$195 Thunderhill High Performance Driving School - Is this worth it?

Cal Cobra

Viper Owner
Jul 8, 2004
Reaction score
Brentwood, CA
I think they had a Viperdays here in January. Although I know this will be a lot more mellow then the Viperdays event, is it worth the $195?


I got a chuckle from their rules, especially rule # 3 & 4 :eek:

1. This is not a racing event.

2. Do not scare yourself. You will not learn while in "survival mode".

3. Do not scare you instructor. He/she cannot teach while in "survival mode".

4. If you scare your instructor, they will probably pull you off the track for a discussion. Since all A & B students must have an instructor, if none will ride with you, you may have trouble getting on the track.


Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
I have driven Thunderhill twice with Viper days, twice with the drivers school and twice with clubs. The course is great. I like it a lot better than Laguna Seca and it has much more runoff space. The Drivers school is a lot of fun but can be a bit crowded. The instructors I have had have been very good, one was a Viper Days regular and gave me a lot of good advice. It seems pretty safe but over all Viperdays is a better event in every way. Both are well worth the experience and the Street School is fun in that there is a wide variety of cars.

Fast Viper Dan

Aug 7, 2001
Reaction score
Saratoga, CA, USA
Cal Cobra, if you would like to track at Thunder Hill, I would be happy to instruct you at one of the Northern California Racing club events. When you sign up, let Dave know that Viper Dan offered to instruct you, He will set it up. http://www.ncracing.org/Club events.
I instruct at Viper days as well as coach intermediate and advanced drivers for NCRC. I always have time for Viper drivers.
Thunder hill is the best track to run your first few track days. Lots of run off. It's a fun track.
If you feel like a drive this week end, head up to TH and watch the SCCA races. I know of at least one CC that will be running. I will not be there. My race car is in pcs.
To answer your question, yes $195 is worth it. The only problem with the event you are looking at is there might not be any one that knows the Viper. At NCRC you will have 2 to 3 hrs of track time.