Chrysler employees drinking & smoking *** on lunch break


Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
i will keep buying vipers--- im just bitchin,its uncalled for:crazy2:


Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
In a Tennessee hollow!
In Germany, workers can drink a pint at breaks. They don't seem to have quality problems - design and durability problems yes - but their fit and finish is good.


Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
I don't drink because it would interfere with my driving. Drugs are for losers - I really like the feelings I get screaming around a corner or burning up my tires and I wouldn't want that polluted by drugs.

*** won't be legalized, they've been trying that BS here in BC for decades. They also try saying that *** doesn't F you up. I would prefer the *** smokers all be homeless people so that they aren't working on cars - except for some of our Politicians. My wife thinks that violent offenders should all be forced to smoke ***.

Saleen did the Gen 4 Viper paint. And the employees weren't at the Viper plant. (repeating this again)


Jul 15, 2001
Reaction score
Good to know! Once I am finished with V-O-I :drive:
I will move to Germany to have a beer for lunch :D
every day of the week :usa:


Jul 15, 2001
Reaction score
Sounds like Bavaria, ahem I mean heaven!
:D :beer: :sun:

Years ago (and it still may be true in places) nearly all manufacturing plants in Germany had beer machines--like soda machines but filled with Augustiner, and the like. I remember taking plant tours and seeing dozens of such machines. This is not really a big deal.

Furthermore as much as I have been pi$$ed off with paint issues on post Gen 2 Vipers, (which typically show up months after release in my experience)I don't think we can blame CAAP folks for this, and it is a shame for anyone to relate this story to Viper. There is no connection, and the CAAP folks who took great pride in these cars would be rightfully offended.


Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
Had a German living next door through last summer. He said the price of Beer and Wine here was so high that he quit drinking until he went home. Wine is about $9 for a little bottle and Germany was 3L of "decent" wine for $5. Tax differences


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
I think that the continued use of alcohol and substances that are inhaled is important to the profitability of the health care industry. Probably at least as important, or maybe even more important, than obese and morbidly obese people who account for 321 billion a year in health care costs.

G-d forbid that people realize that their lungs were not meant to inhale toxins ( marijuana is no better for someone's lungs than tobacco) and that alcohol is basically a toxin that causes negative effects in multiple organ systems when used excessively and the loss of neurons when used at all.

I am not saying everyone should not drink. That would be absurd. But, I wish more people gave serious thought to how much they are drinking and its cost to those around them and society in general.

As for smoking marijuana, there is a reason they call it DOPE. People who currently use it are incredibly ignorant/stupid other than those who honestly need it for medical reasons and are therefore able to obtain it from a lawful, safe and controlled source. Why? Because illegal grow and smuggling operations are not inspected by anyone.

About thirty years ago, I was representing a smuggler in an historical tax matter. He told me what was, at the time, a very funny story. They had successfully brought in a load after considerable "difficulties". They piled it up next to the house under a large tarp. They then went inside and partied. They had alot to drink, etc. At some point, one of the crew got the idea that they should all go outside and urinate on the bales. They did. The next afternoon when they woke up they realized what they had done and bought some mouth wash to sprinkle on the load to cover the ***** smell. The whole load was then sold to retail distributors.

To this day, when I think of the yuppies who probably ultimately ended up smoking the marijuana it makes me smile. There are other stories involving rat feces and cockroaches but I will leave them to your imagination.
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Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
Better to have wine/beer taxed than fuel!

Isn't Bavaria one of the few places that pays higher fuel that BC? I paid $1.29 for premium last month. Highest Taxes in North America. Heard that the Fed Gov is planning to add another Tax at the Alberta ground level. Our domestic gas is already way higher than Arab gas, I think we should buy our gas from the middle east since ours is so heavily taxed?

Some of the wines have aGov. profits and expenses, 180% import tax and then HST. Kinda heavily taxed. Fuel is about 40% tax here I believe. It's difficult to find because the information is too well hidden in the miasma of BS.


Funny Bob. :headbang:


Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
Vacaville, California
Bad publicity for Chrysler but:

1. I challenge any plant that has over 2000 employees to show that it does not have a small group within its employee ranks who indulge in the same type of behavior.

2. A quart of beer at lunch is basically the same as a large glass of wine at lunch or a small martini assuming some food consumption. How many executives, Chrsyler or otherwise. do that?

3. The NEWS show will not stop the behavior because they cannot booze test and drug test every employee before reentering the plant after lunch.

