Still Time To Register For VOI 10


Mar 28, 2005
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Mansfield PA
VIPER OWNERS INVITATIONAL – If you haven’t already signed up to attend VOI 10, August 27 – 31, please seriously consider doing so. During these five fantastic days, you will enjoy exciting driving events and festive social gatherings. In a note recently received from Bob Carroll, VCA President, he states, “we have a tremendous line up of nonstop action events for our membership. We have a once-in-a-lifetime, full-access pass to the historic Chrysler Proving Grounds for our autocross and driving events. We have fantastic cruise lined up aboard the Detroit Princess riverboat. There will be tours at the Conner Avenue Assembly Plant, the Saleen Plant and the Walter P. Chrysler Museum. We’ll get a sneak peek at the Belle Isle course the Friday night before the big race. And, of course, there will be the usual highlights from past VOIs including fabulous accommodations, informative tech sessions, sumptuous banquets and an extensive Viperabilia display. And, don’t forget—for the first time ever, we’ll be drawing the winning ticket for the VCA raffle at a Viper Owners Invitational. On Friday, Aug. 30, someone will win a brand new Dodge Viper right there in front of the Viper Nation. So get your tickets, come to Detroit and be prepared for one of the most exciting events of your life."

If you can’t bring your Viper to VOI, please consider attending anyway. Although I am not able to take my Viper, I would not miss being a part of this historic event! Everyone will have an opportunity to drive the new 2008 Viper in a track event, or more if possible. Space is limited and the clock is ticking…you only have about 2 weeks left to register. One of the host hotels is already filled. You can find additional information regarding VOI 10, as well as download a registration form, at the following Web site: Feel free to call the VOI 10 hotline at 866-864-2003 and they will send you a form and you can return the form by fax at 248-553-2138.

GRAB LIFE BY THE HORNS…sign up today!You won’t regret it!!!VOI guests are guaranteed to enjoy VIP treatment.
BE THERE!!!!!:bounce: