Wife won't let me get a Viper


Mar 10, 2004
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Hey Cobra Commander, if you need to watch a tutorial on how to convince her... I got the movie Wild Hogs today, and in the special features section there was this "how to convince your wife to get a Harley".. just replace Harley with Viper and have at it man :D :eater:


May 13, 2006
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Rancho Cordova, CA
Can somebody explain to me the benefits of marriage?

Oh yeah, this is an easy one:

1) Someone tells you all your faults and helps you to become your better self (although sometimes you feel like a puppet)

2) You get to fall asleep and wake up beside the same woman every day for the next 40-60 years

3) If you have kids with a wife, then you have to grow up (not sure what that means......dang my remote control car is stuck under the couch...I wondered if it would fit)

4) You get another set of parents who think you're either great or a *******, depending upon what they think of their daughter

5) Every female platonic friend, co-worker, stranger now becomes someone your wife thinks you want to f*)@

6) women who wouldn't talk to you when you were single instantly talk to you about how they can't believe that you never dated them (yes, you were their plan B and sadly you got away)

7) if you ever divorce, your wife will usually take the things that mean the most to you and generally get so bitter that you can upgrade to newer model while she is having a tough time even getting a date with someone who can carry on a conversation.

8) Sometimes your wife will suggest you wear clothes that even you (with very limited fashion sense) question and then every women you pass by instantly won't even acknowledge you draw breath for wearing such a ridiculous combination of clothes

9) You can only hang out with other married, or "taken" guys and your pals who might get you into trouble are now off limits for spending time with

10) Children......this is the GREATEST benefit as all the great traits you saw in your wife are hopefully part of your children....then again, they might have all her worst traits too



Viper Owner
Jun 7, 2007
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Rhode Island
yea, i think cobra hit a personal nerve that many viper owners possess. ie. "dont f*** with my car!!" :D


Dec 15, 2007
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I'm not going to suggest you grow a pair or anything like that, you quite obviously are sufficient in that regard. However, I will tell you what you did wrong, what you should (and hopefully will) do in the future, and how to win this battle of wills.

What you did wrong

It's quite simple, you either asked or gave the impression that you were asking for permission to buy you dream car. Unlike others here, I don't believe you should have just gone out and bought the fine example of Detroit steel and muscle, that shows a serious lack of disrespect to your spouse.

What you should have done

What you should have done was inform your wife that you planned to buy a Viper, but before you did so you wanted to hear any opinions and/or fear while making it perfectly clear that while you would address them as best as possible her opinions would have no effect on your decision to purchase the car.

I have no doubt she would have objected if you had approached it like that, but you could, and still should, point out that she's received everything she ever wanted and that you think you deserve something for yourself. Further, you should point out to her that you bring in 3/4 of the house's income and as such you rightly own a vast majority of the spending decisions for the household.

What you should do now

Sit her down and invite her to voice, in detail, all of her objections to your purchase of a Viper. Do you best to be understanding of her concerns and try to put them to rest. However, and this is the important step, barring one or more seriously legitimate reasons you should inform her that you see no logical reason why the purchase shouldn't be made. Notice the underlined word. Women do not do well with logic, more often than not their decisions are made with gut reactions, and in this instance her feelings are most emphatically not more important than yours. Assuming the latter is the case, go to your dealer and buy the car and come home with it. She'll eventually get over it if she's at all reasonable and if she isn't then allow her to initiate the divorce.


Jan 2, 2007
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I am very fortunate to have my soon to be wife. I bought my viper when we were just dating, told her how bad I wanted one for a VERY long time, and even though she wasn't a big fan of it before hand, but still supported my dream, and she really likes it now. She even insisted before I purchased, that I wait and get the new 2008 but I was looking at the 2004's and knew I could get a really good deal on one that would save us money, and sure enough I got a Super deal.

We both know what each others dreams are and will by no means keep each other from reaching them, in fact we help each other in reaching them. That is how a relationship/marriage should be. Neither the Guy or Woman should keep the other from reaching their dreams because that will hurt the relationship in the long run. I think that if she truly realized how important it is to you to own a viper that she will or should understand and should be on your side as I know you would be on her side given the same circumstances. Good luck man and I say go for it.
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Dec 6, 2007
Reaction score
You work hard, married and have sacrificed to support your family. Have your dream toy because you never know how long you have on this earth, it could all end suddenly(accident,illness) I hope not, but live everyday as if it were your last. She should understand this if she loves you.


Viper Owner
Jan 10, 2007
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Alberta, Canada
You work hard, married and have sacrificed to support your family. Have your dream toy because you never know how long you have on this earth, it could all end suddenly(accident,illness) I hope not, but live everyday as if it were your last. She should understand this if she loves you.

And that my friend is words of wisdom! :headbang:

mike & juli

Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Upstate NY
You work hard, married and have sacrificed to support your family. Have your dream toy because you never know how long you have on this earth, it could all end suddenly(accident,illness) I hope not, but live everyday as if it were your last. She should understand this if she loves you.

That's our motto!!! "Live every day as if it were your last"...now we have TOTAL fun with our cars...life is NOT taken as seriously...LIVE LIFE~~ENJOY each other:D ~~~juli

Cobra Comander

Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
Pickering, Ontario
Just thought I'd ring in a new year update with regards to my situation. The wife is still adamant about her view on the car, however, I keep commenting on it and talking about it here and there, she's starting to budge, but barely.

I can see from the specs that the front seat does have a child seat anchor system. BONUS!!! THE KID CAN RIDE WITH ME IN THE CAR!!! Anyone with kids used it before? Do you have any pics that you would be willing to share?

Maybe some pics of kids in the car seat of a Viper will add to my snail paced momentum towards my dream car.