4. So what can they do? Assuming the union contract allows same, abusing employees should be given a choice of suspension and rehab or termination. Going forward, managers at the plant, assuming that they are booze/drug free, should be trained in detecting walking/gait/ speech changes indicating impairment. They could then do a quick inspection after lunch and if certain symptoms were present, including alcohol breath, call for someone to have the person take a breathalyzer test. If drugs are found, the police should be called.

5. All of the vehicles upon which the men identified in the video worked should be reinspected if still at the plant and recalled for inspection if they have left the plant.

6. The ones who drove Ford and GM products should receive 30 lashes. LOL.

7. Hopefully, the coworkers of these men will not think what they did was funny and use peer pressure to discipline them and deter others from the same absurdly stupid, selfish acts.

Nope, I think your wrong Bob....a quart of beer can be equal to 5 drinks (vodka, gin, wiskey, etc) if it is the higher alcohol malt types. Many are close to 9% aclohol. Honestly, a single beer or drink at lunch (especially with food) probably won't have a dire effect on your ability to run a forklift, handle an overhead crane or assemble a Viper. But, if you slam down the equivalant of 5 shots and smoke *** then even a raging alky is going to have some physical impairment.

From a personal view, I don't think any drug should be illegal...if you're stupid enough to use it, you'll have to pay the consequences either personally or legally if you hurt someone by your actions. As a business owner I have the right to drug test before employement and anytime thereafter if it's part of your job description.

It is no different than being a professional truck driver with a commercial license. They have a completely different standard of what's acceptable while driving reqarding drug and alcohol blood levels. The unions are going to have to realize that for the manufacturers to survive, workers must be productive with minimum sick days, injuries, positive mental state of mind, etc.
No jobs mean no union dues :nono:

And yes, it would be very easy to alcohol test every employee re-entering the gates with a breathalyzer and un-announced drug tests for ***, coke, etc. If a car can have a breath test device in it, I'm sure a factory set up wouldn't be too hard.



Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
Naw, must have been the assembly team on my 07 Jeep SRT8 when I had it. Come to think of it, new car smell doesn't smell like ****** does it?

Seriously drug testing is in anything DOT related and yes guys will still try to get away with it, but they are caught a lot faster than no testing at all. Depends on how much they value their jobs. If they don't test them and get rid of them, you are mostly assured problems. It is always 10% of any group that screws it up for the remaining 90% anyway.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
It depends on what they were drinking. Many beers are less than 6%. Most wines are more than 14%. An extra dry large Martini ( no Vermouth and with no specialty crap in it) is probably more than 80%. So, on a relatively empty stomach, it seems to me that a three shot Martini will produce a more rapid onset impaired condition as opposed to a quart of 5% beer. A large glass of wine, assuming it is red and one of the large "breathing" glasses is used can be as much as 1/3 of a bottle. ( It might take a bit more than that but its close.) The other issue is excretion. I have not researched it but based on personal experience beer seems to cause almost immediate urination while wine and/or a Martini do not. It's a volume related phenomenon.

Calories, carbs and alcohol

This information about calories, carbohydrates and the alcohol content of the beers listed here comes from many sources. Send additions and corrections to [email protected]. For purposes of consistency, calories and carbs are based on 12-ounce servings. Alcohol content is listed by volume (a beer that is 4.0% by volume is about 3.2% by weight).

