasn't even in the power range. I am a really laid back guy as the people in the VCA and MCVO will tell you. I don't talk bad about anyone..But tell your SUPRA buddy(with a BIG mouth and cocky attitude) :usa: that if he thinks he can keep up SHOW ME THE $$$$$$$ and lets get it on!!! :usa: :usa: :usa:

Here is my post on the Supraforums about the race. It's kinda funny that YOU would say someone had a big mouth and a cocky attitude. The only cocky thing I said to you was that you needed to get more boost since you couldn't pull away from a car that had "No Chance!" of beating you AND you had the nerve after talking all that trash to redlight on a car you felt had no chance of beating you.

I know your type and thus I realize that there is no sense wasting my time discussing it with you. Everyone is a little cocky about their car whether it's a GEO or a Ferrari. I think it's obvious who is more likely to have a big mouth and a cocky attitude that crosses the line. Exhibit 'A' your uncontrollable need to start a thread entitled Supra Eater and then post a picture of your own car.

Here's my long post...

I was driving home from the WNBA basketball game Friday and decided to head
down toward Woodward. So I'm heading down the hwy and then I hear this
really loud car merge into traffic from just behind me. The car goes flying
by me on my right and I see that it's a competition coupe version of the
Viper GTS. I immediately see him as being easy prey so I down shifted and
followed him while he was flying through traffic. We both got off at the
Woodward exit. We were in traffic and the light turned red so I got over
and got beside him. He immediately looks over at me and emphatically says
"You don't have a chance! There's NO way you can beat me!" So I tell him
that I think I've got a pretty good chance of beating him. He then says
even more emphatically "There's NO WAY you can beat me!" You don't know
what I've got under my hood." So I tell him that he doesn't know what I've
got under my hood either. So he says "I know about those cars and there's
no way in $ell that you can beat me! I just dynoed yesterday and I've got
700hp" and I say that if we both take off at the same time I think I've got
a pretty good chance against him. So the light has turned green by now and
all the cars have been honking behind us because we're being ghetto and
holding up traffic while talking on a busy street. So I say we'd better go
and he pulls off and I get behind him. He then spontaneously decides to
pull into the gas station at the corner. So I pull in and we both hop out of
the cars. I walk over and tell him he's talking big trash and say he must
have a Doug Levin supercharger to be talking that much trash. Then I asked
him if he knew MCMM and he said yeah. So I told him that I work with MCMM
and he said "Yeah but you don't know me and if we race you're gonna know me
then!" While saying that he's opening his hood. So he gets the hood open
and I immediately recognize the Roe supercharger kit that MCMM's been
wanting to buy. It was the cheaper unpolished version but I was being nice
so I didn't rag on the guy for getting the cheap version. Then this guy in
a CFIV Camaro comes over and asks if we are going to race. We both say "No"
and then quietly I asked him if he's game. He says just name the place and
asks how much money are we betting. I said I'll race him but not for money.
Then I said a little north of here should be a safe spot and I tell him that
we'll go from about 35mph and he says that sounds good and we take off. I
thought about raising the boost but figured I wouldn't because I wanted to
see how close the car was with the boost the way I normally drive and not
with it at max level. We get to the spot and line up at about 37mph and I
ask him if he's ready. He says yeah and I reach over to turn my Sade CD off
and I hear "Waaaahhhhhhhh" and look over and the guy is already taking off!
I thought since he was so cocky that I had no chance that he'd let me do the
1-2-3 count and then we'd go even or he'd at LEAST let me go first. So I
immediately floor the car and by the time I react and build boost his rear
end is at my front end. I run even with him through 2nd gear, quickly shift
into 3rd and the car fish tails but I keep it floored. The car gets back in
line and continues on and then he finally has to shift and I jump a little
closer but still not gaining on him. Finally we both let off and I pull up
next to him and say it looked pretty even to me. He says "Yeah but I was in
front of you". I'm thinking that's because your chicken butt wouldn't wait
for an even start but I say "That's just because you left first. After I hit
the gas you didn't leave me one bit." Then I said "If we ran even I think I
would have beaten you." It probably would have been the same result except
I would have been in front when it was over but since he went from "There's
NO WAY you can win!" to "Yeah but I was in front" I figured I'd give him
something to think about. The guy didn't say anything this time and had
kinda a scowl on his face. So I chuckle to myself, tell him he needs more boost,
wave good bye and head back South to Woodward. I then called MCMM and
told him about it and he met me at our Woodward meeting spot. Later the guy
drove by and MCMM recognized the car and said he had seen him before but
didn't really know him.

So that was my long version of my race with the supercharged Viper. After
that encounter I think I'll be ok when MCMM gets his supercharger because I
was only running 18psi at that time and probably could have caught the guy
if I turned it up 2psi while we were in the gas station. The car is dyno
tuned to run 22psi on 94 Octane so I could have safely turned the boost up a
little and pulled on the guy.


May 28, 1998
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Meggleto my money is on Jeff. Since he just got it installed and sorted out that weekend you can be sure that he has not yet found the optimum shift points, etc. And if your signature is correct (542 RWHP) he should be able to pull on you fairly easy with his 680 RWHP and 690RW torque.

But the real reason I am posting is the comment that it was a "competition coupe version ..." The competition coupe is not streetable first off and is not a version of the GTS. Jeff's car is a GTS with a Leman's paint scheme.

Motor City Mad Man

Nov 11, 2000
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Las Vegas, NV
I dunno Meggleto, I didn't know there was anyone out there who was a bigger trash talker than you. :D I gotta meet this guy now so I can compare the both of you on trash talking. Plus I'd like to check out his Viper. Of course if I was there I would have been rooting for the Viper even if we do work together. Also, I think I have to get the 8 psi Roe Supercharger so I can keep you off my tail. If proracer1 has the hp his dyno shows, then I would think he should beat you. And I want to be there to film it.

Motor City Mad Man

Nov 11, 2000
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Las Vegas, NV
A win is a win....No matter by how much or by small a margin. And by the way...I was short shifting him and couldn't get out of 3rd gear (traffic) and he was still 3 cars back. You know Vipers pull hard in 3rd and 4th I wasn't even in the power range. I am a really laid back guy as the people in the VCA and MCVO will tell you. I don't talk bad about anyone..But tell your SUPRA buddy(with a BIG mouth and cocky attitude) :usa: that if he thinks he can keep up SHOW ME THE $$$$$$$ and lets get it on!!! :usa: :usa: :usa:

Proracer1, are you gonna be out near Woodward again this Friday or Saturday night? I'd like to check out your Viper. From the mods you have it looks like it is a killer ride. My Viper is but a little girly man Viper compared to yours, but I hope to be joining the supercharged set soon.

P.S. Who was that in the red SRT-10 Viper out Saturday night on Woodward, anyone you know?


May 28, 1998
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I cruised Woodward a few times Friday and Saturday while going to and fro (to the various Viper events). There were several red SRT's at the museum Saturday so there may have been more that cruised Woodward. And it also is but a girly car next to Jeff's. It sounds like it has Tampax in the exhaust (we can say that here can't we?).

Ah, but my RT/10 has more bark than Jeff's. Now if Sean comes up with a Gen I kit it mmight get the bite to match it's bark.

Motor City Mad Man

Nov 11, 2000
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
I cruised Woodward a few times Friday and Saturday while going to and fro (to the various Viper events). There were several red SRT's at the museum Saturday so there may have been more that cruised Woodward. And it also is but a girly car next to Jeff's. It sounds like it has Tampax in the exhaust (we can say that here can't we?).

Ah, but my RT/10 has more bark than Jeff's. Now if Sean comes up with a Gen I kit it mmight get the bite to match it's bark.

Cool, it probably was you. I will probably take the Viper out to the 13 mile parking lot off Woodward Friday or Saturday night for a little bit. Maybe I'll see you guys out there. It's getting close to Dreamcruise time and I bet there will be tons of nice cars out on Woodward this weekend.


Aug 31, 2001
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Meggleto my money is on Jeff. Since he just got it installed and sorted out that weekend you can be sure that he has not yet found the optimum shift points, etc. And if your signature is correct (542 RWHP) he should be able to pull on you fairly easy with his 680 RWHP and 690RW torque.

My money was on Jeff too until I actually raced him. That's why I wouldn't run for money. There's more to a race than a dyno chart though. Things like traction, gearing, rev limit, weight, and driver come into play. Most of those things favor my car to make the race a little more even. I weigh less, have much better gearing, an 8000 rpm redline, and have just enough traction for the power I'm running. In all honesty he should have been able to leave me but that night he couldn't. I'm sure after he gets more used to the car he will be much faster. I wouldn't mind repeating the same thing with an even start. If I win I win and if I lose I lose. The only reason I raced him was to get an idea of what I would need to do to keep up with a supercharged Viper. Based on what I saw I'm pretty much where I need to be and could get some cams and a little more boost and have nothing to worry about. Don't take me saying 'nothing to worry about' the wrong way. I say that because I'm worried about hearing my buddy talk trash not because I'm worried about losing to a supercharged Viper. This is about a friendly competition between me and MCMM that's been going on for several years now. I'd actually like to see MCMM race me in Jeff's car so that I'd have the actual challenge I'm trying to protect for.

Note: If I meet Jeff again I'd like to see his actual dyno chart and not the excel chart that was posted in another thread.

Motor City Mad Man

Nov 11, 2000
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
If Jeff short shifted like he said he did then that might explain why it was a little closer than it should have been. He may have underestimated your car and thought he didn't have to take the Viper to its full potential to beat you.


Aug 31, 2001
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If Jeff short shifted like he said he did then that might explain why it was a little closer than it should have been. He may have underestimated your car and thought he didn't have to take the Viper to its full potential to beat you.

I was in the middle of 3rd gear before he finally shifted so I'm not saying he didn't short shift but knowing a Vipers gearing he didn't short shift by much since I was near 75mph and the viper 2nd gear runs to about 83mph if I remember correctly. Either way he wasn't pulling away before or after he shifted. Hopefully he'll let you run me so we can see what a Roe supercharged GTS will do.

