
Bugman Jeff

May 19, 2013
Reaction score
Are you for real? So let me get this straight if someone does scratches or slams their door open into your viper, if you do own one for that matter, you would just brush it off, by saying oh it's just a car, it's not even expensive car, life is great., right? Bool**** sounds like you do not even own a viper. This bullcrap does not make any sense to me.
If someone scratched or nicked my car on accident, I'd probably let it slide, accidents happen. If it was on purpose, of course I'd be pretty upset and do something about it. But that's not what happened here. There was ZERO damage to this ****'s car, just a napkin stuck under a wiper. Oh the humanity! If Pirate's car did get damaged, I'd be right there with people offering their condolences, but that's not what happened. He's overreacting to what amounts to a minor annoyance. Also, questioning my Viper ownership? How does that even matter in this discussion? I have as much pride in my car as anyone, probably even more than most because of the time I've put in on it. It's pretty, it's fast, and I love owning it, but in the end, I know it's JUST A CAR. If somebody touches it and doesn't do any damage, I don't care. Not even a teeny tiny bit.
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Viper Owner
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
PirateViper is not looking for your heart felt "condolences" he is trying to prevent damage to his car.... I do the same thing. The only time I take two spaces is if it is at the furthest end of the parking lot and the spaces are thin, you know so they can cram in a few more cars otherwise I take the space at the end and park next to curb. I have came out of a store too many times to find someone who wanted to look at the car or just be a **** parked way too close to my Viper. From there you are just one small gust of wind or bump of the door from your so called "condelences" which doesn't do crap to fix the damage....

Steve M

Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
Dayton, OH
Never can understand why some people go out of their way to be a *********. Who gives a crap how many spots u take up...this guy went out of his way to get a pen and napkin just to complain about something that had nothing to do with himself.

Plenty of people give a crap how many spots others take up...if you park way out in a parking lot and take up multiple spots, it draws attention to yourself (and your vehicle). There are a lot of people in this world that just enjoy screwing with others and watching them squirm, knowing that even the slightest provocation will set the owner off, much like what happened here.

At the end of the day, we are dealing with people here, and people generally ****.

Personally, I don't do anything to draw unwanted attention to myself if I can help it.


Viper Owner
Sep 27, 2011
Reaction score
if you parked "a little over the line" then you did take up two spots..... dick move on your part.... doesn't matter how expensive the car.... I take pics of "Parking tools" like you all the time.... this is what the guy should have done..... LOL....

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Bugman Jeff

May 19, 2013
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Viper Owner
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
The BMW pic is funny and the guy/girl deserved it. It does remind of the other side of the story when I had my M3 back in 99. I parked straight in at the last spot next to curb at far end of parking lot, no cars within 50-60 spaces. Came out of store to find an old pickup truck, well over my white line and no more than 6 inches from my car. They had to have climbed out their passanger door to get out, guess they thought it would be funny.... I was not laughing, guess there is no shortage of aholes in the world.


Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Sonoma Cownty
If you are so far out in a parking lot that there are 20 empty spaces in a row, who really cares about lines anyway? I work near a lake, and you see ski boats with trailers taking 6 parking spots _way out in the lot_ in the town nearby. No one gives a hoot about it. Maybe it's an urban thing... but I'll take all the advice and start paying attention to the lines (sounds like a lot of people's shorts are too tight). Frankly, I think that most people who door-ding an exotic wouldn't know a Ferrari from a Fiero and consider cars to be just transportation appliances (keep in mind the kids open and close car doors too!).


Oct 25, 2012
Reaction score
Armonk, NY, formerly Hoboken, NJ
When I see a car parked in the middle of the lot all by it's self, I'm the dick that will go park right next to you. I mean, your car looks so lonely out there all by it's self... :D

You say you didn't purposely take up two spots. Ok, I'll buy that, and we've all parked slightly over the line at some point. But, you could have avoided this whole incident by taking 10 seconds to back up and pull straight into the stall. Your attitude and the way you're handling this is way out of line. So some guy touched your car. BIG DEAL. If somebody touched your wife and left a note on her forehead, you'd have a legitimate complaint. It's just a car. In this day and age of $50K Mustangs and pick up trucks, it's not even an expensive car. Get over yourself.

There's all kinds of people in this world..... Nice guys and a--holes, people who enjoy seeing their family and friends achieve success and people who get insanely jealous and hateful of their friends and family who become successful, and there are proud car guys who work hard to buy their dream cars and maintain them immaculately and there are people who don't give a rats a$$ about cars and see them purely as transportation and wouldn't know a 15 year old Hyundai from a Viper of Lamborghini. I'm surprised at your reaction being a fellow owner of what must be one of your dream cars, but you have to understand that for myself and many others on here, we love our cars far more than them being JUST a car to us, and we have worked our a$$es off to buy and own our cars that we love so much. Don't impose your beliefs on him and calll him names because he cares a lot about his car that he has worked so hard to buy and maintain only to be angry that some **** possibly keyed or threaten to do such to his beloved car. I don't fault you for your opinion as you are entitled to not care if that happens to your "inexpensive car", but know that there are others out there who do care very much about this sort of stuff.

Since i picked up my Viper last year, I have had a few a--holes already mess with my car when parking it in a public place, and always for no good reason at all. Recently I had 2 jokers sandwich me into a space obviously on purpose when I took my Viper to the gym and parked it far away where it was also very visible from the entrance. No damage was done, but I was pissed at the mere thought that people could be such jerks for no reason whatsoever. They don't know me, yet they assume I'm some pompous arrogant **** who needs to be put in his place because of the car that I drive, and because I chose to try to protect my car by parking it far away from people who might see it as JUST A CAR and think nothing of slamming their doors open into it.

I completely sympathize with the OP here, as the other guy had no business writing a threatening note to him. If he HAD taken a handicapped space or taken 2 spaces in a crowded parking lot, then maybe I would side with the other guy as I hate seeing that nonsense too, but he didn't do that. People like that usually have miserable lives and feel the need to take their misery out on others who may be more fortunate than them.

People like Mr. Threatening Note Guy need to get a life and stop focusing on the negatives of the fact that others have more than them, and instead focus on the positives of how they too can achieve more in their lives and be able to enjoy getting all the things that they want out of life too.

And not sure what political orientation has to do with anything in this thread with the couple of attacks on liberals or conservatives.....?
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Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hoboken that couldn't of happened here in westchester ,people are usually so nice ( not)


Dec 10, 2012
Reaction score
There's all kinds of people in this world..... Nice guys and a--holes, people who enjoy seeing their family and friends achieve success and people who get insanely jealous and hateful of their friends and family who become successful, and there are proud car guys who work hard to buy their dream cars and maintain them immaculately and there are people who don't give a rats a$$ about cars and see them purely as transportation and wouldn't know a 15 year old Hyundai from a Viper of Lamborghini. I'm surprised at your reaction being a fellow owner of what must be one of your dream cars, but you have to understand that for myself and many others on here, we love our cars far more than them being JUST a car to us, and we have worked our a$$es off to buy and own our cars that we love so much. Don't impose your beliefs on him and call foul him names because he cares a lot about his car that he has worked so hard to buy and maintain only to be angry that some **** possibly keyed or threaten to do such to his beloved car. I don't fault you for your opinion as you are entitled to not care if that happens to your "inexpensive car", but know that there are others out there who do care very much about this sort of stuff.

Since i picked up my Viper last year, I have had a few a--holes already mess with my car when parking it in a public place, and always for no good reason at all. Recently I had 2 jokers sandwich me into a space obviously on purpose when I took my Viper to the gym and parked it far away where it was also very visible from the entrance. No damage was done, but I was pissed at the mere thought that people could be such jerks for no reason whatsoever. They don't know me, yet they assume I'm some pompous arrogant **** who needs to be put in his place because of the car that I drive, and because I chose to try to protect my car by parking it far away from people who might see it as JUST A CAR and think nothing of slamming their doors open into it.

I completely sympathize with the OP here, as the other guy had no business writing a threatening note to him. If he HAD taken a handicapped space or taken 2 spaces in a crowded parking lot, then maybe I would side with the other guy as I hate seeing that nonsense too, but he didn't do that. People like that usually have miserable lives and feel the need to take their misery out on others who may be more fortunate than them.

People like Mr. Threatening Note Guy need to get a life and stop focusing on the negatives of the fact that others have more than them, and instead focus on the positives of how they too can achieve more in their lives and be able to enjoy getting all the things that they want out of life too.

And not sure what political orientation has to do with anything in this thread with the couple of attacks on liberals or conservatives.....?

I totally agree with you, especially the part about the folks that work hard to be successful and buy their dream car, no matter what it is. But there is another type of person that has a Viper or another car of their dreams. That is the guy that is fortunate enough to have a parent that buys their kid that dream car. Sure, it does answer that dream, but it sure isn't the same as working for it. Now, I do not know Bugman, but it sure appears by his attitude, that he just might have been born lucky - LOL

Bugman Jeff

May 19, 2013
Reaction score
I totally agree with you, especially the part about the folks that work hard to be successful and buy their dream car, no matter what it is. But there is another type of person that has a Viper or another car of their dreams. That is the guy that is fortunate enough to have a parent that buys their kid that dream car. Sure, it does answer that dream, but it sure isn't the same as working for it. Now, I do not know Bugman, but it sure appears by his attitude, that he just might have been born lucky - LOL
Since you asked, or implied a question anyway, I'm a blue collar guy, and by forum standards, I'm poor(lower middle class anyway). I skimp and save to have what it takes to be able to buy and maintain my cars. I save money where ever I can purposely to feed my automotive habits. For example, I do all my grocery shopping at Aldi, don't have cable TV, and my cell phone is so old that it's practically steam powered. A decade of Ramen noodles and Mac and Cheese paid off for old Jeff. I work hard for my money, and have just as much pride in my cars as anyone. It ***** having a car that I bodyworked and painted myself get dinged or scratched, I know, I've been there. But I also know it's not the end of the world. It's not like someone ran over my dog, and it doesn't matter in the long run.

Parking over the line, whether intentional or not, is almost universally hated and guaranteed to cause a reaction in people. The OP could have avoided the situation entirely, and avoid future incidents by staying in the lines.


Jul 12, 2003
Reaction score
Bs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......dont touch my phuckin car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!