What is the problem with our Arizona Viper Club


Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score
There has not been a new post in three months for the Arizona site. Why don't we give updates on what is going on with our club so possibly members from other regions can drop in and have some fun with us. Since I am going to be spending time in Washington as well as Arizona, I guarantee that I am going to show up for events for both regions:2tu:


Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
travel in motor coach
I certainly concur with Dr Bob. I winter in Tucson (fourth year here) and although I don't have either of my Vipers with me (one in Florida and one in Montana) I would like to participate in Viper activities while here during the winter. Could be inticed to bring one of the cars here and keep it stored. We should be taking advantage of this great weather down here when so many Vipers are stored for winter in most parts.

Marv S

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
May 25, 1998
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
There has been quite a bit of activity and posting by the AZ Region - just not in this specific forum. AZ established a private e-mail group for the region members 9 years ago using e-groups that then became yahoo groups . it is at AZ_ViperClub : Arizona Viper Club Membership. Members that are part of this list get an e-mail each time a post is made in the group. It's almost a live feed.

August had 50 messages
September had 30 messages
October has 29 messages - so far.

Several regions, like AZ, had their own forums established way before the VCA began offering that feature and just stayed with the system they already had in place. One example is So Cal. Most of their members post on their own forum at . : : SoCal Viper : : . - Index

There has been at least 1 official club event each month, even in the heat of summer. Viper Club of America - Arizona Region . The next is a cruise / mini-poker run on Nov. 15th and then the Christmas Party on Dec 13th ( an absolute Best Buy Deal for members) followed up by Barrett Jackson to start off '09 in January.

There are also "unofficial" events like DriveSRT - SRT Track Experience - Overview November 14-16 or being invited by the ACC Home club to be their guests at an auto-x. Some of those drivers are full-out regular auto-x on slicks. The Vipers on street tires did very well against the Vettes on street tires. http://www.azcompvettes.org/uploads/RR-543-022_Results.pdf

But I digress.... There are events going on in AZ. Members from ANY Region of the VCA are always welcome and encouraged to meet up with the club, meet some new friends, and have a good time.


Mopar Boy

Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario and Ohio
Marv S,

Please forgive me as my knowledge of user groups are non-existent, but are those who are not from AZ region able to join that list??

I agree in some ways with doctorbob. When I am travelling to places on vacation or business, I ALWAYS check that region for potential Viper meets. In regards to AZ in general, when I come down to Scottsdale every February for a few weeks, I have just emailed Andreas or Ken as I do not see listings on here. Granted, from what I see is set up for the AZ chapter, it looks like it may be more efficient for the chapter......



Marv S

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
May 25, 1998
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
Look forward to you coming back to AZ in Feb. There should be some fun events that time of year.

The forums generally facilitate chatter between the region members and announcements from the President.

There are many options to check out region events.

VCA Notes

VCA website calendar National Calendar | Viper Club of America Calendar System

VCA Website Forum http://forums.viperclub.org/vca-viper-events-gatherings/

Region Webpage. Viper Club of America - Arizona Region

That's a lot of places for regional leadership to give attention to and all of those options are seldom used. Some of those resources are used more than others. Generally it is best to check the region's website for the latest event info. That goes for a member of the region or a visitor.

Mopar Boy

Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario and Ohio
Thanks for all of the info and links! That is awesome!!

As we got our first snowfall on Tuesday, I look forward to coming back down there!! No snow and warm sun! ;)

Thanks again, and I look forward to seeing you down there!



Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score
Hey Marv, I do get the email from Yahoo for our club but I think we can be more proactive by posting in addition to this site. Otherwise, any activities that we do seem to remain "in house".


Feb 24, 2007
Reaction score
Higley AZ
Hmmm, I think I will revitalize this old thread. I renewed my membership, the more expensive Venom option I might add, for the fourth year now and I'm starting to regret it once again. In 4 years of membership I have yet to receive a single email, phone call, or mailing. Now the Arizona web site is gone and we are now using a Yahoo use group which I do not have access to. What a bargain. There has never been an Arizona event posted on the NATIONAL web site where people actually might look for them, I guess that would be too much trouble. As said above, what if someone from out of state was in town and wanted to participate in one of the Arizona events? Sorry...top secret. I would have loved to go with the group to the Barrett Jackson auction this year, but by the time I found out about it, it was sold out. I found out about it from a buddy in another club and will go with them instead. Anyway, ranting to myself in an empty room here, nobody will ever read this since nobody ever looks in the Arizona section. Why would they?

Mods...if you guys ever read this, please remove the Arizona Region forum from this site. Its just too embarassing.

