Jealous Sons a Guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Motor City Mad Man

Nov 11, 2000
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
I just pulled my Viper out of a parking lot right near my house and I am coming up on a line of traffic. This **** in a minivan goes 3-4 off onto the gravel shoulder. At first I'm thinking maybe this idiot is just not paying attention or something but I drop back anyways. Then 3 more times they go completely off onto the shoulder 3-4 feet and kick up gravel and dust and now I know it's on purpose. Thank God none of it hit my car. And good thing for him the street to my subdivision was right there or I might have been tempted to pull alongside him and point my high caliber pistol at his messed up little head.

What is with these jealous idiots? I have had people pretend they are going to side swipe me on 3 occasions, had people veer over and pretending like they are going to hit me head on, people cut me off with no other cars around and get within 6 inches of the front of my car. And I am one of the friendliest Viper owners you could meet. Whenever someone stops me to talk about my car I always take time for them. I even gave a perfect stranger a ride in it one time. In fact in the parking lot I just pulled out of I just showed 3 teenagers the car and opened up the hood and stuff. Always let people sit in the car and everything.

Just because the guy had some kid at a young age and is destined to work at Burger King and drive an old minvan the rest of his miserable life, don't take it out on me.

Daffy Duck Viper

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Austin, TX. USA.
There are good people; there are bad people. I'm glad you're a good person, Sean. :) Don't let 'em get to you. They are imperfect.

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Sep 30, 2002
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Richardson, TX
Someone in an Exploder today at a red light was staring in his rearview at us. When his light turned green, his wife (assumed) patted his shoulder and he took off...still looking in his rear view and heading right for the median curb in front of him instead of straight down the lane.

He ****** the wheel at the last minute as he rolled inthe gutter and sent one of his kids in the rear seat tumbling over the back seat into the cargo area.

My wife and I were pretty amused at his stupidity and sorry for the tike who took an unexpected nose dive...good thing the cargo hatch was latched tight. :(


VCA Member North TX
Jan 23, 2002
Reaction score
Always carry your cell phone. Next time call 911 and report them as a suspected drunk driver. Police will pull them and chances are they may be drunk. If not, since they are scumballs they may not have a valid driver's license or insurance or some other possible violation. In any case may scare the $hit out of them and make them think twice about doing again. Bottom line what they are doing is wrong and dangerous and they deserve a face to face with the Police to explain their actions. Probably could get a reckless driving charge or worse for creating a hazard or road rage situation. The Police and Courts don't tolerate that kind of behavior. These are the same kind of people that if they saw your car unattended in a parking lot would probably vandalize it. Report these issues in the future and help the **** get what they deserve. No more Mr. Nice Guy! :eek:

Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Yeah bunch of asshooles! When I had my Rt/10..this guy in a diesel truck with his rear pipes aimed at me give his truck some gas and a big cloud of black smoke came at me. I know he did this by purpose because I saw him grin. I took my coke and threw it at his truck and took off...**** couldn't keep up with me. Lucky I was out of state and it wasn't a local guy. heh! I'm immature sometimes.


VCA Venom Member
Nov 12, 2000
Reaction score
Yeah bunch of asshooles! When I had my Rt/10..this guy in a diesel truck with his rear pipes aimed at me give his truck some gas and a big cloud of black smoke came at me. I know he did this by purpose because I saw him grin. I took my coke and threw it at his truck and took off...**** couldn't keep up with me. Lucky I was out of state and it wasn't a local guy. heh! I'm immature sometimes.

Once I was driving my '66 VW bug, and this giant motor home absolutely cut me off, veering directly in front of me, making me put on my brakes and swerve to avoid hitting him, (a genuine cut-off incident), all the while looking right at me in his rear view mirror. I could almost see his eyeballs, so I know he could see me too, but he just kept coming. He had no exit coming up, no reason to veer in front of me at that instant, otherwise it might have been excusable. I had no choice but to knuckle under, since he was big and I was small. I was so mad at not getting any respect, and there was nothing I could do, can't fight back in an old VW bug! So to get my "pound of flesh", I accelerated up next to him, grabbed some change from the ashtray, and as I passed him with all my 36 horsepower, I flung the change over the car towards his windshield. Probably didn't do any damage, since I couldn't get a good hurl on it, but at least it will make him think twice about being a **** in his motorhome again. He had to have heard the impact of little metal objects bouncing off his vehicle. Not my proudest moment......
Aug 5, 2001
Reaction score
****, CA,USA
Twice I've had problems with what I assume were dumb young males in cars trying to cause trouble while I was out driving. Each time I managed to get ahead of them and then let them catch up to me. I'd pull off the main road onto a smaller side road to ascertain that they were in fact following me. I'd drive slow letting them know I knew they were following and lead them to the edge of town. Then I'd turn out on a road that any local would know led to a deserted area. Each time the car following me would stop and follow no further when they figured out that I was trying to lure them to a deserted spot. I guess by that point they figured out that I was really not scared and probably armed (and they would be correct in surmising that). Wonder how small their balls felt when they had to decide that a car load of them was too chicken squat to tangle with one guy in a car in a deserted area. Each time I felt great afterwards: like King frikkin' Kong. If you are willing to carry this type of thing out to a possibly violent conclusion it might be worth trying.