A-L | M-Z

Brewery/BrandBeerAlcohol %CaloriesCarbsAmstel LightAmstel Light3.5955Alaskan BrewingAlaskan Amber5.0Alaskan BrewingAlaskan Pale Ale4.6Alaskan BrewingAlaskan Stout5.7Alaskan BrewingAlaskan ESB5.0Alaskan BrewingAlaskan Smoked Porter6.1Alaskan BrewingAlaskan Winter Ale6.2AnchorAnchor Steam4.9152AnchorLiberty Ale6.0188AnchorAnchor Porter5.6205AnchorOld Foghorn8-10AnchorAnchor Small3.3Anderson ValleyBoont Amber5.8Anderson ValleyHop Ottin'7.0Anderson ValleyPoleeko Gold5.5Anderson ValleyBelk's ESB6.8Anderson ValleyBarney Flats Oatmeal5.7Anderson ValleyWinter Solstice6.9Anderson ValleyHigh Rollers Wheat5.3Anderson ValleyDeep Enders Porter5.5BeamishBeamish Stout3.8131Beck'sBeck's5.0143Bell's/KalamazooTwo Hearted Ale7.0Bell's/KalamazooAmber Ale5.5Bell's/KalamazooPale Ale5.0Bell's/KalamazooKalamazoo Stout6.5Bell's/KalamazooOberon6.0Bell's/KalamazooDouble Cream Stout7.5Bell's/KalamazooThird Coast Old Ale10.2Bell's/KalamazooExpedition Stout10.0Bell's/KalamazooBest Brown Ale5.8Bell's/KalamazooCherry Stout8.0Blue MoonBlue Moon White5.417112.9BreckenridgeAvalanche Amber5.4BreckenridgeAutumn Ale6.7BreckenridgePale Ale5.7BreckenridgeChristmas Ale7.4BreckenridgeOatmeal Stout5.0BreckenridgePandora's Bock5.8BridgePortIPA5.5BridgePortPorter5.5BridgePortESB6.1BridgePortBlack Strap Stout6.0BridgePortBlue Heron4.9BridgePortPintail Ale5.2BridgePortEbenezer Ale6.4BridgePortOld Knucklehead8.9Budweiser (U.S)Budweiser5.014310.6BudweiserBud Light4.2956.6BudweiserBud Ice5.51488.9BudweiserBud Ice Light4.11106.5Budweiser BudvarBudvar5.0BuschBusch4.613310.2Busch LightBusch Light4.21106.7Busch IceBusch Ice5.917313ClausthalerClausthaler0.4965.8Colt 45Colt 45 Malt Liquor6.0172CoorsCoors Original5.014811.3CoorsCoors Light4.21025.0CoorsCoors Extra Gold5.014710.7CoorsCoors NA<0.57314.2CoronaCorona Light4.51095CoronaCorona Extra4.6148CzechvarCzechvar5.0DeschutesCascade Ale4.5140DeschutesMirror Pond Pale5.3175DeschutesBachelor ESB5.0180DeschutesBlack Butte Porter5.2185DeschutesQuail Springs IPA5.8200DeschutesObsidian Stout6.7220DeschutesJubelale6.7DeschutesBroken Top Bock7.0233DeschutesPine Mountain Pils5.1154DeschutesCinder Cone Red5.8180Dos EquisDos Equis XX4.8145Dragon StoutDragon Stout6.8220Edison LightEdison Light4.01096.5Foster'sFoster's Lager5.1156Fuller'sFuller's ESB5.9Fuller'sFuller's London Pride4.7156Genesee/High FallsGenesee 12 Horse4.815214Genesee/High FallsGenny Light3.6965.5Genesee/High FallsKipling Light Lager3.4998.0GrolschGrolsch5.0156Gordon BierschMärzen5.7Gordon BierschBlonde Bock7.0Gordon BierschPilsner5.3GuinnessGuinness Draught4.012510GuinnessForeign Extra Stout7.517614Hamm'sHamm's4.714412.1Hamm'sHamm's Light4.11107.3HeinekenHeineken5.41669.8HeinekenHeineken Light3.5996.8Henry Weinhard'sWeinhard's Amber Ale5.316914Henry Weinhard'sWeinhard's Dark4.815013.1Henry Weinhard'sWeinhard's Hefeweizen4.91289.2Henry Weinhard'sPrivate Reserve4.51289.2HoegaardenHoegaarden5.0I.C. LightI.C. Light4.2952.8IcehouseIcehouse 5.05.01328.7IcehouseIcehouse 5.55.51499.8J.W. DundeeHoney Brown4.515013.5KeystoneKeystone Light4.21005.0Kilarney'sKilarney's Red Lager5.019722.8Killian'sKillian's4.916313.8LabattLabatt Blue5.0153LowenbräuLowenbräu5.2160M-Z
Nope, I think your wrong Bob....a quart of beer can be equal to 5 drinks (vodka, gin, wiskey, etc) if it is the higher alcohol malt types. Many are close to 9% aclohol. Honestly, a single beer or drink at lunch (especially with food) probably won't have a dire effect on your ability to run a forklift, handle an overhead crane or assemble a Viper. But, if you slam down the equivalant of 5 shots and smoke *** then even a raging alky is going to have some physical impairment.

From a personal view, I don't think any drug should be illegal...if you're stupid enough to use it, you'll have to pay the consequences either personally or legally if you hurt someone by your actions. As a business owner I have the right to drug test before employement and anytime thereafter if it's part of your job description.

