The rules for selling items in this section are simple....
This includes posts like:
- "How much is this worth...oh, and if you're interested PM me."
- "Check out this car I found on E-bay" that includes a link to an item you are selling on E-bay.
It's an honor system, please don't abuse it.
The one and only exception to this rule is if you have previously put an ad in the classifieds and your post includes a link TO THAT AD.
The operation of this website is funded by revenue from the classified ads section and our valuable site sponsors. As such, we cannot 'give away' the advertising value we offer because it only hurts the site and all of the site membership.
If you are a VCA Member, classified ads are FREE for you (membership has its' privileges). If you are a Viper Owner but not a VCA Member, it only takes a few ads to pay for the cost of membership, as ads are $30 each for non-VCA Members.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
No Selling
This includes posts like:
- "How much is this worth...oh, and if you're interested PM me."
- "Check out this car I found on E-bay" that includes a link to an item you are selling on E-bay.
It's an honor system, please don't abuse it.
The one and only exception to this rule is if you have previously put an ad in the classifieds and your post includes a link TO THAT AD.
The operation of this website is funded by revenue from the classified ads section and our valuable site sponsors. As such, we cannot 'give away' the advertising value we offer because it only hurts the site and all of the site membership.
If you are a VCA Member, classified ads are FREE for you (membership has its' privileges). If you are a Viper Owner but not a VCA Member, it only takes a few ads to pay for the cost of membership, as ads are $30 each for non-VCA Members.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
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