Sep 24, 2001
Reaction score
windsor, ontario, canada
So far so good on this side of the border, not too many on the fly incidents from idiots.

One of the few times I parked at a bar some tool hawked a serious gumball encased in loogey, and it landed on my white stripes. Not noticing it at the time I fired up the car and drove home, a decent ride, up to full operating temps (you know, the side sill melting, sweat inducing 600 EGT degree temps).

Fried that gum on the hook like no tomorrow, ended up freezing it with some ice and pulling off in near frozen chunks as it wasn't coming off with any type of cleaner that wasn't going to get into the clearcoat. Lesson learned and could have been much worse I guess.....

Where the heck were you driving Sean, Taylortucky on the west side over there? I see lotso of straight pipes and union jack flag when I'm looking for ladies there!:D

Makes it feel good to get home and away from the riffraff.


Apr 3, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
I had a guy pull that [******] in a Cooper Mini of all cars! I tried to get him to pull over so I could kick him in the nuts in front of his girlfriend, but he just kept smiling and swirving at me. Made me wish I was in the General Lee, so I could just ram him into a ditch! lol


May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Dean..When I ride my Harley I swear I carry a few marbles always with me....I learned the hard way. So what I have done in the pass when riding in the city. It happend once. NYC taxi almost killed me..So I went up to his window, with full force wip the marbles all across his window and car..What a feeling:))) Ahhhhh, that NY style....


Oct 26, 2000
Reaction score
Motor City

I have the same question as Ryan. Where were you when this happened? I never had any problems like that here but would want to stay out of whatever area you were in. My only shady area that I go through is Pontiac and so far no issues other than the gaping jaws look.

Motor City Mad Man

Nov 11, 2000
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
Where the heck were you driving Sean, Taylortucky on the west side over there? I see lotso of straight pipes and union jack flag when I'm looking for ladies there!:D

Makes it feel good to get home and away from the riffraff.

No, I was driving in WalledTucky (Walled Lake) near my house. It is a relatively nice area, it's just that there are idiots out there no matter where you drive. The near side swipe incidents were on I-696, the guy pretending to try and hit me head on was over by 12 Oaks Mall, the guy almost clipping my front end was in a small town in Wisconsin. I probably drive my Viper more than a lot of you, so odds are I get more of the idiots than some of you who only drive it 500 miles/year.

Oh and Ryan, the women in Taylor are kind of scary, except for the ones that work at ******* over there. You've got to hit some better places. Like the car show I was at this weekend. I'll have to send you some pics and videos. :D


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Sean, I live VERY close to you. In fact, I lived in Commerce Twp for 13 years (on lower straights lake), just moved 3 years ago to Milford. I also grew up in "WalledTucky" lol.

I don't own a viper YET, but I'm looking REALLY hard. Are any of the Michigan VCA members going to the carshow this weekend in Auburn Hills? If so, I'd like to stop by and introduce myself.

Sorry to hear about your experience with the van. It's somewhat alarming since I'll be driving in areas you've mentioned. Do other north Oakland County viper owners complain of similar events? Maybe I should rethink the viper and buy a vette (just kidding).



Mar 11, 2002
Reaction score
The (UN)Constitution State
It's no Viper, but I've had some erratic behavior around my C5 out here. Most of it the standard stuff and a rare swerver, but there was one guy who went NUTS on me.

I was driving down to New Haven on a rainy Friday afternoon, got off Rt 15 and heading down Whitney Ave which has two lanes in either direction. I get to a 4-way light by a Dairy Queen and a Mobil station behind a beat early 80s chevy pickup. We wait for the light and when it turns green this guy brake stands it in front of me. Nothing hitting my car, but my first thought is what an [******] this guy is. At the time, the car was new and I was absolutely ANAL about the black paint. So he goes and I let him get a good 10 cars out. Now he starts slowing down. I slow down. He puts on his left turn signal from the left lane as though he's going to turn off. I go to roll past and he cuts the wheel right. I just brake and let him go. This behavior continues until the next light. Now I'm really PISSED at this guy and I try to position cars between us. I'm not too concerned by him yet, but definitely want him screw off.

