As a Viper veteran, would I be happy with an SRT??


Feb 9, 2001
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Richmond Virginia
I have had Gen 1 and 2 Vipers (still have GTS) I have been driving a C6 Vette this yr as a daily driver. I am close to getting a ZO6, but given the "deals" on SRTS am intrigued. I have never warmed up to the body style, but kinda like the white/blue striped commemorative SRT. It has been disconcerting to see that several folks I look up to in Viper world have sold their SRTS. It is also depressing to see Corvette inch back into the performance lead. As someone who has put a total of 75,000 miles on pre-gen 3 snakes would I be disappointed in an SRT? Also, given the number of "limited" editions that Dodge has crammed into the SRT, I have no illusion that this car will appreciate, but let me know if I am wrong. Thanks in advance. TERRY


Feb 14, 2002
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Duncan, SC USA
It's kinda like gotta believe. You have to feel the rawness and say 'this is what I want from a sports car'.
If the C6 makes you happy, a Z06 will make you happier. If the rude, crude feel of the early cars made you grin, and driving a Vette feels kinda like driving a Camry, only the SRT will do.

I am very happy with the SRT, as the earlier cars both had flaws I 'almost' couldn't live with. I love top down driving, but hated the folding roof on the RT-10. I hated not being able to open the roof on the GTS! A gen II RT-10 with a sport bar that opened up and a softtop that folded out would have been the perfect answer. The sytle of the SRT is different, but it has grown on me. Once someone figures out a way to lower the car without spending $4K for a 1 inch drop....I'll be 99% content.

I suggest some seat time in an SRT. I'm sure there's a few Virginia people who would help.


VCA International Venom Member
Venom Member
Oct 2, 2000
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Ancaster Ontario, Canada
I'm lucky enough to still have my original RT10....Coupe....and have added to the family with a VCA SRT...when folks ask whch I prefer??!! ...I tell's like with can't choose??!

But..(in all honesty..there are differences!!) .....if the "looks" of the SRT don't turn you on....I don't think driving it will either!!

My take's just a lot more refined and (almost) delicate compared to the earlier brutes!! And most of us old-timers fell in love with that BRUTE!!

I have fallen hard for my SRT.....but it took the VCA version to do it!!

I'd STILL take ANY viper over ANY vette!!!!


Viper Owner
Aug 4, 2005
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San Diego, CA
I test drove a 2002 GTS back to back with a 2004 SRT. I ended up buying the SRT. I like the looks of the Gen I/II better, but this is just a better car. The brakes are outstanding and it is easier to drive at low speed. When you step on the power there is still plenty of it, but the cam is set up to rev more easily and not have quite as much brute force under 2500 rpm.

I find the easy to operate convertible to be a real bonus as well. Go for a ride in one, there will be a number of people at a evolution autosports show next weekend, just south of DC. There should be a few Gen III's there.

You are the only one who can decide if the SRT is right for you.


Jan 3, 2005
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I have owned 6 Corvettes including 2 C6's - I was also on the short list for a Z06 but was disenchanted with the look of the car and the quality (C6) of the Vette - on Saturday I took delivery of a Yellow 2005 SRT 10 - I was also interested in the Commerative Edition but in the end was attracted to the Viper Race Yellow - GO WITH THE VIPER! The SRT 10 is incredible - it provides open air driving options with 500hp and 525lbs of torque - it handles great, it is comfortable, it is exotic (drove home CT to PA last week and counted over 16 corvettes and about the same number of Porsches but didnt see 1 Viper). Go with some unique not the run of the mill car - in the end you are not going to be driving 150mph on city streets anyway and with a few easy mods the Viper blows the Z away and looks incredible while doing so - call Bill Pemberton at Woodhouse and in a few days you will be SRT enabled - when last I checked he had a commerative edition available - good luck!