As far as the trash talking I'll admit I can talk trash with the best of them. I've played sports since I was a toddler up to the Div 1 college level and you don't play sports that long without learning to talk trash. You can tell I can talk trash from my post in where I write what I was thinking but didn't say. I was on good behavior when I met Jeff until my final statement even though he was talking big time trash the whole time.


Aug 29, 2001
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Unless your car is lightened or Proracer's Viper weighs significantly more than stock your car is heavier than his. Supras are in the ~3500 pound range and Viper GTS's are in the ~3350 pound range (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

What turbo do you have on your car? It's going to be very tough to beat a 680 RWHP Viper driven properly unless you are making ~720 RWHP in a Supra.

Meggleto my money is on Jeff. Since he just got it installed and sorted out that weekend you can be sure that he has not yet found the optimum shift points, etc. And if your signature is correct (542 RWHP) he should be able to pull on you fairly easy with his 680 RWHP and 690RW torque.

My money was on Jeff too until I actually raced him. That's why I wouldn't run for money. There's more to a race than a dyno chart though. Things like traction, gearing, rev limit, weight, and driver come into play. Most of those things favor my car to make the race a little more even. I weigh less, have much better gearing, an 8000 rpm redline, and have just enough traction for the power I'm running. In all honesty he should have been able to leave me but that night he couldn't. I'm sure after he gets more used to the car he will be much faster. I wouldn't mind repeating the same thing with an even start. If I win I win and if I lose I lose. The only reason I raced him was to get an idea of what I would need to do to keep up with a supercharged Viper. Based on what I saw I'm pretty much where I need to be and could get some cams and a little more boost and have nothing to worry about. Don't take me saying 'nothing to worry about' the wrong way. I say that because I'm worried about hearing my buddy talk trash not because I'm worried about losing to a supercharged Viper. This is about a friendly competition between me and MCMM that's been going on for several years now. I'd actually like to see MCMM race me in Jeff's car so that I'd have the actual challenge I'm trying to protect for.

Note: If I meet Jeff again I'd like to see his actual dyno chart and not the excel chart that was posted in another thread.


May 16, 2003
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Finally some one from the supra side with a brain...If meganman is only making 542 rwhp and his car weighs more than mine.I make 680 RWHP "HE CANT WIN" Don't get me wrong I know there are fastwer cars out there, Just not his. meganman...If you really think you can win lets go for PINKS....I need a winter ride!!!


Oct 3, 2002
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It will take a whole lot more than 720rwhp to beat the Viper with 680rwhp. You forget a minor little detail that's called TORQUE ;) I've beat Supras in the high 480rwhp with my measly 410rwhp :D


Aug 29, 2001
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This is only true if the Supra owner is not good at driving his car. From a rolling start it is very easy to powerbrake (6speed or auto) a boosted car to bring the boost up, then when the race starts you let go of the brake and you'll be in the powerband and torque band. I have raced cars with similar HP/weight ratio levels and much higher low end torque than my car and beat them because of this. The key is to have the engine making as much hp and torque as possible for the race. Turbo cars can generate good torque numbers they are just higher in the RPM's as they need to turbos to be boosting to make this torque. BPU Supras regularly put down ~400 RWHP but 470+ RWTQ.

It will take a whole lot more than 720rwhp to beat the Viper with 680rwhp. You forget a minor little detail that's called TORQUE ;) I've beat Supras in the high 480rwhp with my measly 410rwhp :D


Aug 31, 2001
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I agree that with the power Jeff is claiming he should have beaten me easily. Based on the fact that he didn't....either the car wasn't handled to it's full potential, the car was at 580-600rwhp like most cars with the Roe charger, or the barametric pressure was really really low that night. That's why I was hoping Jeff would post his actual dyno chart.

It sounds like Jeff is willing to let me run against his car again so that's pretty cool. I'd like to see how close I am to MCMM in a supercharged Viper so I'd ideally like to race MCMM in the car under the same situation as last time except no one leaves early or since there's "NO WAY" I can win then I get to go first since you got to go first last time.

I'm running a Buschur T66 with a .9 A/R and AEM ECU. I was at 9psi and not accelerating when we lined up or else he would have left me pretty bad when he jumped the start. As far as weight goes neither one of our cars is stock and I took weight off and it looks like he added about 250lbs from what I calculated while looking the car over.

Hey Jeff which to you hate more....me or my car? For the record I don't hate you nor do I hate your car. That's why I spell your name correctly.


May 28, 1998
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... While saying that he's opening his hood. So he gets the hood open
and I immediately recognize the Roe supercharger kit that MCMM's been
wanting to buy. It was the cheaper unpolished version but I was being nice
so I didn't rag on the guy for getting the cheap version...

Okay meggleto are you blind, stupid or obnoxious? I mean how much more shine do you need to make it the expensive shiny version? Guess you should be happy you did not rag on him for such an ugly underhood appearance. How 'bout you show us yours (presumably better given your trash talk).

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May 28, 1998
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Just wanted to let him know that we can read the trash talk that he posted on the supra board. I mean how can anyone trash talk that underhood?

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