Mopar Boy

Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario and Ohio
I dont know about removing from the site, but I am interested in knowing if there will be cool events in Feb/Mar again! :)

Its that time of year up here in the cold north again....:D

Rich Link

Nov 9, 2007
Reaction score
I am frankly quite disturbed by your posting. We had a change in AZ leadership a year ago, and subsequently have completely revamped the AZ Viper Club website, Flash Intro Page (this is the same address it has always been - it has not 'gone away'). This site is now constantly updated, with pictures from previous events, and descriptions and flyers for upcoming events, available to all members to sign up well in advance of any event. Many hours of work were put into this effort, and it takes an equal amount of time to keep it current. This website is available to anyone (not a 'secret'), and is accessable through a link on the National website. For our visitors to AZ, would it not be obvious to access this site to see what is on the local agenda?

As Marv stated in a previous posting, our Yahoo group does serve for instant notification to our members of upcoming events and topics of interest to the group (AZ members were among the first to learn of the upcoming VOI11). This has been in place now before this national site was created. It is open to all VCA members to join. I find it difficult to believe that if you have been a member for 4 years, that you were not aware of this, and expressed any interest in joining. We do have a few members that do not access the internet, and we contact them regularly either by mail or fax.

Perhaps I have been deficient in not duplicating all the information that is available through these 2 venues, on the National website - I will certainly look into this. However, as you might imagine, this will take considerable extra effort to keep this site up-to-date as well.

We have a very active club here in AZ, and our activitys are no secret. I invite you to join us and get involved!

Marv S

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
May 25, 1998
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
Rich and the AZ Officers are doing a great job with the AZ Club by offering a wide variety and good quantity of events to a wide range of very cool member merchandise. They really look for ways to make membership experience the best it can be. The AZ website has never been better and thanks go out to those who tirelessly maintain and update it. www.azvipers.com

The National site brought in the Regional Forums as a benefit to Regions and their members. It has been very good for the Regions that did not have their own forums elsewhere. But many Regions had already established forums on their own for member communication. AZ is a good example. It formed an E-group forum well over 10 years ago. It is now know as a Yahoo group since Yahoo took over E-groups but it is the same group as originally set up. Several other Regions had E-Groups or similar accounts also. Some have transitioned over to the Region forums offered on this National site. Others have used the ones on this site a little but have preferred to keep using what they already had in place for several reasons. That’s ok too. It is up to the Region and their members how they want to communicate between themselves. The Regional forums are there if and when the Members of the Region want to use it. They are not going to be taken away because they are not used very much today because next year the members may desire to make that their primary place.
Today, much more than when the e-mail groups began, Regions communicate electronically. Several are going to E-copy only for newsletters to save on costs and speed up the commincation.

Regions function differently from one another and whichever Region someone is in they should get involved with theirs and understand how it functions. If a member is frustrated with something or has a question with something in the Region the best place to start is with the Region President.

All AZ Members are welcome to be part of the Yahoo group and it is the best way to be up to date on the latest and greatest locally. If you need some help to get set up on there just let me know. Time to get plugged into the fun activities going on here.

For any VCA members visiting areas of another Region and are interested in what the Vipers there are up to just check the local website or contact the local president. That happens quite often in AZ this time of year and, as always, fellow VCA friends are more than welcome to join in the local events.

Marv S

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
May 25, 1998
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
You coming back down here in 2010? Well the weather is fantastic here these days. See if any of this works for you:

Schedule (Calendar)

I dont know about removing from the site, but I am interested in knowing if there will be cool events in Feb/Mar again! :)

Its that time of year up here in the cold north again....:D

Mopar Boy

Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario and Ohio
You coming back down here in 2010? Well the weather is fantastic here these days. See if any of this works for you:

Schedule (Calendar)

Thanks Marv! :)

Yup, coming back down! The Saguaro Cruise might just work out! Although I believe I arrive late the night before, I am hoping that it might work out! :yay:

Any news or info on it? I noticed alot of it was still TBA. I did send an email off to Jeanette for more info; so if she has the info, no need to respond....

Yes! VERY much looking forward to the weather! :nana: You lucky AZites! :rolaugh:

Rich - My compliments on the website! Does look good! :2tu:


Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
no posts,get some women involved,or some pics of them and watch the fish bite-you got the wrong bait on that hook dude/ lol:hippy::dj:


Aug 28, 2005
Reaction score
Chandler AZ
Just sounds like there was a little miscommunication.

The only suggestion that I would have to help prevent that in the future is to create another "sticky" posting at the top of this forum that would direct a visitor to the AZ regional club website and to the AZ Region Yahoo group mail forum . It is free to get an account on Yahoo email; but, you could just read the emails posted there if you didn't want to get the notices more directly. I pretty much depend on the Yahoo email group to get news from the local club. I must admit that I forget to visit the club's website regularly. I should really start checking the site more often.

Rich and Kimberly Link are very sincere in their efforts to lead the AZ Viper club; and, I believe that they are very open to improving the club's "usability" for all of it's members.