Feb 7, 2005
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Gulfport, MS
"never warmed up to the body style" "kinda like" "It has been disconcerting" "sold their SRTS" "Corvette inch back into the performance lead" "would I be disappointed in an SRT?" "I have no illusion that this car will appreciate" :(

It sounds like you have already made up your mind, but just in case...If you are trying to make a logical, practical purchase, the Z06 wins. My biggest reason for buying a Viper was, is and will always be my love to Vipers. it's a passion that some might call blind, and it sounds like you had it once. The SRT is a much better car over GENI and II, just test drive one, and if that doesn't do it, try reading some of the latest threads from previous VETTE owners buying Vipers for the first time . BTW, cheer up... :cool:


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC, USA
I'm lucky enough to still have my original RT10....Coupe....and have added to the family with a VCA SRT...when folks ask whch I prefer??!! ...I tell's like with can't choose??!

But..(in all honesty..there are differences!!) .....if the "looks" of the SRT don't turn you on....I don't think driving it will either!!

My take's just a lot more refined and (almost) delicate compared to the earlier brutes!! And most of us old-timers fell in love with that BRUTE!!

I have fallen hard for my SRT.....but it took the VCA version to do it!!

I'd STILL take ANY viper over ANY vette!!!!

This is the best post as it relates to your question, Terry. One thing that WILL make a huge difference to you - if you are a convertible person - the SRT jumps WAY up on the "must have" list - as it's the only convertible out there that's similar to the feeling of the older cars.

It's much easier to drive fast, easier to live with as a daily driver, has TONS better brakes and handling (stock to stock) and does all of these things without the fanfare (wide eyed fear and praying) that came with the earlier Gen I/Gen II cars.

I missed the ragged edge feeling, outrageous styling and lumpy cam of my 1996 GTS - and - I have determined that I am NOT a convertible person - that's why mine was sold. I couldn't justify the $$$ sitting in the garage for a car that didn't hit me on that emotional level. (Hint here - I am cheap)
Oct 2, 2000
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I have a 98GT2, 99ACR and a 2003 Viper SRT10. The 2003 Viper is much better handling and user friendly than the older cars. The brakes are the best, the top takes seconds to take down or up. The SRT10 Viper is a Great car.

Ron Hickey

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Falls Church, VA
I want to add my thoughts before the usual collection of Gen III bashers jumps in on this thread. I purchased an SRT-10 in May after 7-1/2 years of GTS ownership. It took me a while to warm up to the styling, but once I accepted it, it was easy to take the plunge. The Gen I/II styling will always be classic, and certainly the Gen III is nowhere as near over the top, and thus it will never have the "gawk factor" of the Gen I/II's. But in every other respect, the SRT-10 is a far better car -- ride, handling, braking, power, comfort, build quality, etc. It's much more like a real car, and doesn't have that kit-car feel of the earlier generations. The SRT-10 is "sneaky fast," to borrow a term used by one of our members; you find you're going faster than you think you are. The Gen II's communicated that sense of going fast and being on the edge to the driver, whereas the Gen III just handles it all without fanfare and feels much more stable. This is what refinement is all about.

It would have been nice if I'd had the space and financial wherewithall to keep my 2001 Bumblebee and add the SRT-10, but even if I had kept the GTS, I wouldn't really have had the urge to drive it anymore. The SRT-10 is more fun to drive and more comfortable and just seems to handle rough roads, driveway entrances and everyday driving a lot better. Don't get me wrong, I loved every minute of my GTS ownership. But now that I've moved up, I'm completely satisfied and I'm not looking back.

I still think my SRT-10 has a strong "gawk factor," if nothing else thanks to the yellow color. If attention-getting is important to you, then the commemorative edition, yellow, or the copperhead might be the better choices.

AZ Buckeye

Viper Owner
Jun 23, 2005
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Scottsdale, Arizona
So I need to add .02 to this thread.

It's all about your personal preferences. If open air motoring is a priority, then no other car can compare to the SRT. Period.

As several people have articulately communicated, the SRT is more refined then the previous generations. Some, including myself, love that. Makes for a more enjoyable experience according to our priorities.

Sounds like you prefer a less civilized experience. Not sure what other opinions would be, but I still consider the SRT less civilized than most others in its class (Z06, Porsche, Ferrari..etc). So if you look at NEW options the SRT still may qualify.

Bottom line: You need to drive an SRT or you will never know if it will work or not.


Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
I spent weeks wrangling with this very same decision, I had an 02 FE and loved the car. It was very hard for me to part with it but I finally decided to try an SRT. I love both cars and when I feel like I made a mistake getting rid of my GTS, I just go out and drive the SRT and soon forget the notion that I made a mistake. The decision should probably come down to whether or not you want a convertible or not. I have driven the C6 and believe me even if they were exactly the same performance wise, I would take the Viper without hesitation. :2tu:


Apr 26, 1999
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Overland Park, KS
Here is a similar post with a variety of opinions:

I also think that our friend Paul Hawker summed it up nicely:

"I had a 96 GTS, Blue White. That car hit me like an emotional bag of bricks. It was sooooo beautiful, I felt like a lucky man every time I looked in the garage.

The SRT is not such an emotional car to me, but it is a far superior car in every other way. Much less little problems like hatch that delaminated, trim pieces coming off, windows that loose their seal at +150mph.

The SRT, with its great 15second convertable top is great for bombing around in San Diego. I put a Paxton on it, and the excitement is back, and the thrill is on."


Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
I've had the good fortune of owning a 2001 GTS and the 2003 SRT-10 early edition (I was one of the "lottery" winners). Here's my take:

I like the "feel" of the GTS much better than the SRT-10. I felt as though I knew where the car was in relation to the road in the GTS, whereas in the SRT I often felt as though I was on black ice waiting to get traction and then figure out how to control the car.

I like the throaty rumble of the GTS much better than the more staccato sound of the SRT side exhaust. (Does everyone agree that the GTS is meant to be driven with the windows down?)

Aesthetically, the GTS has it hands down (IMHO) over the SRT-10 convertible. Whenever I drove the GTS, a stop at any traffic light was like celebrity entrance for the Oscars. In the SRT-10, people barely yawned. When I queried this response, I was told that from the back it was difficult to tell the difference between the SRT, a Sebring convertible, or a Honda S2000. Interior comfort was slightly better in the SRT than the GTS (the offset steering wheel problem had been fixed)

Performance (acceleration) the SRT is definitely more robust than the GTS. It seems that the greatest sensation if G force in the GTS comes in first gear off the line. When I first drove the SRT-10, that force seemed to be lacking in first gear, but, upon shifting into second, the G force was amazing!! I did (and still do) describe it as something akin to "wharp drive"!

I'm eagerly awaiting my SRT-10 Coupe. I anticipate that it will be yet another "new" experience. Team Viper and the CAAP crew keep me coming back. The performance, appearance and exclusivity make me feel as though I'm getting good value for my hard earned dollars. After the Vette (btw, had one of those in the past, too) I think you'll be "blown away" by the SRT!


Viper Owner
Sep 23, 2004
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"In the SRT-10, people barely yawned. When I queried this response, I was told that from the back it was difficult to tell the difference between the SRT, a Sebring convertible, or a Honda S2000."

GTS2001 I don't begrudge you your opinion, but have had completely different responses. I have never been approached by a ***** who thought my SRT-10 resembled an S2000 or a Sebring.

Having owned and driven many exotics I can honestly say that the SRT-10 has as much gawk-appeal as any of them. I can also tell you that having been at several locations with a friend who has a GTS, the SRT-10 is no ugly step-child. It evokes just as dramatic of a response. However, the GTS appeals to a much younger set while the SRT-10 appeals to an older set.

Maybe I'm starting to get old (40), but the SRT-10 really reaches out and gets me. The GTS is an incredible car, but just not my cup of tea. If I were 18 then the GTS would probably appeal to me more than the SRT-10.

They are both great cars. I think the SRT-10 is a better car to drive and I personally prefer the look. Also it is a convertible. I can't think of a convertible I would prefer. viperdrummer you sound like the GenIII really isn't for you. But, I can't imagine you would be dissappointed with the latest incarnation of Viper.



Jul 18, 2006
Reaction score
I just purchased a 2006 SRT 10 coupe, blue with silver stripes. Man what a auto. I am extremely please. Got it for way way under invoice.

I drove a new ZO6 and the viper--I chose the Viper, I wanted something unique and fast. The Z06 is fast-if Viper and Z06 got together it would probably come down to the driver in a quarter mile race. Felt like to me the Viper had more torque.

