Road Speed Limits for your Viper (long read)


Sep 18, 2001
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Manhattan, USA
Some of this article supports what TVC's been posting for years!

States with Highest Speed Limits

Top Maximum Speed Limits
  1. 80 mph -- Texas (on about 500 miles of Interstate 10 and 20 in southwest corner of the state)
  2. 75 mph -- Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas (in counties with less than 10 people per square mile), Utah, Wyoming
  3. 70 mph -- Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Washington State, West Virginia
Some drivers would say that the United States is a crazy quilt of speed limits, with an emphasis on the "crazy."

Since 1995, states have been free to set their own maximum speed limits, leading to long debates on safety standards. To some folks, the speed limits are just insane -- either too low or too high, depending on their views about what makes driving safe.

Advocates of low speed limits won't find much to like about Texas. True to its frontier roots, it stands out as the land of the fast getaway. The top rural speed limit is normally 70 mph, but in 2006 it set a maximum daytime speed of 80 miles per hour, the highest speed limit on the country, on more than 500 miles of rural interstate in its southwest corner.

This includes parts of Interstate 10 between Kerrville and El Paso and of I-20 between Monahans and the I-10 interchange.

The speed limit for rural roads in Montana is 75 mph. As a result, it takes just three hours to travel the 228 miles from Billings to Butte at the posted speed. But that's much slower than a Montana driver could have made the trip in early 1999. At that time there was a six-month speeders' honeymoon when the state had almost no control over rural speeds, partly as a result of an unfavorable court ruling.

St. Thomas in the U.S. ****** Islands is at or near the other end of the spectrum. There the speed limit is 20 mph in the city and 30 out in the country. When it comes to accident rates, though, you would be far better off on a Montana interstate than competing with the island's frenetic drivers on the way to Paradise Point.

Nationwide, maximum speeds range from 60 miles per hour in Hawaii to 75 in most of the West. Meanwhile, much of the eastern Midwest and the Northeast has opted for maximum speeds of 65 mph, although Michigan and Indiana chose the 70 mph standard more common to the South and the Great Plains states.

So if you are cruising west along I-90 out of Ohio, you can enjoy the increase in speed across 150 miles of Indiana before Illinois' lower speed limit -- or its state police -- reins you in. As you continue west, interstate speed limits bump up to 70 in Iowa, and then you can maintain a steady 75 from Nebraska through to the California line, where interstate speeds drop off to 70 again. Should you choose to detour into Oregon, you're back down to 65.

From a highway safety standpoint, the patchwork of speed limits at least seems to make sense. Speeds are slower in more populous Eastern states and faster in the wide-open West, although the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety argues that some of the new, higher speed limits out West and elsewhere are costing lives. It estimates that deaths on interstates and freeways have increased 15 percent due to the higher speed limits.

But some researchers are skeptical about the link between accidents and high speeds on rural highways, if not on city streets and rural two-lanes. They point to the lower fatality rates on European highways, even though the speeds are generally higher.

The maximum legal speed is roughly 80 mph in Poland, Austria, France and a few other countries. There is no speed limit on much of Germany's autobahn, although some sections are restricted to about 80 mph or less.

Ironically, the new regime of U.S. speed limits has helped researchers make sense of whether higher rural speed limits are dangerous.

Political scientist Robert Yowell, a professor at Northeast Lakeview College in Texas, examined what happened after states began setting higher rural speed limits in 1995. With the federal 65 mph limit gone, it was possible to compare the accident rates before and after the new limits went into effect.

The results were clear: "By and large, across the 50 states, there was no discernible effect from the higher limits," Yowell said. "Two or three states actually had a decrease in fatalities."

Once speed limits are raised on interstates, drivers are more likely to get off the more dangerous two lanes and use the faster routes, Yowell said. Furthermore, the motorists traveling the fastest on the higher-speed interstates tend to be good at that kind of driving. The less competent drivers at high speeds tend to drive more slowly.

While Yowell admits most states are well-intentioned, he's "not willing to accept that speed limits are solely a function of safety," he said. "They are a function of revenue generation as well. There have been cases of judges saying communities have to raise their speed limits because they were obviously being used to raise revenues and that's not a proper use of the law."

In part, Yowell looks to differences in political cultures to explain the great continental divide in speed limits. "It may be that certain states have a different approach to questions involving personal liberty versus collective safety," he said.

His research doesn't surprise Jim Baxter, president of the Waunakee, Wis.-based National Motorists Association. His organization had lobbied heavily for an end to the federal limits.

Baxter's rule of thumb for computing the right speed limit is the traffic engineering standard known as the 85th percentile speed. That's the speed that 85 percent of motorists drive at or below. But it tends to be well above the speed limits that most jurisdictions set.

With the speed limit set at that level, traffic tends to move smoothly, reducing the risk of accidents, Baxter said. If you put the limit below that speed, some vehicles are traveling far more slowly than the fastest drivers, creating the most dangerous conditions of all.

Baxter argues that most drivers naturally tend to drive at speeds that suit the road conditions and their driving skills.

St. Thomas is a case in point, albeit an extreme one. With its congestion and rugged terrain, the island is bereft of performance cars; many of the vehicles are older pickups, aging Japanese compacts and SUVs. The treacherous conditions restrict speeds far more effectively than any local law. As Joe Aubain, executive director of the St. Thomas-St. John Chamber of Commerce, puts it,"Even if you wanted to go a whole lot faster, you couldn't," he said.


Oct 28, 2006
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I find it rather hilarious that all you hear from the powers that be is speed kills, speed kills....yet they actually raised the speed limit on some highways here to make it "safer":

"When HEAT started last fall, the Minnesota Department of Transportation actually raised the speed limits on parts of I-94, 35W and Highway 100. The goal is to speed up drivers who follow the limit, while using enforcement to slow down everyone else. Hopefully, they meet somewhere in the middle, safety advocates say."