Feb 14, 2009
Reaction score
Gilbert, Arizona
My 2 cents:

1) My wife and I have been AZ-VCA members for the past year and have participated in several diverse and fun club activities. As previously noted, the calendar of events is available on the Arizona Region website

2) If you're visiting and just want to cruise with some motor heads, enjoy your car or ride along in another, and check out this beautiful state, than here is my open invitation to email or call me. My wife and I go cruising 2 - 3 weekends a month either alone, with family, or on outings with the Viper, a Vette, or a Cobra club. C'mon along. . . if you can keep up!



Feb 24, 2007
Reaction score
Higley AZ
I stand corrected. Clearly there are a few people here that still look at this forum, thus the answers. Sorry for the rant above, but let me explain the reasons. First, I had bookmarked the Arizona page like this: http://www.azvipers.com/index.shtml and if you click on it you will see why I came to the conclusion that the site was gone. Second, as I stated above, I tried numerous times to get my e-mail address corrected to no avail. I've given up on that one. Third, considering the quick and numerous responses to my post, it is clear to me that people DO look at this forum, thus proving how inportant it is to post the events and news on this site as well.

Rich and Marv, thanks for the responses. As far as getting involved, I attended several outings in the past (several years ago) and enjoyed them, but as I said, with the information I had (wrong web site, my bad I guess...and an email address that is incorrect and can't be changed unless I change mine to the one you guys have for me) it is a little hard to find out what's going on. If any of you guys remember, I'm the one that provided the Sheriff's Office ****** through Bush Highway several years ago for the Tortilla Flat run (kind of a fun surprise). Without some good advance information its tough for me to get a weekend day off to participate, you taxpayers like me to work on the weekends to keep the Corvette guys in check :). Now that I have the correct web address that will help, thanks.

Don't get the wrong impression that I was making an angry rant, just calling out for some improvement. I think we would all like to see an even larger participation at every event.

I hope I can make it out for the Saguaro Lake run, after all, you'll be eating lunch about 300 yards from my office. In fact, if you guys are interested, I can make arrangements to bring out some of the toys (as in vehicles, boats, airboats, quads, and maybe even a helicopter) that we use in Lake Patrol for everyone to see.

Thanks again for the responses.

Mopar Boy

Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario and Ohio
And now I know that there is another white/blue (although a bit newer) in Gilbert...yikes!

Yes there is! :D

Pics from last year when I was down there...




Sweet Ride

Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Thanks Marv! :)

Yup, coming back down! The Saguaro Cruise might just work out! Although I believe I arrive late the night before, I am hoping that it might work out! :yay:

So... You plan on trailering that yellow beast down? If not, I would assume you might need a ride. Think you can handle a trip in a red car? It would make for some epic blackmail photos. :devlook: Oops! Did I type that out loud? :D

Yes there is! :D

Pics from last year when I was down there...

Ahem! I think you missed a certain Red and Black. Camera not fast enough to catch it?

Mopar Boy

Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario and Ohio
So... You plan on trailering that yellow beast down? If not, I would assume you might need a ride. Think you can handle a trip in a red car? It would make for some epic blackmail photos. :devlook: Oops! Did I type that out loud? :D

No sadly, the car will not be there. I gave you my word that I would not show you up on your own turf!:rolaugh:

I hate to say this on open forums, but a ride in a re....nope, cant say it.....errr, Ahh! I know. I would love a ride in a S/Ced car!:D

Now regarding these photos....:omg:


Ahem! I think you missed a certain Red and Black. Camera not fast enough to catch it?

I wonder why I "forgot" this photo! Maybe too many RED cars?:eater:


Last edited:

Rich Link

Nov 9, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for all the response! Obviously this forum gets more attention than even I thought! I will start checking it regularly, however our primary venue for club communication will still be the Yahoo groups and the AZ website. Also the next issue of our newsletter, 'Snake Bytes' will be in the snail mail shortly.

Jeff, we were not aware of a problem with your email address, but we will sort it out, and we'd love to see you at Saguaro Lake!

On the issue of Barrett-Jackson, right now we are sold out - however, not all people have paid, so you can contact Jeanette Goldfarb at [email protected] to get on the waiting list. Also, we may have extra tickets thru National (if Kim doesn't use her full allotment). We will not be able to get more parking passes for the Valet lot at Barrett, although they may be available at the gate on Saturday.


Nov 1, 2013
Reaction score
Hi Everybody I just bought an all white 2014 Viper GTS from Chapman Scottsdale and joined your club, it's a whole new world, anybody else out there take the plunge?


Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
Goodyear, AZ
Hi Looppr,
Welcome to the Arizona Club. We are a very active club and have events every month. Please go to our web site for more info. www.azvipersclub.com Please note: our November dinner meeting is this Saturday November 9th at the Speakeasy Restaurant in Chandler. I will send you the details by PM. We look forward to meeting you.
Barry Kolesar
AZ Viper Club


Nov 1, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks Barry, I plan on attending Saturday but haven't heard anything back if I don't I'll just show up and play it by ear. I should be easy to spot 2014 White with no stripes GTS

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