Just my luck, the car between us decided to turn off. So now it is the two of us behind a pair of cars. For a short distance there is no problem, then he SLAMS on the brakes whilst cutting the wheel into my lane. I was still in 2nd, so I punched it, crossed the yellow line (no traffic here on curve w/ high visibility). Now he's behind me and I think in my head "go ahead and hit me, [******]. I'll own you" But this is when he gets really nutty. Now I am boxed into traffic and I am in the slow lane. I'm trapped and he's behind me. Keeps gunning it like he'll hit me and then braking when he's a few inches off my ass. I'm tensing up now, but it gets INSANE when he yanks the wheel right and hops the curb onto the SIDEWALK. :eek: Now he is beside me DRIVING ON THE SIDEWALK and swerving at me. He is getting 2-3" off my mirror before pulling away. I have nowhere to go. Can't go left, there's a car. No turn-off for another couple hundred feet.... and he's on that side anyway. Can't punch it and disappear because I'm still behind traffic. If I brake, then I'm stuck behind him again. So I bite the bullet and stay right on driving as best I can in my lane w/out moving. At this point I expect him to hit me since he finally DID intend to hit me. I tucked up TIGHT to whatever car was on my left and was out of room, he was still 2" off my mirror, then he swerved back to the sidewalk. I'm still responding calmly to what's going on on the outside, but adrenaline is now switched to 100% and I'm racing a mile a minute in my head.
We come to a light and I'm STILL trapped behind traffic. He has since pulled back ONTO the road and pulls as tight as he can to the back of the C5. I didn't have my permit yet at the time since I had just turned 21, so no .45 for backup. I'm eyeing my mirrors waiting for him to get out of the car or something while I reach behind the seat and rummage for any tools I could use on this guy.... for once, I actually don't have anything in my car. So instead I "pulled back the slide and chambered a round" with my trusty Swiss Army Knife (never leaves my side). I had one of the accessories out and used it as a "trigger" by which to hold the knife. I did all of this in motions that would make it obvious what I was doing....if I had a gun, but he couldn't see whether I did or not. At least not clearly through the back window. Whether he thought I did have a gun or that just happened to be his turn, when the light went green he went right and I continued on to Karen's place where I phoned the PD and gave them a description of the truck (which had no plates). From there we went out for happy hour. She drove. :D

That experience freaked me out a bit. Everyone asks me if I provoked the guy because they think it is as incredulous as I do that someone would do this, but all I did was get stuck behind him at a light. Must've been the Friday after a ****** week for him, who knows?

And by the way, the 'ol Swiss Army Knife would have served well if he had come after me. The "trigger" piece was a pointed pick or needle-like extension based off the center of the knife. With the knife palmed in my fist it would have made one MEAN impression between my knucles.

Final analysis: except for the spot where I HAD to swerve to get out of his way or get hit, that was as close as he came. I don't know what wire snapped w/ this guy, but if he was SERIOUS about hitting me he could have. I thought he was posing and being a dick until he popped the curb. THEN I had to take it seriously that he probably intended to hit me. The whole incident between the light at Dairy Queen and the light at the Post Office took roughly 1 minute, maybe more, over ~1/2 mile of road. Thankfully, it turned out to be nothing more than a stressful stretch of road and a story I can tell with some vigor. The police never got back to me about the truck and I can only assume that they probably didn't look too hard for it. :rolleyes:


Jan 25, 2003
Reaction score
Quebec, Canada
boy I was gettin' cranked up just reading! Now I'm wired lol! Maybe it was that pickup truck from Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation; you know the one at the I love that movie. :D

No problems up here. People think it is some kind of time machine (someone said that before, pretty good comparison) and they are a little afraid to get near it.


Sep 12, 2002
Reaction score
Granada Hills, CA USA
Always carry your cell phone. Next time call 911 and report them as a suspected drunk driver. Police will pull them and chances are they may be drunk. If not, since they are scumballs they may not have a valid driver's license or insurance or some other possible violation. In any case may scare the $hit out of them and make them think twice about doing again. Bottom line what they are doing is wrong and dangerous and they deserve a face to face with the Police to explain their actions. Probably could get a reckless driving charge or worse for creating a hazard or road rage situation. The Police and Courts don't tolerate that kind of behavior. These are the same kind of people that if they saw your car unattended in a parking lot would probably vandalize it. Report these issues in the future and help the **** get what they deserve. No more Mr. Nice Guy! :eek:

Very well said, let the authorities take care of it. And don't let such people get to you.

Motor City Mad Man

Nov 11, 2000
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
Sean, I live VERY close to you. In fact, I lived in Commerce Twp for 13 years (on lower straights lake), just moved 3 years ago to Milford. I also grew up in "WalledTucky" lol.

I don't own a viper YET, but I'm looking REALLY hard. Are any of the Michigan VCA members going to the carshow this weekend in Auburn Hills? If so, I'd like to stop by and introduce myself.

Sorry to hear about your experience with the van. It's somewhat alarming since I'll be driving in areas you've mentioned. Do other north Oakland County viper owners complain of similar events? Maybe I should rethink the viper and buy a vette (just kidding).


Cheryl, I have lived over here for 6 years now just outside Walled Lake (WalledTucky) a little bit. Anyways, I probably won't be at the car show in Auburn Hills this weekend, I'd feel better having her tucked away in her bubble as SlaughterJ said. :D If you've never taken a ride in a Viper before I'd be glad to take you on a spirited ride seeing as you live so close to me.

As far as all drivers reacting the way they do to my car, I've put close to 15,000 miles on my Viper myself, so I guess 5 or 6 run-ins over a 4 year period isn't too bad. I would think people in Oakland county would be better to deal with than people in Wayne county as far as driving an expensive car around goes.

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