I just joined the VCA...NOW WHAT?

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Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Sterling, VA
So you visited Viperclub.org or Viper Magazine and joined the VCA...or you called VCA HQ at 1-800-677-4321 and provided your information over the phone or you faxed in your registration or even mailed it in with a check...That's GREAT!!!


Now what?

Well, VCA HQ is processing your application, but it will probably take a few weeks for anything to show up in the mail. Please be patient. The VCA has thousands of members and a few dedicated hard working folks at HQ preparing membership packets, handling magazine subscriptions, etc and they do a great job!

Your membership includes perks on this forum.....Yes it does!!!

As a VCA Member, you have access to the following features on this site:
  • Posting privileges in all general Viper Forums
  • Posting & viewing privileges in VCA Members forum
  • Posting privileges in VCA Regional forums
  • Posting privileges in VCA Viper Events and Gatherings forum
  • Ability to upload and display personal avatar (Vipers only please)
  • Ability to write and use personal signature for all posts
  • Ability to see all content in Illustrated Upgrades
  • Gallery privileges up to 500 MB of uploads
  • Up to 5000 Private Messages allowed
  • FREE Classified ad posting
  • Access to exclusive SRT merchandise in VCA Members forum
  • Future exclusives such as VCA private auctions, online renewals, and much more!
So....what do we need from you in order to give you access to these features? Simple....we need your VCA Member Number listed in your profile. Yep, that's it!

"But I don't have my membership number yet, remember?"

No problem. If you joined online the VCA membership number will be sent in a reply email along with start up information. If you joined via mail or fax the membership number will come in your VCA membership packet or call the 1-800-677-4321 directly. The nice folks at HQ can give it to you over the phone. Once you receive your membership number, save it in your profile and send a Private Message to Lee (Lee00blacksilverGTS) or ViperTony (ViperTony) letting them know your profile is updated and they will upgrade your status.

We'll get your title updated to "VCA MEMBER" (If you'd like your region listed, please include that in your PM, i.e. "Illinois VCA Member"), and get your permissions updated so that you have access to all the benefits listed above.

And as usual, if there is anything we can do to help you, please let us know.
Our email contact is [email protected]

Welcome to the Viper Nation and the Viper Club of America. Now get out there and enjoy your beast!
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