Apr 13, 2004
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Southern Oregon
I've turned off the airbag in my old (new then) '02 ACR and anchored the car seat to hold it in for an infant seat. Seat would not budge and the 2 yr old was strapped into the seat. My now 5 yr old has not ridden in the Daytona 24 because he has to use the seatbelt in his booster seat.

mike & juli

Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Upstate NY
Just thought I'd ring in a new year update with regards to my situation. The wife is still adamant about her view on the car, however, I keep commenting on it and talking about it here and there, she's starting to budge, but barely.
I can see from the specs that the front seat does have a child seat anchor system. BONUS!!! THE KID CAN RIDE WITH ME IN THE CAR!!! Anyone with kids used it before? Do you have any pics that you would be willing to share?
Maybe some pics of kids in the car seat of a Viper will add to my snail paced momentum towards my dream car.


This is a Viper from YOUR NECK of the woods: CANADA!!! We saw it at TatorToga/Saratoga Springs, NY; May 2007!!! Child seat and it's in a RACING Viper!!! Not sure WHO the Canadian people are that own the car....hope this helps! ~juli


Jul 26, 2006
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Lee Summit Mo.
I have an 01 GTS that I bought when my son was one,he has accumulated about 3 thousand miles of seat time since.I remove the car seat after each ride and to date it has left no marks.And to be perfectly honest if it ruined the seat the tradeoff is worth sharing something I am so passionate about.I had our state patrol HQ look at seat installation and the officer remarked that he wished the seats worked as well in "normal" cars,seat is unbelievably tight when installed properly.Obviously I drive pretty conservative with him in the car but even chirping the tires sends him into fits of laughter,accelerating briskly to highway speed absolutely sends him to the moon.The only drawback is we are frequently singing or listening to nursery rhimes/kids music which has led to a few strange looks at stoplights.The car is such a big deal to him I don't have to worry when he is around it as scratching it would break his heart, car is safer in the garage as he will not let neighborhood kids around it.We spend hours in the summer cleaning it and he gets a kick and a confidence boost out of helping Dad make it pretty.He isnt allowed to detail the wheel wells/undercarriage because of safety but otherwise I include him in most of the other activities.


Jan 26, 2008
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Haverhill, MA
I didn't bother taking the time to read this whole thread.. since it's very long..............haha

But there is no way I would ever let a woman tell me what I can and can not buy "car wise". The Viper has been my dream car since I was 12 years old. I am finally buying one this month; now 12 years later and am currently single too which I guess makes things easier in the sense no one has a say regardless..

However, if I were married or with a gf- there is nothing they could say that would make me think other-wise.. if she wants a family car- she can buy it herself.. if this is something you have been dreaming of and you really want- you go for it and get it.. enough said :)

However.... I'm saying this assuming you already have a normal family type of car you could use for you, your wife and the baby. If you had no car then yes.. of course I would say buying a Viper being your only car is pretty stupid.. but if you already have a normal car..No need to buy a 2nd family car- buy your dream car.. only live once :2tu:

Also there are several REAL sports cars with back seats.. you will just have to spend more $$$$ for example: Porsche 911, Aston Martin, Maserati and I'm sure a lot more that didn't pop into my head at the moment.. Obviously these back seats have barely any room tho....

But for cheaper cars with backseats you could lean towards the BMW M3 or the all new Audi S5.. but true sports cars I believe are only 2seats.. buy the Viper ;)


Viper Owner
Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
Here is my suggestion:

Tell her the car is a gift for both of you to enjoy. Since you now have a child, it will be more important than ever to make time for the two of you to spend time alone together. And, believe me, you will have to make the time to do that! But this car is a perfect way to ensure that you two spend some quality date time together.

My husband bought me my first Viper last month. We have 3 kids. (I have to alternate taking them to school and picking them up. That is a lot of fun!) However, what I love more than anything is knowing that the Viper is there for our date nights and our "day dates" that we take while the kids are in school.

And, by the way, he loved my Viper so much, he just ordered one for himself!

It's all about respect and including the people you love in the things you love! You never know, once she gets past her nerves and realizes how much fun it is to be with you and the Viper, she just might want one of her very own!:D


Feb 14, 2002
Reaction score
Lancaster, PA

I have a Viper, 2 kids, bulldog and a wife.

That never prevented me from having a Viper.

What was your question again???


Apr 25, 2001
Reaction score
New York, where else?
This thread still exists ?????? This is more pathetic than our ***** NY Dem Governor. Just get the car already and tell your wife to go out and buy some shoes.



VCA Venom Member
Jul 23, 2009
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Urbandale, Iowa
OK, after year's of dreaming, my dream will become a reality in the next year, I can finally afford to buy a Viper. But now my wife is adament about buying a car that has more than 2 seats. You see the thing we just had a son and that's what she's holding me to, that we won't be able to drive around for family cruises. She has absolutely no problem with me spending the money, or that I want a sports car, it just has to have back seats for the baby. But how many REAL sports cars are there out there that have back seats, or back seats with child seat anchors???

What can I do to convince her otherwise?

Pffft, this is an easy one!!! Just take your balls out of her purse!:drive::lmao::headbang:


Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
OK, after year's of dreaming, my dream will become a reality in the next year, I can finally afford to buy a Viper. But now my wife is adament about buying a car that has more than 2 seats. You see the thing we just had a son and that's what she's holding me to, that we won't be able to drive around for family cruises. She has absolutely no problem with me spending the money, or that I want a sports car, it just has to have back seats for the baby. But how many REAL sports cars are there out there that have back seats, or back seats with child seat anchors???

What can I do to convince her otherwise?

tell her to learn her place and be a woman-the man will hold down the family and make the big decisions! then get a divorce cause that comment will sure get you 1!!!!!!!!!!!!:lmao:

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