No question in my mind that the viper is best car for me. Also they are wanting 7 to 10 thousand above invoice for Z06. Saw one other day listing for 90,000.

Think hard-pray hard-then get the SRT 10 ;)

1 cole

Feb 26, 2006
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Milton ,Wisconsin
Go down the forum and click on RaceYellow SRT,if that does not answer your question then by something else. You can not get a vette to look this good. Plus do your homework on pricing,in a year or two your going to take one hell of a bath. I went for the srt sold the other and very happy :nono:

Newport Viper

Oct 17, 2000
Reaction score
Newport Coast, CA
I would also buy a 04. There are alot of low mile cars out there, at a good price. Almost the same car as an 06. Drive it for a few years then flip it, after they shake the bugs out of the new car....


Viper Owner
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Cherry Hill, NJ
I was cruising the Z06 forums and was shocked at how many posts I saw from Z06 ownwers who are not happy with the car. Many are selling only months after buying while they can still get their money back out. Although most are very satisfied with the performance (some did complain that the car doesn't feel that fast below 4000 rpm), it seems that the car is very prone to breakage (mostly the rear) as well as other common GM QC issues. To make matters worse, GM is not eager to fix breakage under warrantee. Several posts about GM declining warrantee claims due to "abusive driving". I still like the Z06 and hope GM manages to iron out the defects. Like the Viper, it's great performance value.

I almost bought a Z06 myself but also opted for a Viper due to the much better deals available on them. For a while, I wasn't sure I had made the right choice. I am now.


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
What kind of issues were involved with the early SRT's? I see alot of them in the Autotrader.


I think a lot of the sales are people that have been waiting for the coupe to finally show up, coupled with people who want to get the most they can get from the sale before the 08 Viper is announced... Then you'll see 03 prices drop.


Jul 18, 2006
Reaction score
I will agree with what valentine viper found out about the Z06 below 4000 rpm. I was fortunate that my seller had a new Z06 and his own personal 2006 viper that I bought from him. The viper felt, to me, faster below 4000 rpm.

The Z06 is a good auto but the viper is better. More of a solid feel. If you want a sporty, unique ,well built auto, go viper. It is also an attention getter.

Hey-the viper is a little harder to get in and out of than the Z06. Shoot-I told my wife I had to have the Viper , and a man my age ,if I had to in getting out of the viper, I would get on my hands and knees and back out-rear end first. She said she would post a pic of that on the club. :D

Racer Robbie

Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Guilford, CT-USA
It is something like this. One day my brother in law decided to take a drive in his Z06 and I drove my SRT-10 viper. We decided to get some coffee and pulled into the local Starbucks. The short story is that everyone flocked to my viper so I asked them why. their answer was that all vetts look the same and you see them on every street corner. But the viper is a very rare sight indeed. That was good enoygh for me!

Blue Batmobile

Viper Owner
Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, California
What kind of issues were involved with the early SRT's? I see alot of them in the Autotrader.


I think a lot of the sales are people that have been waiting for the coupe to finally show up, coupled with people who want to get the most they can get from the sale before the 08 Viper is announced... Then you'll see 03 prices drop.

that makes sense.

How about issues with the earlier release any you guys experienced?



Jul 18, 2006
Reaction score
looking back-as much as I drive around in Ky and notice autos I hardly ever see a viper. Your right Robbie it is a rare sight.

Ive had my SRT 10 coupe for a week and every where I go people want to see it and look on inside and ask me to open the hood, and when they see the engine their eyes almost pop out ,and they take pics of the viper even while moving. I have already taken 10 people for a ride. Hey Robbie maybe I need to charge admission and make some money.
:D :D

Man am I having fun-almost as much as I had on my honey moon. Hope my wife dont read this post. ;)


Viper Owner
Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
Hey-the viper is a little harder to get in and out of than the Z06. Shoot-I told my wife I had to have the Viper , and a man my age ,if I had to in getting out of the viper, I would get on my hands and knees and back out-rear end first. She said she would post a pic of that on the club. :D
Hehe, I always put the seat back all the way before getting out and that makes getting in and out much easier. At 55 I just fall in and roll out.
CB ;)