It is no different than being a professional truck driver with a commercial license. They have a completely different standard of what's acceptable while driving reqarding drug and alcohol blood levels. The unions are going to have to realize that for the manufacturers to survive, workers must be productive with minimum sick days, injuries, positive mental state of mind, etc.
No jobs mean no union dues :nono:

And yes, it would be very easy to alcohol test every employee re-entering the gates with a breathalyzer and un-announced drug tests for ***, coke, etc. If a car can have a breath test device in it, I'm sure a factory set up wouldn't be too hard.

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Feb 9, 2001
Reaction score
Richmond Virginia
It depends on what they were drinking. Many beers are less than 6%. Most wines are more than 14%. An extra dry large Martini ( no Vermouth and with no specialty crap in it) is probably more than 80%. So, on a relatively empty stomach, it seems to me that a three shot Martini will produce a more rapid onset impaired condition as opposed to a quart of 5% beer. A large glass of wine, assuming it is red and one of the large "breathing" glasses is used can be as much as 1/3 of a bottle. ( It might take a bit more than that but its close.) The other issue is excretion. I have not researched it but based on personal experience beer seems to cause almost immediate urination while wine and/or a Martini do not. It's a volume related phenomenon.

Calories, carbs and alcohol

This information about calories, carbohydrates and the alcohol content of the beers listed here comes from many sources. Send additions and corrections to [email protected]. For purposes of consistency, calories and carbs are based on 12-ounce servings. Alcohol content is listed by volume (a beer that is 4.0% by volume is about 3.2% by weight).

A-L | M-Z

Brewery/BrandBeerAlcohol %CaloriesCarbsAmstel LightAmstel Light3.5955Alaskan BrewingAlaskan Amber5.0Alaskan BrewingAlaskan Pale Ale4.6Alaskan BrewingAlaskan Stout5.7Alaskan BrewingAlaskan ESB5.0Alaskan BrewingAlaskan Smoked Porter6.1Alaskan BrewingAlaskan Winter Ale6.2AnchorAnchor Steam4.9152AnchorLiberty Ale6.0188AnchorAnchor Porter5.6205AnchorOld Foghorn8-10AnchorAnchor Small3.3Anderson ValleyBoont Amber5.8Anderson ValleyHop Ottin'7.0Anderson ValleyPoleeko Gold5.5Anderson ValleyBelk's ESB6.8Anderson ValleyBarney Flats Oatmeal5.7Anderson ValleyWinter Solstice6.9Anderson ValleyHigh Rollers Wheat5.3Anderson ValleyDeep Enders Porter5.5BeamishBeamish Stout3.8131Beck'sBeck's5.0143Bell's/KalamazooTwo Hearted Ale7.0Bell's/KalamazooAmber Ale5.5Bell's/KalamazooPale Ale5.0Bell's/KalamazooKalamazoo Stout6.5Bell's/KalamazooOberon6.0Bell's/KalamazooDouble Cream Stout7.5Bell's/KalamazooThird Coast Old Ale10.2Bell's/KalamazooExpedition Stout10.0Bell's/KalamazooBest Brown Ale5.8Bell's/KalamazooCherry Stout8.0Blue MoonBlue Moon White5.417112.9BreckenridgeAvalanche Amber5.4BreckenridgeAutumn Ale6.7BreckenridgePale Ale5.7BreckenridgeChristmas Ale7.4BreckenridgeOatmeal Stout5.0BreckenridgePandora's Bock5.8BridgePortIPA5.5BridgePortPorter5.5BridgePortESB6.1BridgePortBlack Strap Stout6.0BridgePortBlue Heron4.9BridgePortPintail Ale5.2BridgePortEbenezer Ale6.4BridgePortOld Knucklehead8.9Budweiser (U.S)Budweiser5.014310.6BudweiserBud Light4.2956.6BudweiserBud Ice5.51488.9BudweiserBud Ice Light4.11106.5Budweiser BudvarBudvar5.0BuschBusch4.613310.2Busch LightBusch Light4.21106.7Busch IceBusch Ice5.917313ClausthalerClausthaler0.4965.8Colt 45Colt 45 Malt Liquor6.0172CoorsCoors Original5.014811.3CoorsCoors Light4.21025.0CoorsCoors Extra Gold5.014710.7CoorsCoors NA<0.57314.2CoronaCorona Light4.51095CoronaCorona Extra4.6148CzechvarCzechvar5.0DeschutesCascade Ale4.5140DeschutesMirror Pond Pale5.3175DeschutesBachelor ESB5.0180DeschutesBlack Butte Porter5.2185DeschutesQuail Springs IPA5.8200DeschutesObsidian Stout6.7220DeschutesJubelale6.7DeschutesBroken Top Bock7.0233DeschutesPine Mountain Pils5.1154DeschutesCinder Cone Red5.8180Dos EquisDos Equis XX4.8145Dragon StoutDragon Stout6.8220Edison LightEdison Light4.01096.5Foster'sFoster's Lager5.1156Fuller'sFuller's ESB5.9Fuller'sFuller's London Pride4.7156Genesee/High FallsGenesee 12 Horse4.815214Genesee/High FallsGenny Light3.6965.5Genesee/High FallsKipling Light Lager3.4998.0GrolschGrolsch5.0156Gordon BierschMärzen5.7Gordon BierschBlonde Bock7.0Gordon BierschPilsner5.3GuinnessGuinness Draught4.012510GuinnessForeign Extra Stout7.517614Hamm'sHamm's4.714412.1Hamm'sHamm's Light4.11107.3HeinekenHeineken5.41669.8HeinekenHeineken Light3.5996.8Henry Weinhard'sWeinhard's Amber Ale5.316914Henry Weinhard'sWeinhard's Dark4.815013.1Henry Weinhard'sWeinhard's Hefeweizen4.91289.2Henry Weinhard'sPrivate Reserve4.51289.2HoegaardenHoegaarden5.0I.C. LightI.C. Light4.2952.8IcehouseIcehouse 5.05.01328.7IcehouseIcehouse 5.55.51499.8J.W. DundeeHoney Brown4.515013.5KeystoneKeystone Light4.21005.0Kilarney'sKilarney's Red Lager5.019722.8Killian'sKillian's4.916313.8LabattLabatt Blue5.0153LowenbräuLowenbräu5.2160M-Z

This could only happen here..................


Jul 15, 2001
Reaction score
Depending on the exchange rate 8-9 US$ a gallon for premium ... :crazy2:


Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
Depending on the exchange rate 8-9 US$ a gallon for premium ... :crazy2:

Thank you. I thought you guys were at $5.20 a gal last year. It's good to know that there are Gov.s out there worse than the lousy one we got.:smirk:



Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
:crazy2: They tax us to death :crazy2:

I agree. The world was a nicer place when the taxes were low. Wives could stay at home and only husbands had to work.

I guess that all of North America and Europe are getting "taxed to death".

I think that Gas prices indicates which are the worst taxed countries. What's China charge for a L of gas? $.25? Embarassing.

Here, our deficit will be higher because of all the money we're sending to help everyone else. India now, Haiti a short while ago, the Tsunami awhile ago, earthquakes in China, etc. etc.

I think that Bella Coola Valley floods (150kms away) has cost roads, bridges and many homes yesterday. Wonder if they get any relief from our Gov.? Road needs serious work and the B C Hill has some more serious problems after the last couple days of heavy rain? Probably "can't afford" to fix it properly.


GTS Dean

Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
New Braunfels, Texas
Isn't Bavaria one of the few places that pays higher fuel that BC? I paid $1.29 for premium last month. Highest Taxes in North America. Heard that the Fed Gov is planning to add another Tax at the Alberta ground level. Our domestic gas is already way higher than Arab gas, I think we should buy our gas from the middle east since ours is so heavily taxed?

Some of the wines have aGov. profits and expenses, 180% import tax and then HST. Kinda heavily taxed. Fuel is about 40% tax here I believe. It's difficult to find because the information is too well hidden in the miasma of BS.


In the US, motor fuels are taxed at 2 distinct levels: Federal=18.4 cents/gallon, States=20 cents/gal (average). Diesel fuel is slightly higher - 20 and 25 cents/gal, respectively.

The majority of states constitutionally dedicate their fuel tax revenues to road-only uses. Quite a few of the rest put this money into their General Fund and spend it on non-highway uses. States & local governments must pony-up 10% to 20% of project costs to qualify for federal matching funds on eligible projects.

On the Federal side, the fuel tax levy is FIXED, not a percentage of retail, and is NOT indexed for inflation. The fed tax was 4 cents in 1956 when Eisenhower got the Interstate Act passed. In the early 1980's, Congress started taking 20% of motor fuel tax collections off the top and diverted it to a newly-created Mass Transit Account of the Highway Trust Fund. In '93, Congress raised the tax by 4.3 cents/gal for "deficit reduction." 4 years later, that User Fee diversion was ended and the money went into the Highway Trust Fund, where it was then dedicated to transportation-only (but not highway-only) uses. The Fed motor fuel tax has not been increased since 1993.

Authorized federal highway spending is currently around $42 Billion per year. This money goes to design, maintain and expand the Federal Aid System - Interstates, US Highways, Metro Mobility, Off-System Bridges and Federal Lands projects. Current receipts into the HTF are in the neighborhood of $28-32 B/year. Obviously, this is woefully insufficient to meet the country's needs of $50 Billion per year of road maintenance, without addressing choke points, or funding non-highway mass transit systems. Compounding the problem of insufficient funding is Congress' evermore stringent fuel efficiency (CAFE) standards. As vehicles become more miserly with fuel consumption, less user fee revenues into the HTF worsen the situation. Don't you hate Priuses? I REALLY hate them, because they take up space on the roadways and don't contribute squat to supporting the infrastructure they drive on. This is the primary reason you keep hearing about transitioning to a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) tax.

An average vehicle driving 15,000 mi/yr at 18 MPG burns 833 gallons of gas. At 18.4 cents/gal, this vehicle's owner only pays $153 federal tax, or $12.77/month. State tax @ 20 cents = $166/yr, $13.88/month. Total User Fees = $320/year or $26.65/month. How does this compare with your cable/satellite/wireless bill? Or, your electric bill? How much do you value smooth roads and low congestion? Would you rather have a federal program that is fully-supported by the people who benefit from it, or have the goverment deficit-finance it? Think about it.

GTS Dean - 4th generation highway contractor.
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Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
Busted .... !!! I will not buy early Jeep 2011 ... :)

The managers of these guys deserves to be quicked out too .... with so much beers and hash it is impossible to get around some sort of control.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Very interesting post Dean. Thank you. It looks like the employees at issue in this thread, assuming they drink after work and on weekends, must pay more in "booze" taxes than most small car drivers pay in road taxes.

In the US, motor fuels are taxed at 2 distinct levels: Federal=18.4 cents/gallon, States=20 cents/gal (average). Diesel fuel is slightly higher - 20 and 25 cents/gal, respectively.

The majority of states constitutionally dedicate their fuel tax revenues to road-only uses. Quite a few of the rest put this money into their General Fund and spend it on non-highway uses. States & local governments must pony-up 10% to 20% of project costs to qualify for federal matching funds on eligible projects.

On the Federal side, the fuel tax levy is FIXED, not a percentage of retail, and is NOT indexed for inflation. The fed tax was 4 cents in 1956 when Eisenhower got the Interstate Act passed. In the early 1980's, Congress started taking 20% of motor fuel tax collections off the top and diverted it to a newly-created Mass Transit Account of the Highway Trust Fund. In '93, Congress raised the tax by 4.3 cents/gal for "deficit reduction." 4 years later, that User Fee diversion was ended and the money went into the Highway Trust Fund, where it was then dedicated to transportation-only (but not highway-only) uses. The Fed motor fuel tax has not been increased since 1993.

Authorized federal highway spending is currently around $42 Billion per year. This money goes to design, maintain and expand the Federal Aid System - Interstates, US Highways, Metro Mobility, Off-System Bridges and Federal Lands projects. Current receipts into the HTF are in the neighborhood of $28-32 B/year. Obviously, this is woefully insufficient to meet the country's needs of $50 Billion per year of road maintenance, without addressing choke points, or funding non-highway mass transit systems. Compounding the problem of insufficient funding is Congress' evermore stringent fuel efficiency (CAFE) standards. As vehicles become more miserly with fuel consumption, less user fee revenues into the HTF worsen the situation. Don't you hate Priuses? I REALLY hate them, because they take up space on the roadways and don't contribute squat to supporting the infrastructure they drive on. This is the primary reason you keep hearing about transitioning to a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) tax.

An average vehicle driving 15,000 mi/yr at 18 MPG burns 833 gallons of gas. At 18.4 cents/gal, this vehicle's owner only pays $153 federal tax, or $12.77/month. State tax @ 20 cents = $166/yr, $13.88/month. Total User Fees = $320/year or $26.65/month. How does this compare with your cable/satellite/wireless bill? Or, your electric bill? How much do you value smooth roads and low congestion? Would you rather have a federal program that is fully-supported by the people who benefit from it, or have the goverment deficit-finance it? Think about it.

GTS Dean - 4th generation highway contractor.