Full text


Interesting article on speed and states. For many years we have made a summer trip to the west. Seems much faster getting to our destination than coming home and not just because of the time change. Iowa on the way home is a snails pace in comparison to Montana.

Somewhere we have a picture of our odometer when there was no speed limit in Montana.:D

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
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tampa, fl USA
People drive at speeds they feel comfortable driving. If there were no Interstate speed limits most people would cruise somewhere between 75 and 90mph.

The most important safety lesson the NHTSA could teach motorists is proper use of the fast lane. Instead they waste time and money trying to convince people that speed kills.


Mar 28, 2006
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Valrico Florida
I reviewed an investigation in Australia a few years ago when a military vehicle rolled on a gravel road attempting to avoid a kangaroo. He was driving at 60 MPH. The investigation office blamed the driver's speed as the cause of the accident. I non-concurred. My analysis was that swerving at 60 MPH resulted in the vehicle high-siding and rollling over...not the fact he was going 60 MPH. I aslo indicated the vehicle was inherently safe to travel at 60 MPH (and higher for that matter), and what the causal factor was in the accident was the "manuever" attempted at 60 MPH...not the fact he was going *** speed. That's why the Aussies have "roo-catchers" on the fronts of their vehicles...they simply plow straight on through them!! Think of it this way.. A fighter jet is capable of immense speed. In a turn, it's capable of pulling instantanious and sustained "Gs". Turn too tight for too long and the pilot can over "G" the airframe. Its not the speed of the jet that causes the over "G", but the actions of the pilot at that speed. So back to the Australia case. The vehilce was inherently safe at 60 MPH...but the idiot driver attempted a manuever at 60 MPH that he shouldn't have tried. So where's the fault...the speed or the driver. I blamed the driver. You could say he "over G'd" the vehicle and departed from controlled operation. But as you can imagine, the military over-reacted and lowered all vehicle traffic speed to 30 MPH. Guess what happened next, there was an increase in drivers running off the road due to falling asleep. Their normal routine/driving cadence was changed and that induced bordom and a lack of focus while driving. As I discribed to my Marines, after time, our driving thought process/ eye scan patterns are optimized to our driving environment. Induce a sudden change/variable to our driving dimension, the unexpected happens. If your driving skills are optimized for driving at *** speed and if that suddenly changes, there will be a period of time to "reset" your internal checks and balances that contribute to your understanding of your new driving environemnt. Again, its not the speed that kills, its what the drivers are doing (or not doing) at whatever speed they are driving.


Mar 10, 2004
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Interesting article on speed and states. For many years we have made a summer trip to the west. Seems much faster getting to our destination than coming home and not just because of the time change. Iowa on the way home is a snails pace in comparison to Montana.

Somewhere we have a picture of our odometer when there was no speed limit in Montana.:D

Post it! Post it! :eater:


Mar 10, 2004
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I reviewed an investigation in Australia a few years ago when a military vehicle rolled on a gravel road attempting to avoid a kangaroo. He was driving at 60 MPH. The investigation office blamed the driver's speed as the cause of the accident. I non-concurred. My analysis was that swerving at 60 MPH resulted in the vehicle high-siding and rollling over...not the fact he was going 60 MPH. I aslo indicated the vehicle was inherently safe to travel at 60 MPH (and higher for that matter), and what the causal factor was in the accident was the "manuever" attempted at 60 MPH...not the fact he was going *** speed. That's why the Aussies have "roo-catchers" on the fronts of their vehicles...they simply plow straight on through them!! Think of it this way.. A fighter jet is capable of immense speed. In a turn, it's capable of pulling instantanious and sustained "Gs". Turn too tight for too long and the pilot can over "G" the airframe. Its not the speed of the jet that causes the over "G", but the actions of the pilot at that speed. So back to the Australia case. The vehilce was inherently safe at 60 MPH...but the idiot driver attempted a manuever at 60 MPH that he shouldn't have tried. So where's the fault...the speed or the driver. I blamed the driver. You could say he "over G'd" the vehicle and departed from controlled operation. But as you can imagine, the military over-reacted and lowered all vehicle traffic speed to 30 MPH. Guess what happened next, there was an increase in drivers running off the road due to falling asleep. Their normal routine/driving cadence was changed and that induced bordom and a lack of focus while driving. As I discribed to my Marines, after time, our driving thought process/ eye scan patterns are optimized to our driving environment. Induce a sudden change/variable to our driving dimension, the unexpected happens. If your driving skills are optimized for driving at *** speed and if that suddenly changes, there will be a period of time to "reset" your internal checks and balances that contribute to your understanding of your new driving environemnt. Again, its not the speed that kills, its what the drivers are doing (or not doing) at whatever speed they are driving.

Agreed with everything in this message, clearly puts everything into the right perspective with good arguments. My folks complain about me driving too fast all the time, to which I reply: Only if traffic and the road allows it, I know my car and I sure as heck know my capabilities.

Kenneth Krieger

Viper Owner
Apr 29, 2007
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Metro Phoenix
We have all seen that not only are there maximum speed limits on certain sections of Interstate, but also a minimum speed limit. The SLOW drivers who park themselves in the left lane on the interstate are much more dangerous than those who may exceed the speed limit by the "customary" 5 mph. In this case the SLOWER speed is bar far the most dangerous. They are then making it impossible for those who are driving the posted limit to pass on the right, which again is more dangerous. Even those who are traveling at, let's say 45 mph in the far right lane, can create a "blockage" so to speak, and then there are much greater risks for rear end collisions, and lane change collisions due to their slow speed.

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