A Word of Warning

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Oct 30, 2000
Reaction score
West Texas, USA
I don't intend to make light of the SERIOUS problem one of our racers had with an aftermarket system, and this post is unrelated. I just got done cleaning 1.5 months worth of bug guts off of my Durango I bought from Bill Pemberton and Bob Woodhouse (They do a Great Job!) I tried Sal's tip about using WD-40 to remove with absolutely no effect! Consequently I broke out the Claybar and with minimal elbow grease the bugs disappeared! I can't wait to remove the 1.5 days worth of bugs on my Viper (now qualifies for a Viper related post).

My concern arose when, while really getting after the bug guts the claybar LOCKED UP AND BURST INTO FLAMES!!! I rushed to my handy fire suppressor (purchased from...you know who) and quickly extinguished the blaze, however not before several of my neighbors nearly ran into me trying to rubberneck the action while pulling into their driveways.

Anyway I thought I should warn everyone regarding this potential hazard. One possible resolution is to purchase certain Doo-Dads that should occupy my time and keep me from considering the bugs on my Durango (or my Viper). Any advice relative to the proper application and utilization of certain Doo-Dads would be greatly appreciated. I understand these Doo-Dads are quite common in Orange County and several of our members are expert Doo-Dad Doers. Thanks for your help!
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