This is an "airplane" car...


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
This is an \"airplane\" car...

Decided to take the Viper for a nice jaunt today. You know, a quick 370 miles or so. Anyway, as I was coming back on the Kansas toll road I came to the toll booth at my exit. I noticed that there was a Kansas State Trooper walking between the booths. Don't know if they check the entry/exit times, but I usually stop for a cold soda in between - on the off chance I accidently went over the speed limit.

Anyway, as I pulled into the toll booth the trooper made a beeline for me. The toll booth guy said to me, "Wow! You must LOVE driving that car!" I told him that it was a blast but that I was often too preoccupied watching out for <u>HIM</u> (pointing at the trooper now at my window). The trooper and the attendant both got a good chuckle out of that. The trooper then said, "Actually, this is an 'airplane car' and I don't worry about them too much."

"An airplane car?", I asked.

"Yep. We know if one of these are speeding on the toll road we don't have much of a chance at even getting a plate on it. If we spot a Viper or some other super high performance car we usually tell the fly boys to keep an eye on it. That makes it an 'airplane car' and we just watch them go."

I then told him that of course I wasn't speeding but that I was pretty sure I saw a Corvette doing 72 mph back there (Kansas has a speed limit of 70 mph on the rural Interstates). He laughed and said, "We generally don't have any troubles with the Vettes or Vipers. You guys have such high insurance rates that a speeding ticket would probably kill you." I didn't have the heart to tell him my rates were probably not that much more than his Crown Vic. Especially since that would have destroyed his illusions and he would then clock every Viper no matter what.

As we said our goodbyes and I headed out, I watched him talk into the microphone off his lapel. For the next 92 miles I had my head out the window looking for planes following me...



Feb 19, 2001
Reaction score
Re: This is an \"airplane\" car...

the air patrol can be quite a hassle on certain expressways around here. got a ticket a couple weeks ago. now the only time i dare exceed the speed limit on certain stretches of highway is with the top off. couple days ago i noticed the plane following i looked up and gave him a friendly wave.
" da plane!...da plane! "


Mar 6, 2001
Reaction score
Re: This is an \"airplane\" car...

I got a ticket from a plane in Ohio, I think you need a low-flying aircraft beacon detector (something like that available?) or a cop scanner (like described on, does it work?) to locate the nearby police - the radar/laser detector won't work in VA and probably lots of other places because they measure the time it takes for you to pass one white line to another that are painted on the road (i.e., for those states using this method, when you see the white lines across the lanes, you know that aerial detection may be ongoing), which is a purely passive, undetectable activity. My experience is that these aerial detection zones are rarely monitored. How do they do these things elsewhere?


Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
Hawthorn Woods, IL
Re: This is an \"airplane\" car...

I got an airplane ticket going through Iowa once. Suprised the hell out of me as the radar / lasar dector never went off and I was pretty well surounded with other cars going more or less the same speed. There was a Testarosa pulled over just a few miles before I was. My guess is that they got the plane out for her and then I was just a bonus!