Just thinking back...do you remember your first Turner Experience with your


Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
I was thinking the otherday after I was looking at my handy work how
far I have come with Vipers. Back then I just knew how to do oil
changes and not much more.

I first remember reading about the power of the Vipers and the
looks of them. I was thinking at that time that I could never
afford one and maybe I still can't if I was thinking in my
right mind.

As many of you remember, I bought my first Viper which was a
red 1994 Rt/10. I later found out that the dealership had
lied to me about it not being wrecked and I later found out
it was. I was heart broken and mad about my first experience.
I ended up moving to FL where I got to meet the Tampa crew.

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I really enjoyed the Tampa crew there due to people like Gerald,
Chuck, Sir Hiss, Antonio and so on...One night we went to the
Gandy bridge to do some racing and Doug Levin was coming up to
Tampa to visit with his car. I was soo excited to finally meet
this guy. When I met Doug, he was so down to earth and friendly.
He invited me to come down to his shop anytime and take a look around.

I remember Doug had a bad spark plug wire in his viper because
it was missing, so he asked if I could take him to the local
automotive store...(I felt important sinced he asked me. LOL!)
So I took him and we chatted about many things..we cried and hugged...
jusk kidding! :D I bet the ride was like an interrogation to him..
because I was asking him 1,000 of questions on everything on the Viper.
But he answered all questions with a smile.

I had to go to Miami to visit a friend and I figured I would go
see Doug's shop. It was a Saturday and Doug was running around busy.
We met for lunch and chatted. He pulled up in a black ACR that he had supercharged and man! I was floored just hearing the sound of it!
(Remember the first time you saw a supercharged Viper? How did you feel?)
I thought I was going to follow him in my car, but what Doug did was
tapped me on the shoulder and said "Adam, take my car over the shop
and I will drives yours". I couldn't believe what I was hearing...
I had respect for Doug's car so I didn't hammer it...to be honest
with you I was a bit scared to drive it.

We got to his shop and Doug had said he was very busy that day and
I didn't want to hold him up, but as most of you know Doug when he
say's he has to keep it short, he's the one that keeps you around
talking! LOL!

Doug gave me a tour of his place and showed me a video of a drag
racing crash that happened with his corvette....it was amazing
how he lived through that...I remember he was going to race Sir
Hiss until that happened. But anyways, Doug's short time he said
he had ended up being around 45 mins to 60 mins of his time.
I told him he better get going soon!

We left Doug's shop with a big grin on my face and he said come
back anytime and call for help if you need it or not. Til this day
Doug has always spent time talking to me and giving me nothing
but honest solid advice about his experience.

I later ended up suing the crooked car dealership and got some
money back, but my attorney ended up keeping a good chunk of it.
(F'ng crook...he was no better than the dealer...but I didn't
have a lot of money back then to spend on an attorney so I had
to do a split on what was settled).

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I sold the Rt/10 and basically got my money back out of
the car...it was a good car for me to start out with and then I bought my Silver GTS...which was day and night to the Gen 1 Viper. I still miss the
Rt/10 and hope to buy another someday soon to go with my GTS.

I then decided to do something with my Silver GTS, but money
hampered me so I slowly did things here an there and Doug came
to the rescue again! I have always wondered why Doug was so
willing to help me out and I wasn't even a customer, but what
Doug is a friend and always looking to make the Viper experience
for me the best for what I have. Now his friendship didn't come
free all the time he like to make jokes about me being Asian or
Hatain, I guess Asian and Hatians look the same in Miami? LOL! :D
But that's okay.. it was all in fun and I did say "Merry Christmas"
to him one year! LOL!! :eek: LOL!

I am thankful to Doug Levin for his advice he has given me over
the years and helping me build something I have always wanted.
I know a lot about Vipers now and continue to learn more, but
this site has been a big help also. I am renewing my VCA
membership Next year, even though I think the magazine is
weak at times, but the association is awesome and the
information is always good.

But I just wanted to write since my project is about to come
to a close and say thanks to everyone who has helped me out...
especially Doug Levin the man himself! I have come from Racoon
welding eyes to having a pretty serious system in place plus
all the knowledge because I was able to do it myself with help
from friends. :2tu:

I think the Viper community owes Doug Levin alot and he was
the first to pioneer the S/C on a Viper..Hat's off to you buddy
if you read this! :headbang:

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Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
yeah I do look a bit lost. Funny story...after we all left the Gandy Bridge we decide to eat at Denny's. I was talking to Doug about my Gen1 car and he had said it was a pig in wieght compared to the GenII's....I thought he was talking about my weight back then because I wasn't paying attention....so I ended up losing 40 lbs since then. LOL!


Apr 9, 2002
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I can't tell you how much time Doug has spent with me on the phone over the last couple of months really just sharing his knowledge of engines and how things can affect an engines performance.

He helped me solve my mis I was having and actually hit the nail on the head within out first few conversations. All of this just by listening to what I was describing on the phone and never seeing the car in person.

Great story ab and I did not realize how much you had done with your car. Not trying to oversimplify, but these cars really aren't that complicated when one knows a few basic principles and can actually be alot of fun to work on.


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