I broke down and asked my wife for a mig welder for Christmas. Since I had a new welder I decided I would replace what was left of my stock exhaust. I have 2.5 inch from the flex joint into Roe High flows followed by 2.5 in/out mufflers which previously went into the stock 2.25 at the bend behind the side sills. In looking at aftermarket exhaust and the stock set up it appeared this consisted of 90s and 45s with no complex bends. I was able to order 4x 90s and 8x 45s mandrel bent aluminized for $181 shipped. I won't advertise the seller as they aren’t a board sponsor. I purchased a set of magnaflow dual wall slash cut tips for $150 shipped and have an entire muffler back for under $350. Granted it isn’t stainless, I thought this was a deal. Here is a little clip of the car at idle.
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